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Shifting to new account due to 2 injustice and unacceptable warnings warnings


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Hahaha, this post made me laugh so hard. It just seems that all gig topics end up changing into something else in the end. 😂 Anyways, so to end this matter here:

  1. For the Indians: Calling someone as brother or sister is considered disrespectful because you claim to be close to them.
  2. For everyone else: All of us Indians apologize. Some of us Indians have a habit of calling brother and not all of us have talked to people outside of our country, so not all of us know about all the differences.
    Thank you!
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Guest humanissocial

It’s weird to me how, despite being told not to call people brother, dear, ma’am, etc. and told the consequences of doing so, they insist.

Because it’s a custom among 1 billion people?

Because it’s a custom among 1 billion people?

No, because if people want sales maybe they should listen to people who… make sales?

If people want to do business in the west, maybe they shouldn’t do things that people in the west dislike and regard with suspicion?

My pointing out why it’s counter-productive to ignore advice and requests for respect shouldn’t suggest to you that I’m unaware of the prevalence of that custom.

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