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I am a Graphic designer and new at fiverr but no order since 2 month


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What’s the problem men when I started fiverr .From that day I give my half of the time to fiverr But no responses , I stay at photoshop and always make atttractive gig But after increasing the number click and impression no order and sometimes I think I click on my other gig with other profiie so I stared Experiment I make a really attractive gig and leave It from that day… I also find the way how to promote gig But no result . What can I do for IT???

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What’s the problem men when I started fiverr .From that day I give my half of the time to fiverr But no responses , I stay at photoshop and always make atttractive gig But after increasing the number click and impression no order and sometimes I think I click on my other gig with other profiie so I stared Experiment I make a really attractive gig and leave It from that day… I also find the way how to promote gig But no result . What can I do for IT???

What’s the problem men when I started fiverr .From that day I give my half of the time to fiverr

How did you give it half time if you didn’t have orders?

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Mamá mía, that is TOS violation.

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This title doesn’t make sense.

Opening his on fiverr for an mean that you’ll get orders. Did you check how many gigs there in the retouching and background removal category?

Well if you didn’t do your research I’ll answer for you: it’s THE MOST competitive category on fiverr.

And why people nowadays will go for photo retouching if they can do that in matter of clicks on their own phones? So did you determine who will be your target audience taking all that into account?

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What’s the problem men when I started fiverr .From that day I give my half of the time to fiverr

How did you give it half time if you didn’t have orders?

Mamá mía, that is TOS violation.

This title doesn’t make sense.

Opening his on fiverr for an mean that you’ll get orders. Did you check how many gigs there in the retouching and background removal category?

Well if you didn’t do your research I’ll answer for you: it’s THE MOST competitive category on fiverr.

And why people nowadays will go for photo retouching if they can do that in matter of clicks on their own phones? So did you determine who will be your target audience taking all that into account?

thanks for your reply

I want to say I always stay online on fiverr for orders and I had created many gigs in retouching , background removal and photo manipulation, But I don’t get any order yet…

Hope this will unterstand you what I want to say

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thanks for your reply

I want to say I always stay online on fiverr for orders and I had created many gigs in retouching , background removal and photo manipulation, But I don’t get any order yet…

Hope this will unterstand you what I want to say

I want to say I always stay online on fiverr for orders and I had created many gigs in retouching , background removal and photo manipulation, But I don’t get any order yet…

That is all extremely irrelevant and USELESS.

Staying online is just pure waste of time the same as creating all 7gigs. Especially with how fiverr algorithm evolved in last couple of years.

There is no way people will place orders with you just because you created 7 gigs.

Just think about it: will you buy let’s say shoes if a seller will put 7 pairs of the same shoes but different sizes on the display? Of course not, because it doesn’t make any sense.

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Guest humanissocial

thanks for your reply

I want to say I always stay online on fiverr for orders and I had created many gigs in retouching , background removal and photo manipulation, But I don’t get any order yet…

Hope this will unterstand you what I want to say

If there are four coffee shops on a street and they are all open 24/7 but only 6 people in the neighborhood drink coffee at coffee shops, do you think if you open a fifth coffee shop that you can sell coffee by being open 24/7, too?

No one buys something they don’t want just because the store is open, especially when there are thousands of more established options to choose from.

Stop thinking that you can make sales just by being online even if supply exceeds demand. It makes no sense and this ridiculous myth needs to end.

Do you buy something you don’t want just because the store is open? Of course not.

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If there are four coffee shops on a street and they are all open 24/7 but only 6 people in the neighborhood drink coffee at coffee shops, do you think if you open a fifth coffee shop that you can sell coffee by being open 24/7, too?

No one buys something they don’t want just because the store is open, especially when there are thousands of more established options to choose from.

Stop thinking that you can make sales just by being online even if supply exceeds demand. It makes no sense and this ridiculous myth needs to end.

Do you buy something you don’t want just because the store is open? Of course not.

thanks for replying me but want can I do to get order I done everything like Creating attractive gigs in low budget on photoshop works do different from other and promoting myself on some website

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Guest humanissocial

thanks for replying me but want can I do to get order I done everything like Creating attractive gigs in low budget on photoshop works do different from other and promoting myself on some website

We’ve already told you.

Research your competition before you make gigs and sell gigs that don’t have high competition.

Gigs being “attractive” means nothing if the supply exceeds demand. Why would it?

You don’t seem to be considering what we’re telling you and just looking for a quick fix. You don’t want to research or learn how markets work and you want to make sales without learning how sales actually works, so I’m done.

Stop looking for tricks. Educate yourself on sales.

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Guest humanissocial

you can check my gigs on fiverr if you are thinking I had created useless gigs

you can check my gigs on fiverr if you are thinking I had created useless gigs

Again, this is a supply and demand issue. The quality of your gig doesn’t change that and nothing else does either.

I’d love to think that I could up my chances of being a supermodel just by wearing a fancy dress but it isn’t going to happen.

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Guest imake_art

thanks for replying me but want can I do to get order I done everything like Creating attractive gigs in low budget on photoshop works do different from other and promoting myself on some website

Creating attractive gigs in low budget

I think the price jump between your gig packages is too big, look at this picture:

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Another thing is: in your description, at the beginning, you are using words like “I” and “me”. While at the end, you are using words like “we” and “us”. This can cause confusion between if you are an individual person or a team. A client might not mind this, but it’s best to stay clear of confusion.

You also have many gigs that are about more or less the same thing thing. The option to create more than one gig is not to duplicate them, but instead to create gigs on other categories. I am not completely sure, but this might violate fiverr’s TOS.

(I am not an expert in fiverr. These are just some things that I thought might help improve your profile)

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There is not just one suggestion I can give, but dozens of suggestions. Let’s start from the beginning:

  1. You need to study english. All your phrases are not clear, are a muddle of words.
  2. You must change all your GIGs because this specific field you have chosen is full of professionals and many are veteran professionals. Impossible to overcome their offers.
  3. You can’t research the market and choose just another field and try again. Because you need skills first.
  4. This means you need to study. Study a lot. Fiverr is not a videogame where you have “attempts” available. So, hey, let’s try again. Fiverr is a platform, but for professionals. I’m not saying you can’t do it, I say you must study first, obtain other skills and then create GIGs in a different field.
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There is not just one suggestion I can give, but dozens of suggestions. Let’s start from the beginning:

  1. You need to study english. All your phrases are not clear, are a muddle of words.
  2. You must change all your GIGs because this specific field you have chosen is full of professionals and many are veteran professionals. Impossible to overcome their offers.
  3. You can’t research the market and choose just another field and try again. Because you need skills first.
  4. This means you need to study. Study a lot. Fiverr is not a videogame where you have “attempts” available. So, hey, let’s try again. Fiverr is a platform, but for professionals. I’m not saying you can’t do it, I say you must study first, obtain other skills and then create GIGs in a different field.

I am doing Photoshop retouching Editing and photo manipulation for many year and now I new at fiverr and trying to earn money through my works on fiverr

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I am professional graphic designer in india and now trying to earn from fiverr,… If photo editing is not so demanding now so what can do now in Fiverr …

If photo editing is not so demanding now so what can do now in Fiverr

It’s not for us to tell you :woman_shrugging:

That’s what we are trying to explain to you: you need to be entrepreneurial to earn the living being a freelancer.

Do you think someone told Jeff Bezos how to create Amazon? Do you think someone told him that he should not be selling just books anymore and that he’s in the warehouses business?

Answer is NO. He was a pioneer and there was no forum to tell him to do that or to stay online/open 24/7 because that’s not how businesses built.

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What’s the problem men when I started fiverr .From that day I give my half of the time to fiverr But no responses , I stay at photoshop and always make atttractive gig But after increasing the number click and impression no order and sometimes I think I click on my other gig with other profiie so I stared Experiment I make a really attractive gig and leave It from that day… I also find the way how to promote gig But no result . What can I do for IT???

and sometimes I think I click on my other gig with other profiie

Are you saying you have TWO profiles on Fiverr?

If so, that is against TOS too, just like giving your email out in your Gig.


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Actually the demand on photo editing is all time high. I’ve been hearing that it is too late to get into profession and it is dying for 15+ years now, but I’ve also seen many people dismissing the warnings and becoming successful in this field.
(I sound like someone who is about to sell you their motivational course, lol, but I’m serious)
While this is true that technology moves forward and some mundane tasks can be automated now, the quality is not yet there when it comes to editing images for commercial purposes.
And there is also a creative component to it, which is even further from being replaced by machines.
The number of photos people take also keeps increasing as well as standards of quality for commercial imagery. Small and medium sized businesses are now expected to have images akin to those of big corporations. Also there are quantities to take into consideration. Most clients only need a website or a logo once in a few years (if we’re not talking resellers, ofc), while they may have a constant flow of photos and come back every week/month.

So no, low demand is not OP’s issue here. The issue is quality. Low entry level is also why the field may seem overcrowded. But if you take your time to browse the 30k photo editing gigs, you’ll find out that only about 10% of the sellers are competent enough to have any consistent sales.
And that brings me to my point. I am sorry to say this OP and I don’t intend to be mean at all, but you need to work on quality of your services, rather than quality of your gigs per se, if you hope to get sales.
All images in your portfolio have this or that wrong with them.

On your background removal gig every image has issues. Especially in hair department.

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Choice of color correction is not attractive on many photos (atleast not for commercial editing, creative-wise it is of course a question of taste).
Almost all images seem oversaturated to me (could be display difference, but I just calibrated mine, so you might want to check yours).
You also have 5 gigs going, allowing you to upload 15 unique images, but you use the same few over and over. Buyers might ask themselves why. And the most obvious answer would be “this seller probably doesn’t have anything else to show and might be inexperienced”.

I didn’t check your pricing and descriptions, as it doesn’t matter, if you don’t work on your skill further and bring it to a more marketable level first.

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I tell you what happened to me, I haven’t got any orders since 4 months, I was working out of fiverr as video editor, I had some video editing gigs with small amount of view and click (like nothing), and since i have made a gaming video editing gig with attractive thumbnail and quality video preview, I got so much project request in DM, my gig has got 400 impression and 24 clicks in just 1 week and half.
Why it has worked ? because i was targetting people on youtube/twitch, doing gaming content because gaming is what is working the most at our days and people are looking for editors to make epic/funny editings.

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Guest humanissocial

Does It work If I start researching on photoshop works with competition and make gigs on them with low competition with low prices, making attractive photo in Before/After with meaning full title and description …

Does It work If I start researching on photoshop works with competition and make gigs on them with low competition with low prices

No. Again, you don’t override the impact of competition and supply and demand by pulling tricks.

If people don’t want something, they don’t want it. Stop thinking pulling little tricks will change that.

There’s no point in being in business if the only way you can get sales by charging the lowest amount possible. All that does is attract unscrupulous buyers and scammers, if it attracts anyone at all.

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There are almost 57,000 gigs in addition to yours that offers photo editing and retouching. What are you doing to make your gigs stand out from the rest? Or perhaps you can sell some other type of service. My friend @blavaro put this document together, maybe you are qualified to do something else that is in a less competitive niche.

Gigs on Fiverr2424×2751 957 KB
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