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Hello, welcome to Fiverr and the forums!


You can search the topics in the forum to learn more about how to improve your gig. Be sure to check "Improve my Gig" section on the forums to learn more about gig dynamics!

As a general summary; keywords in your "gig description", your presentation of your profession through your "gig video" and sample works you have done before are important. There are quite a lot of topics on the forum about these, I'm sure you'll find a lot of useful information here. If you are unable to find what you are looking for after a thorough research, you can start a new topic to ask specific questions about how to improve.

Hope this helps, and be sure to send a message to us if you need more help!

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The cool thing about Fiverr is that I tend to get orders when I'm SLEEPING! It's true! I received one a few days ago and I responded to the Buyer a couple of hours after I had my breakfast...and I still GOT THE JOB! Don't believe anyone who tells you that you need to be active 24/7/365. It's bunk.

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1 hour ago, looseink said:

It's true!

I agree with @looseink - I was off-grid at a National Park a couple of days ago (and we came home late, so I went straight to bed). When I woke up, I found out there was a buyer message that was sitting in my inbox for 7 hours. It was definitely the longest I've gone without responding to a buyer. But the buyer didn't mention my slow response time ... and they did end up placing an order. It's nice working with buyers who understand that sellers do have a life and don't need to respond right away.

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On 6/23/2023 at 12:17 AM, mahadiflbd said:

How many hours are required to be active to receive an order?

You need to understand first that staying online/active does not help you with anything else (not even getting orders). Just respond to your buyers on time and offer quality services.

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On 6/23/2023 at 1:28 PM, kawsar_log said:

try to be active for at least 8-10 hours every day!

WRONG! This does not help you at all. This myth is spread by sellers who lack knowledge about how Fiverr works.

Read number 1 in this post:

How to be successful on Fiverr, common questions answered and a collection of great posts that helped me achieve TRS. - Tips for Sellers - Fiverr Community

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Nothing is required to receive an order.
People find you and like to work with you, or they don't...
It is that simple! 

I want to have two options for myself. 

  1. When I am at home, my PC is always on and Fiverr is always on. (Reason for that? Quick response time, Happy buyers)
  2. When I am at work, I'll use my mobile. (Reason for that? Quick response time, Happy buyers)

And the rest is just working on orders, having a little chat on the forum, helping others ( if you like that... I do ) watching a movie, going outside to a park or what ever it is to fill up your day. 


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11 hours ago, nazmul_nasim said:

I think after 5 p.m-9 p.m & after 4 a.m-9 a.m is the best time For Bangladesh 

How do you know these when you have made Zero Sale on Fiverr yet? Kindly do not guide anyone unless you have experienced it. With zero sales, you are not in position to do it.

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  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, mahadiflbd said:

How does fiverr forum help us get buyers ?

Short answer: It doesn't.

Longer and more complex answer: There are hundreds of threads in Tips for Sellers with advice. There are tens of thousands of threads of sellers asking for help, in which other users might provide suggestions for improvement. READ. Read, learn, apply. Improving yourself can help you get Buyers.

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