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Tell Me Something Unusual/Unique About You That Is Not On Your Resume


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On 6/30/2023 at 5:07 PM, melanielm said:

1 - I once gave someone a concussion with a stunt kite (The fool ran under it before I could safely land it.)

2 - I haven't met a type of cheese I don't like.

3 - I once 'ran away from home' on the family's riding lawnmower. (I didn't get far... they could track me easily from the noise.)

My thoughts on what you wrote:

1 - The good thing about this, is that he was already a fool. It would be a shame if a genius got a concussion which changed him into an idiot.

2 - I just consulted all the cheeses I know—they all like you too.

3. That's the funniest and cutest thing I've ever heard—but only if what you were running away from was normal yet annoying for a child (vs violence and stuff).

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On 6/30/2023 at 7:18 AM, vickiespencer said:

1. When I was 18, my thumb was crushed and cut off just below the nail bed in a farming accident caused by heavy machinery. My dad rushed me to the doctor's office, where it was sewn back on. Now it is a bit crooked.

2. My dad had nine sisters and three brothers. Each of them had six or more children, so I have over 80 first cousins.

3. As a farmer's daughter, I learned to drive a truck when I was ten so I could help my dad during harvest.    

My thoughts on what you wrote:

1 - Your thumb is crooked . . . I'm wondering what new hand gesture emojis you could invent . . .  [ We could start with these:👍👎🫶🤘👌. Now draw the thumbs crooked . . ]

2 - 80 1st cousins . . . This is fascinating! I have so many questions: Do you like having so many cousins, or not? How many of them are you close to? Are there some you've never met? Etc.

3. Love it. First thing that popped into my head: Levin from Anna Karenina.

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On 6/30/2023 at 5:41 PM, breals said:

1.  I am the UK's only Tom Hanks Lookalike.  ( As you can imagine, it was a hoot growing up and attending school when Forrest Gump was released)  

2. I have an unhealthy phobia of sharks, to the point where I will not go into the sea ( Thank you Mr Spielberg) 

My thoughts on what you wrote:

1 - Hopefully for you, your wife looks like Rita Wilson . . .?

2 - Not exactly the same, but I can relate somewhat cuz I have an illogical phobia of whales. 

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15 hours ago, leannelrivers said:

1. I like to eat raw garlic and cheese on toast, but only when I don't need to see anyone. 

2. I'm an expert on IOI's Hitman.

3. I regularly attend silent meditation retreats, particularly after too many visits to the forum. 

4. I used to be a pretty good pool player. Men would regularly challenge me and put money down on the table, money that they regularly lost, along with their pride. 

You say you 'used to be a pretty good pool player.' If you decided to start playing again with the intent of earning some cash, I suggest combing it with number 1—seems you'll earn even more. 😉

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On 6/29/2023 at 2:42 AM, sabinespoems said:

1) I still have 4 of my baby teeth, because no 'adult' teeth are below them. So if they fall out, I'll be toothless there.

2) When I flare my nostrils I get a dimple in my chin (do I get points for this pointless fact?). 

3) I love doing my nails and, albeit amateurish, painting nail art on them. These canvasses are very tiny, so it can get quite challenging to succeed 😅

If your baby teeth do fall out at some point, might I suggest painting them as you described in number 3? I say this because my sources say the tooth fairy doesn't visit those over the age of 12. . . 

Although, my sources are Santa Clause and Mr. Sandman—and what their answers are, depends on their mood, which changes every few days.  

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1. I have PKU (1 in 10,000 people have this) and photosensitive epilepsy (1 in 3000 people have this). So, I'm kinda... unlucky, I guess?

2.  I never tasted honey till I was 21.

3. I have a very good memory. My girlfriend often gets annoyed by me remembering conversations from many years ago. And I used to remember all the capitals of the world. I replaced that with other useless trivia but I still remember nearly all the flags.

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1. Musician as a hobby (Can play guitar, Keyboard, and basic drums. I was in some small bands. Also teach playing guitar as a side hustle)

2. Everyone's go-to tech guy in the neighborhood.

3. I have a severe case of a "Deviated Septum" that I didn't realize and told anyone before and am currently used to it. (Can breathe well in summer, monsoon, and autumn, In winter mouth is the only option.

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On 7/6/2023 at 8:50 PM, leannelrivers said:

I like to eat raw garlic and cheese on toast, but only when I don't need to see anyone. 

Oh, I love love love garlic as long as they're fried, or baked, spreading on a toast with a lil seasoning of salt and tomatoes. 

I usually add garlic to everything, kinds of pasta, cheese garlic toast and

the fun fact is almost every Pakistani food is incomplete without adding ginger garlic paste, haha.

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Something unusual and unique about me that is not on my resume is that I have a hidden talent for mimicry and impersonation. I have a knack for imitating different accents, voices, and even specific individuals. Whether it's mimicking famous personalities, regional accents, or even fictional characters, I thoroughly enjoy entertaining people with my vocal range. It's a fun party trick that often surprises and amuses those around me. However, since it's not directly related to my professional skills or qualifications, it hasn't found its way onto my resume.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 28.6.2023 at 23:17, looseink said:


Ich werde den Stein ins Rollen bringen.

Drei Dinge über mich:

1) Ich bin beidhändig (schauen Sie bei Bedarf nach ... lol)

2) Ich habe den Nierenkrebs überlebt (obwohl ich bis zu seiner Entfernung nicht wusste, dass der Tumor krebsartig ist, was meinen Stress während des 14-monatigen Wartens auf einen offenen Termin auf der Operationsliste reduzierte).

3) Ich erhole mich von einer Herzinsuffizienz (genauer gesagt Vorhofflimmern, und ich bin heutzutage viel stärker als vor einem Jahr).

Sie sind dran – Sie müssen nicht drei aufzählen, aber wenn Sie sie haben, hören wir sie uns an!

Hallo ich finde das so stark das du das ganze durcherlebt hast. Mega viel Kraft und weiterhin die Lebenslust nicht verlieren! 

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