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Adding Cancellation Rating System to Both Buyers and Sellers

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Hi, this has been a big loophole… Fiverr needs to do something about this… I think most sellers also experience this. That is some buyers would buy gigs and simply states

My misorder

Please cancel

In this state, we, as sellers, can’t do anything… F iverr should apply a system that has rating for both buyers and sellers, so that if buyers requestion cancellation, it won’t affect sellers’ cancellation and all, so it can be FAIR, so it won’t discourage sellers here, so you can close the loophole…

seriously, guys, u need to do something about this…

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Guest luna_dreamer07

@cheezees: Your answer is pure gold. I understand cancellations happen because of legitimate misunderstandings, but even those look poorly on the seller, no fault at all with the buyer. I’ve had buyers give me complete freedom on my Gigs, only for me to end up with 2 cancellations because they ultimately didn’t like the freedom I had.

Plenty of Sellers probably have had dozens of Buyers sabotage their accounts, spiking their cancellation ratios. Yes, we work for the customer but the customer isn’t always a saint. Unfortunately Fiverr believes otherwise.

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