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About buyers that don't contact before ordering.


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Can I have a clause such that in such condition they must accept a rate increase (x10) due to potential issues?

Those issues will be cases such as:

- Spontaneous Rush order situation, eg: A bug investigation and fix for a five page web application which can't be solved in 7 days in normal circumstances

- I will have to look up information on the issue without their input

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Sadly it happens. sometimes buyers just place an order without reading your gig description properly, nor contacting you beforehand. If you realize there isn't enough time to complete the job they asked for, you could apply some extra days with a request (extras can be free, or include an additional payment). If they accept, you will have more than just the default time to do it, if not you could contact the CS and they might cancel the order for you without affecting your rates (since in that case the buyer placed an order 'by mistake', aka they didn't check the gig description properly before placing their order).

However, if you didn't clarify anywhere that buyers need to message you before ordering, I would suggest you to add it. Sometimes they still ignore it and proceed with a new order straight away, but in the 90% of cases I get contacted before any new order is placed.

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22 hours ago, nika_3dartist said:

Sadly it happens. sometimes buyers just place an order without reading your gig description properly, nor contacting you beforehand. If you realize there isn't enough time to complete the job they asked for, you could apply some extra days with a request (extras can be free, or include an additional payment). If they accept, you will have more than just the default time to do it, if not you could contact the CS and they might cancel the order for you without affecting your rates (since in that case the buyer placed an order 'by mistake', aka they didn't check the gig description properly before placing their order).

However, if you didn't clarify anywhere that buyers need to message you before ordering, I would suggest you to add it. Sometimes they still ignore it and proceed with a new order straight away, but in the 90% of cases I get contacted before any new order is placed.

I have had such instances and usually fiverr CS cancels the order without it being a negative towards me. What I want to know is that if they do as such and I send them a request for a 10x price increase and they reject it if I can still request a cancel of that same nature.

This isn't for my current gig btw, it's for a new one which carries significantly more risk and can be much more time sensitive.

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On 6/16/2022 at 1:46 PM, kylestclair said:

Can I have a clause such that in such condition they must accept a rate increase (x10) due to potential issues?

Those issues will be cases such as:

- Spontaneous Rush order situation, eg: A bug investigation and fix for a five page web application which can't be solved in 7 days in normal circumstances

- I will have to look up information on the issue without their input

If you promise a service at a given price, that's what you're supposed to deliver. Asking for a rate increase after the fact would probably land you lots of angry clients, cancellations and in the end: no success on Fiverr. 

But you can write in your gig description that you require the buyer to contact you first. If they don't, customer support will most likely help you cancel the order, since your gig description is – in a way – like a contract. If you deliver what your gig description and other marketing material on Fiverr promises, you've fulfilled your obligation. 

If that delivery is dependent on a conversation before ordering, that should help you cancel any order after the fact. 

If your gig carries a lot of risk, the first thing you should considering is setting the price high enough to deterr ignoramuses from purchasing in the first place, in addition to making it very clear in your gig video, description and packages that you REQUIRE the buyer to contact you first, and that any order without prior agreement = cancellation. 

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59 minutes ago, kylestclair said:

I have had such instances and usually fiverr CS cancels the order without it being a negative towards me. What I want to know is that if they do as such and I send them a request for a 10x price increase and they reject it if I can still request a cancel of that same nature.

This isn't for my current gig btw, it's for a new one which carries significantly more risk and can be much more time sensitive.

I agree with what smashradio said. You shouldn't really increase the price by a lot if you have a different cost listed. Clients may think you are scamming them by charging random amounts to get a higher profit and I doubt they would easily agree with it. Imho, if you do it and they forward a cancellation, the CS may not see what you did as a security measure, but rather like a forced way to gain more money while having placeholder prices in your gig that do not represent the actual value (even if it is not the case).

I would only apply additional cost with extras (as long as it is reasonable) if they place an order expecting more than what your service provides and it is clarified on your gig page. If it's just a matter of time being limited, only forward an extra request for free where you indicate x more days that are required for you to complete the job they are asking for. Otherwise you should indicate any additional fee/extra payment in your description or FAQ page, where a certain type of request will cost more for this and that reason. In that case, buyers won't be able to complain because you stated it clearly and they didn't check your page properly to begin with.

smashradio's sugestion about increasing the gig cost directly, however, sounds like a good alternative.

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