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Why my post shows "Post hidden by community flags"?


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If you post is hidden then you broke one of the Fiverr Forum Rules.

Guidelines / Do’s and Dont’s - Updated 2018Of as much importance as the rules above, these are some additional items to keep in mind as they are suggested best practices and though they may not all be strictly against the rules, posts may be removed/edited and users may have their accounts affected if they push the boundaries too far. First - when the new forum was launched on 12/19/2016 it came with a default set of FAQs/Guidelines. These will be merged later, but for now they should also be…

In most forum categories, users are encouraged to post commentary that is insightful, useful, or meaningful. Some categories such as Conversations and the Ranting Pot have more leeway on this, whereas categories like Tips for Sellers, Tips for Buyers, and FAQ’s are more strict. Threads with excessive meaningless commentary may be cleaned up and closed.

From: Forum Rules + Do's and Dont's .


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