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Hey, I'm a Buyer as well, maybe a Top Buyer? probably...


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Yes, probably I'm a Top Buyer, not just a Seller. So why not telling you a couple of tips? exactly one important tip which I consider fundamental:

- relationship

Means when you deal with a seller, not just demand this or that. Try to create a relationship. I know it's difficult with chat and so far away, but it's important. The seller relaxes and can deliver a quality product. At the same time, you can be part of his creativity with your ideas. At the end the product will be also something yours, not just a bought product.

Edited by manuelmarino
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17 hours ago, manuelmarino said:

Yes, probably I'm a Top Buyer, not just a Seller. So why not telling you a couple of tips? exactly one important tip which I consider fundamental:

- relationship

Means when you deal with a seller, not just demand this or that. Try to create a relationship. I know it's difficult with chat and so far away, but it's important. The seller relaxes and can deliver a quality product. At the same time, you can be part of his creativity with your ideas. At the end the product will be also something yours, not just a bought product.

Honestly, not all clients think that way. If they thought like you, at the end of the day they would get a lot of good quality work.

Your advice is really great.

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Yeah, Selling is a sacred trust between buyer and seller but sometimes it didn't happen just cause of some chilly things. At the end the product will be also something your, not just a bought product. Your Advice is really Great.🤍

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Yes you are telling truth. But honestly I am telling you that all the clients or buyer don't think like you not only job. Relationship too. If they thought so there would not have been so many complain and many order cancellation here or fiverr customer support. If you think that review doesn't a matter of you then you can place me a job. I will. But please will tell there that you are from fiverr forum. No probloem. Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/8/2021 at 9:26 PM, manuelmarino said:

Yes, probably I'm a Top Buyer, not just a Seller. So why not telling you a couple of tips? exactly one important tip which I consider fundamental:

- relationship

Means when you deal with a seller, not just demand this or that. Try to create a relationship. I know it's difficult with chat and so far away, but it's important. The seller relaxes and can deliver a quality product. At the same time, you can be part of his creativity with your ideas. At the end the product will be also something yours, not just a bought product.

I don't how I will say thank you for share this topic. Yes Yes, It's really good tips for a Buyer and it's too for seller.

Because If any seller make a good relationship with his/her buyer it's good opportunity for his/her and he/she work with his buyer long term.  

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yes, I call it synergy. I want to add something more about this topic: the expectations. Ok, consider this, I create music, but my prices are very low compared to big names in the industry that earn 2 millions of dollars per feature film. This is normal, freelancers usually give very high quality products fast and easily, to customers in need with a lower budget. It's perfectly normal, it's part of our business. The problem is the expectations. I can't deliver a 2 million dollars product for 200 USD. It's just an example, but it's important to explain this to customers, and we can educate customers teaching to have expectations at a reasonable level.

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Yes, We really miss a buyer like you. 

But in my freelance journey, I found many buyers, who do not send a single massage. They just give an order and go. 

But when you didn't give a just single massage then We lost our working interest in your project, Sometimes we need help, But they do not reply to our message. It's too bad. 

If buyers build a good relation, Then I'm 100% sure every Buyers and Seller will be satisfied

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HELP - I ask for a cancellation because the Fluent in French content writer seller I hired actually didn'T speak or write French outside of Google Translate!!!
Now that I have cancelled, I have a credit, but i don't want credit, I want my cash back!
Is there a way to do that??

please let me know. thanks

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On 8/8/2021 at 9:26 PM, manuelmarino said:

Yes, probably I'm a Top Buyer, not just a Seller. So why not telling you a couple of tips? exactly one important tip which I consider fundamental:

- relationship

Means when you deal with a seller, not just demand this or that. Try to create a relationship. I know it's difficult with chat and so far away, but it's important. The seller relaxes and can deliver a quality product. At the same time, you can be part of his creativity with your ideas. At the end the product will be also something yours, not just a bought product.

Yes, It's a great tips. When you will make a relationship with seller that time seller will provide you more professional work and he will try to provide you something extra so that you will satisfied with his work. So it's a good tips for buyers. Thank you so much Manuelmarino for your tips.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/8/2021 at 4:26 PM, manuelmarino said:

Yes, probably I'm a Top Buyer, not just a Seller. So why not telling you a couple of tips? exactly one important tip which I consider fundamental:

- relationship

Means when you deal with a seller, not just demand this or that. Try to create a relationship. I know it's difficult with chat and so far away, but it's important. The seller relaxes and can deliver a quality product. At the same time, you can be part of his creativity with your ideas. At the end the product will be also something yours, not just a bought product.

Nice to meet you here, I'm a seller new at fiver!! What type of work do you normally order? I didn't get any chance to show my creativity as I'm new at fiver. I like your idea. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always establish a good relationship with my buyers, in fact I have several clients with whom I have established a friendship relationship and many times they greet me on the chat regularly. I think this is extremely important that you mention.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/8/2021 at 9:26 PM, manuelmarino said:

Yes, probably I'm a Top Buyer, not just a Seller. So why not telling you a couple of tips? exactly one important tip which I consider fundamental:

- relationship

Means when you deal with a seller, not just demand this or that. Try to create a relationship. I know it's difficult with chat and so far away, but it's important. The seller relaxes and can deliver a quality product. At the same time, you can be part of his creativity with your ideas. At the end the product will be also something yours, not just a bought product.

Everyone needs to have such thoughts. The better relationship, better the quality of work. A lot can be achieved through good use. I would be much happier if I ever had the opportunity to work with you.

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