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The 3 Tips you MUST Know to Spot and Avoid Bad Buyers


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Hey guys! so clients can definitely get difficult. So how do we deal with this. Is it better to cancel the order, to try to do our best even if we get a bad review?

In my personal opinion bad reviews can harm the business really really bad, every time i face one i try my best to deliver if i see the order isn’t going anywhere i kindly offer a refund so it won’t accept my rating plus the person won’t leave with a bitter taste of my work!

I want to hear how you guys deal with this.

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I cancelled a lot of orders because of clients asking for things I can’t do, or order I can’t deliver, never kept working on something just to get the money knowing I can’t do it as expected from the buyer, the good thing even after cancelling a lot of orders they were all mutual cancellation and never harmed my rating and I keep getting sales and make sure to deliver the best quality I can.

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I cancelled an order the other day, I was quite conflicted. On one hand, I haven’t got many reviews yet and it may have been a good one because I spent a lot of time & effort, she was making me spend hours on constantly changing a head wrap in the logo, to make it precisely like the one from her culture ((without providing adequate photos or anything to assist) her own words “every wrap is different depending on status of the woman, marriage etc and no wrap looks the same unwrapped” that was the only information she provided on it after my repeat questions and multiple revisions of me guessing the how the head wrap should be after hours spent for what would total £6 or so I just though this isn’t worth it.

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TAKE BACK. Once upon a time in my life, I sold cars for a few weeks. One of the tools I learned as a salesperson is the “take back,” and that’s when you tell the customer you don’t want to sell to him or her anymore. The reason to use the take-back is when the customer is beating you up on price or keeps asking for extras and additional services that aren’t included in the original sale. Same thing on Fiverr, when you get a client who wants to haggle you down to bottom dollar and then keeps asking for immediate delivery and extra services outside of what they’re willing to pay, you use the take-back: request a mutual cancellation and send a message along the lines of, “It breaks my heart, Mr. Smith, but I’m refunding your order. You don’t seem certain about what you want, and twice you’ve asked for work beyond what we agreed. For these reasons I think it would be best if you found another seller to complete your order.” At this point, one of two things will happen: Either your buyer will accept the cancellation and go away, or the buyer will give up being problematic and get with the program. Nothing hurts a buyer more than saying “I don’t want your money,” so if you’re going to use the take-back, be sure it’s for a good reason. - See more at: http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/58062/32-detailed-tips-to-optimize-your-gigs-and-start-selling-today/p1#sthash.NrKBj0e4.dpuf

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Cancelling is sometimes the only way to go to get the client out of your hair. At the end of the day, it’s just what - 5, 10, 20 USD? But at least you can keep your dignity and your joy of being a freelancer. This is the internet, and a lot self-indulged and entitled people will stumble upon your profile. Just do your best, and, if there’s one guy out of 50 who hates your gig, hey, it’s no reason to close the shop!

Having said that, though, I had a client who asked for four or five modifications and it gave me a weird satisfaction to finally get a 5 star feedback from him after all the hassle. Us freelancers are sometimes masochistic. Go figure…

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I had to cancel one the other day because 1) the buyer paid me $5 for a word count that cost $15 and I said I couldn’t do the work for less money than I charge everyone; and 2) the buyer was unresponsive when every day until deadline I asked what they wanted me to do. If the buyer had MAYBE said anything to me all week, I might have considered negotiating a lower price or doing something different for them, but the only response I got was when two days before deadline I asked for a mutual cancellation. Then, they declined!!! I couldn’t believe it. I ended up canceling anyway. I just can’t understand why this buyer wouldn’t communicate with me. That was one of very few “bad buyer” instances I’ve had here on Fiverr, and I definitely prefer to cancel and save my sanity than deal with that.

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Hey everybody,

When i get in contact with difficult clients i usually try to work more than i offer to get to the design they need and most clients are happy in the end but if a client talks bad or he has an unprofessional behaviour i cancel the order and state the clear reasons for that for the community managers; i just had a bad experience with a client that asked for some work and i said i can work out from scracth and asked for a price but he started laughing and spamming with messages saying he needs something simple and i accepted for the basic 5$ wanting to help the man but eventually he continued with the bad behaviour and spamming and saying that he want something that will take 10 minutes and he wants it right now and he is popular on fiverr and other non-senses so i cancelled the order and i advised him if he ever contacts me again on the future to revise his behaviour and i got a reply to that saying ‘ok no worries!’ so i hope he learned something from this experience!

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Everyone is different and therefore acts differently in different situations. You should try to resolve an issue with a buyer, try to do your best but then if the buyer is really not happy with the work then you’re better of returning his money back and still try to keep the buyer for future references as he may come back.

Currently I have such buyer who purchased 2 months ago from me by an error and then I had to refund him back. But then few days ago he got back and purchased again from me saying that he didn’t know what he was doing the very first time. I was like ok, happy right, I got a customer. This just gives you an example that even though if you experience an issue with a buyer and that results with a refund you never know he may be back to you again in a future.

I guess try to do your best and leave a positive attitude so that you gets a good impression of the fiverr platform and you as a seller. That matters because one way of marketing is also word of mouth and that’s exactly what he will do. He’ll start telling people about the fiverr platform and you and what you will do for your money etc.

At least that’s what I am trying to do. Now, again there are difficult situations but the most important thing is the happy end 🙂

I hope that you find my writings here friendly.


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Guys i love all of your experiences i think by sharing this we learn how to deal with this clients and become better. it takes time and certainly it all comes down to customer services, being friendly and polite and always trying to keep the best relationship with all clients is the key to success. Some people are hard to dela with, but this is life and every single person in the world encounters these sort of people.
So keep the good job, good reviews and don’t get disappointed because some situations might not work out. this is just life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I’ve got an unhappy buyer. I wrote a Facebook ad, and it hasn’t even been tested because it’s so ‘awful’. It’s only $5 so I will probably refund on Monday…I’m simply waiting for my own tongue to cool down! I genuinely think some buyers assume that great reviews = miracles happen. If you have a fragglesrock, all I can do is paint it with gold. It’s still a fragglesrock… a $5 turd…

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Guest bdodd43

I had a client I was doing a business card for and they didn’t know how to write instructions clear. Maybe they knew what they wanted to say but just couldn’t explain it in text. They kept changing the logo and the what they wanted on the card. Come to find out they was having the work done but needing it approved from their company. I worked on it for 3 days and trying to save my 100% feedback rating. Finally we got the job done and they did end up tipping me 20.00. It turned out decent for me but still they ordered one of my gig extra’s for the $5 gig.

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Reply to @idesigngraphic: You did the right thing. On my 4th order here on fiver I got a difficult client and I decided to do the work no matter what, I thought that this would help me get ratings and thus more customers… wrong! Here is what happened; I spend an hour on a 5 dollar gig, plus all the back and forth with the guy to get it right. I explained that I went above and beyond on that order to build a relationship but that from then on, I would have to price things accordingly. He loved the result and I got a 5 star glowing review. That sounds like a great ending to the story, right? Well, the next morning I had 5 different orders from the same guy, a fiver each. Then “ I was quite conflicted.” Should I spend hours on this 5 gigs or Cancel? I cancelled and it took weeks for me to get another order. From then on, If someone gets difficult I just cancel the order, but not right away. I send the appropriate extras rebuttal to fulfil the order… some take them, some don’t but I always do things on my own terms.

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I always mention in my GIG to message me first before Order my GIG with requirements.

Buyer message me first, i ask their requirements if it suits I take order otherwise not. or tell them which can be done or which not, if it suits buyer, buyer order the GIG otherwise not.

Sometimes buyer never read the gig description and direct order the gig, in that case if buyers requirements doesn’t fit my gig requirements, i told buyer it cant be done, some part of job, as all things mentioned in GIG description.

In that way I usually avoid 90% buyer with bad experience and cancellation of Order.

Try it. It will work.

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