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17 hours ago, fazeenamansoor said:

this my job that's what can give me bread and butter.

By your own announcement, you've only been on Fiverr for 9 days. Perhaps you should establish yourself as a great seller, before you even think about making Fiverr your "bread and butter". Fiverr does not guarantee orders, and they do not guarantee fast income. 

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Read it again it's about the job not about the platform. I mean I make money by working as a mental health supporter, Fiverr helped me or not my full time job is the same. I already have my primary plan. And the vibe you got by my reply for your comment may be from the overall impact of my country's current crisis situation. Im from sri lanka. We work so hard to rebuild our country's finance. 

We highly believe fiverr will give a hand to become better. Hey you guys encourage us instead of this. May be 9 days but im high positive and confident about this platform and on my own skills and yeah, let's have some patience... 

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4 hours ago, fazeenamansoor said:

We highly believe fiverr will give a hand to become better.

YOU are responsible for your own success. No one is going to do that for you. Fiverr certainly wants to see freelancers who take the initiaitive to build their own success on Fiverr, however, as I already stated, Fiverr does not guarantee that any seller will be given orders, or success here. If you want to be a successful freelancer on Fiverr, YOU are the only person who can make that happen.

4 hours ago, fazeenamansoor said:

Hey you guys encourage us instead of this.

I just did. Perhaps, though, that isn't the kind of encouragement that you were expecting.

4 hours ago, fazeenamansoor said:

let's have some patience... 

Yes, patience, and lots and lots of hard, determined, unrelenting, well-planned business strategies. Are YOU willing to do the hard work, or are you expecting someone else to make everything happen for you?

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5 minutes ago, fazeenamansoor said:

And all these conversation started from just a question about my statistics. I dont know what it has to do with all your comments.

If you had set business goals for yourself, you would know whether or not those statistic are a good reflection of those goals. 

7 minutes ago, fazeenamansoor said:

My statement doesn't tells anyone to do anything for me.

Good luck as you work to build and grow your freelance services here on Fiverr.

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On 8/19/2022 at 1:50 PM, fazeenamansoor said:

Hey there, 

It's been 7 day I created my gigs I have all 4 gigs and i've get 880 Impressions and 25 clicks. Is that a positive statistic? 

Hi @fazeenamansoor, right now that's only one data point. So you'll have to monitor how these statistics perform over time to really see if it is a good statistic or not.

Higher impressions mean that your gig is seen as relevant when a buyer looks up your service in search. Relevancy is determined not only by how relevant your gigs are, but your seller statistics, quality of service, and ratings compared to your competitors.

Higher clicks means that those who see your gig are interested enough to click on it and visit your gig page.

If you get orders, that means your gig convinced the buyers who did visit your gig that it was worth ordering. Ultimately, it's the orders that you want to be getting.

@jonbaas also had a lot of good advice on setting good business goals to improve your business.

You can read more about how Fiverr works here:


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