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Newbie Question: Give WP Panel/FTP to WP specialist


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Sorry guys- newbie here.

I’m not against giving new fiverr workers or people from a different countries a chance to make some dough. But I am concerned if this account is phoney or not.


Sheriff’s Note: It is not cool (or allowed) to call out others on the Forum.

She’s asking for this:

" Hi, please send FRAGGLESROCK the following information to get started:

Sheriff’s Note: It is not cool (or allowed) to call out others on the Forum.

I need your c-panel/FTP .

If you have any requirement about


WP version

please inform me. "

I know the language isn’t great. But that doesn’t matter to me. I just want to know if this person is real. How should I approach this? Just ask a few different question in the message panel- when she responds pleasantly, move forward?

What is the c-panel anyway? My wordpress password?

Newbie, like I said.

Much appreciation,

Mark from CA

Guest celticmoon

I’m not a techie, so I hope someone with more technical knowledge answers you. But it sounds like she’s asking for access to a website you have. Did you buy a service to install a service or theme, something like that, for your blog or website? cPanel, I believe, is the control panel you use to upload files (including graphics, audio, video, etc) to your website. FTP means ‘file transfer protocol’. The control panel is usually password protected, so…do you really want to give your password out to a stranger? If you don’t know how to do the service you want this person to do for you, I strongly urge you to consider finding someone local to you to discuss how to do this. I’ve heard bad stories about people having their websites totally wrecked by someone coming in who actually didn’t know what they were doing. Otherwise, you can just have her send you the files along with instructions for you to install them yourself. (Reminder: do a virus scan before opening any files from someone you don’t know).


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