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What's the strangest soda you've ever had?


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Hey all!

Another strange question, and an answer I didn't think I'd have up until yesterday!

So, there's people from many countries on here, which means that our tastes might differ (so make sure to be kind), but... that also means that we've all encountered unusual soda/pop/fizzy drink flavours before.

I always thought that cotton candy (never had it, just saw it) would be the oddest, BUT a few days back we saw THIS beauty in a shop.


Raspberry candy soda. Come on.

(I had to buy it. And I love it.) 

Please spam the funkiest flavours of soda you've had so far! I'd love to see all the 'crazy' flavours from around the world (and maybe order some for some special events!)

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1 hour ago, sarahcmcooper said:

Not the strangest, but doing a shameless Scottish plug here. Our Irn Bru is something else. It's lovely, but luminous orange!


I was just about to post this (though I'm not even Scottish)🤣

It was way better with 10g of sugar per 100ml, anyway it's still a great stuff!

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2 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

You want strange? The brand "Jones Soda" puts out a five-bottle holiday gag-giftset that... lives up to the title of a gag-gift.


Lets just say that 'turkey and gravy' should NOT be carbonated. 

(The 'cranberry-sauce' was drinkable, though.)


I might have to look into getting this to be honest (not sure if they can be ordered here!) Turkey and gravy sounds bizarre, but as a gag gift it sounds hilarious. 

Cranberry sauce would probably be good though, tbh. 
Oh, Sweden has these two, which are basically the same thing BUT one is for Christmas, the other is for Easter. They are exactly the same... kind of like jagermeister but sweeter (though these are sodas, so not alcohol.)


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1 hour ago, sarahcmcooper said:

It's lovely, but luminous orange!

I'm so sorry but irn bru is probably my limit at 'weird'! (Jokes aside, I've tried it a few times but I just can't warm up to it!) I loved near Edinburgh for a while, and saw the obsession with it but... I'd rather much on haggis, neep and tattis.) 

(I'll try again next time I visit though. Tastebuds change!)

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2 hours ago, katakatica said:

I'm so sorry but irn bru is probably my limit at 'weird'! (Jokes aside, I've tried it a few times but I just can't warm up to it!) I loved near Edinburgh for a while, and saw the obsession with it but... I'd rather much on haggis, neep and tattis.) 

(I'll try again next time I visit though. Tastebuds change!)

Hahah I'll be totally honest, I don't love it either. And they've changed the recipe due to the sugar tax so it tastes a bit weird now. Haggis neeps and tatties though, that is my jam! 

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"Raspberry Candy" reminds me of a local drink: Anne of Green Gables Raspberry Cordial.

It's still readily available locally and somewhat ubiquitous.

There used to be a local brand of "Birch Beer" which was made using tree bark. It was basically caramel and mint.


I picked up some Pineapple Fanta today. I was excited about it because I'd had Pineapple Crush in Newfoundland and it was so good, but only expensive importers brought it locally so I didn't have it often. Haven't tried it yet though.

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9 hours ago, moikchap said:

Haven't tried it yet though.

Fanta's tropical flavours are decent in general (though I'm not the hugest fan!) We went to this Chinese restaurant a few weeks back and they served lemon Fanta but it wasn't really fizzy, more like a lemonade - that was kinda odd (I assume they just ran out!)

I think I'd love the raspberry one though!

15 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

FOUND IT! (Took me a bit to find this! Watched this last year sometime.)


Okay, new bucket list item unlocked. I NEED to go there!
We have a small 'American' store in the centre (I'm sure there's others) that has some funky flavours - plus Arizona Ice Tea in less common flavours, which is not too bad. I want to find a specialty store (maybe online) and do a funky soda tasting soon though!


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