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Hello friends! i am Atik Fahad Emon.recently i have joined this marketplace because i am facing serious financial issue in my life thats why i came here to work with this marketplace.I am totally a newcomer. I will do my best to work with fiverr! i heard that fiverr changed peoples life! many people were poor,facing financial problem just like me! so therefore if they can devlop then why not me! as a beginner i accepted this challange! 

maybe i get something to do or it may change my life! so i am hoping something from this marketplace!

i would love to share my gig here! if theres a person who can help me by my service then they are welcome! i hope this community gives me something new. a better life! also i will devlop my skills though this works!

Thank you!



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So all you have discussed is your financial need, and your desire to make money. What can you do for someone as a service that will be valuable enough for them to pay you? You have to develop your business, no one here is going to buy your service or develop your business because you like money. This is a freelancing site, not a street corner where one plays harmonica while people to throw nickels. 

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Welcome to the Fiverr forums. 

Check out the Tips For Sellers category (https://community.fiverr.com/forums/?sortby=posts&sortby=posts&sortdirection=desc&forumId=16). You'll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources **as there are some false tips**(https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/215551-top-5-fiverr-myths-debunked/), even among the top threads.)

It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly.

"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)


I'll caution you: all those success stories you hear? Those are the rare few. For every broadcasted success story, there are dozens of silent failures that are never mentioned. Yes, Fiverr can change lives, but to have long-term success, you have to have a business mindset, a professional attitude, and (possibly most important) something of value to offer. 

You can succeed, but be ready to work for it.

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9 hours ago, atik_fahad_emon said:

i would love to share my gig here! if theres a person who can help me by my service then they are welcome! i hope this community gives me something new.

The Fiverr forum is made up mostly of other sellers. You will not find your buyers here. Also, I looked at your profile and see you have one gig for logo design. Are you aware there are 199,773 other level one seller gigs on Fiverr that also sell logos? There are also 59,766 gigs for logo design offered by TRS, level 2 and level 1 sellers.

Fiverr is not a get rich way for most sellers to make money. I wish you luck, but as they say in my country, "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket."

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Totally second @vickiespencer here. You won't be getting orders from here, also thousands of people are already providing such services earlier, there should be something unique that other people are not offering and you are, so people come to you (apart from offering your services at $5 or the lowest possible rate with unlimited revisions) because if you search, multiple people are doing that too. 

I wish you good luck and hope you find the best sellers and deliver great quality work!

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