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Request money (118$) for the first order from Fiverr? Is it ok oder phishing?



After my tegistration on Fivver like a seller I received a notification that I need to provide my credit card information and confirm the transaction for $118 to get my first order on Fivver. My bank thinks it's a phishing scam and hasn't confirmed the transaction. Tell me, is it normal that when you first order, Fiverr requests that you transfer money to them with a promise of a subsequent refund. I need to verify the bank account?

Снимок экрана 2024-02-28 133129.png

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52 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

Are you sure you entered Fiverr.com? Because the link in your browser seems to suggest other website. There is a scam link running around similar to what you have, which encourages people to share their personal info like bank info. Don't continue to be safe. Just enter Fiverr via its regular link, https://www.fiverr.com/.

Still that copy (the website, not the writing the writing is terrible lol) is really scary. 

Like, as someone who's worked on Fiverr for years we wouldn't fall for it but... It's perhaps the dangerous scam right now I would say. 

1 hour ago, irynasupervideo said:
After my tegistration on Fivver like a seller I received a notification that I need to provide my credit card information and confirm the transaction for $118 to get my first order on Fivver. My bank thinks it's a phishing scam and hasn't confirmed the transaction. Tell me, is it normal that when you first order, Fiverr requests that you transfer money to them with a promise of a subsequent refund. I need to verify the bank account?

Снимок экрана 2024-02-28 133129.png

It's a scam. Trust your bank and avoid at all cost.


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I just had the same experience. Got a push message to confirm a 222€ transfer. It started with an email from NoReply@e.fiverr.com, with an "e." before fiverr.

I was stupid enough to enter my card numbers. They have my phone number, I don't know how they got it.

Here is what it looks like:



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Edited by mammut36
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