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Don't forget, love what you do!


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I do voice acting but learned how to do that through YouTube for a year and regular straight up acting. First, you need to love what you’re doing. If you don’t, it’s going to be really bad quality and you’ll sink before you can swim. Second is promote on social media. Different groups and hashtags can get your seo reinforced and make it more visible. Best of luck to you all!

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So I recently had a gentle reminder on this subject. I was working on a voice over for a buyer and I recorded my stuff and thought ok cool all done. Listened to it and thought, man. That just sounds… not right. So I decided I’d take a more passionate run through it and, boy. It sounded great. Sent both to the buyer and they loved it! All that being said, don’t forget to put that passion and love into your work! It could be for website editing or graphic design or whatever. If you love it, put that love and effort into it. It makes such a huge difference and you can really be proud of that work when you’re finally done with it.

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Yes, yes, yes!! Love what you do and you will never “work” a day in your life. We are of a like mind my friend. We are artists. Thank goodness we have these wonderful buyers on Fiverr who are willing to pay us to do what we love!! Peace and Love.

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You know, we put our face and our image in the product we sell. I always try to do my best and when I have to build a website, some clients will tell me “do it that way”. I will analyze their request and think for the best option I am able to implement and I’ll advice them. I think that giving advices is part of my job, for how the website will look better and why it would work the best if my advice is followed. My clients appreciate that and they always follow my suggestions and agree with me.
At the end, that’s why they pay you for, your knowledge and your skills to make the best for their needs.
I am my own biggest critic and I always ask myself: “If I had to do this job for myself, would I love it? Can it be improved?”
The day when you look at your projects as a way to gain more experience and not just money, as a result your work will be better, your clients will be more satisfied and you’ll even get more orders!

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Thanks for this thread! Sometimes when I write content for clients, I spend so much time revising and reading through it that by the end I feel burned out. I also sometimes doubt the work I create at times (don’t know if anyone else feels that way).

When I remind myself why I’m doing this, and how my service could help others, the passion gets reignited. Not like it ever disappears but it can come in waves. I think another important aspect of loving what you do is knowing your why’s as well (why you’re doing this, why this would be helpful for others, etc). Some days are better than others and we can feel as though the passion is dying out, but when you have a clear ‘why,’ it helps a lot.

Just my two cents!

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Thanks for this thread! Sometimes when I write content for clients, I spend so much time revising and reading through it that by the end I feel burned out. I also sometimes doubt the work I create at times (don’t know if anyone else feels that way).

When I remind myself why I’m doing this, and how my service could help others, the passion gets reignited. Not like it ever disappears but it can come in waves. I think another important aspect of loving what you do is knowing your why’s as well (why you’re doing this, why this would be helpful for others, etc). Some days are better than others and we can feel as though the passion is dying out, but when you have a clear ‘why,’ it helps a lot.

Just my two cents!

I totally agree with you Kim, I think sometimes even doing something you love can seem like a chore because we are human but that’s where being a professional comes in.

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