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Need to know the Gender of my Clients


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Hi, I’m new here, even my first entry in any forum. I need to know, is there any option to know what is the gender (Male/Female) of my client/buyer is, if he/she doesn’t have any informative photo on their profile? If not, then can this features be added to the profile view? I think it’s very important to know the gender before sending text or offer to them.

Thnks for your valuable time
Sagor Sur

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No it isnt.

In international business (and most countries) it is not necessary to know.

Don’t say things like sir, madam, dear etc. Instead, use their username, a name they add at the end of their messages or just dont use one eg. Hi, thanks for your order

Thanks, for the information. But what should I need to use instead of He/She?

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It is not at all important to know the gender and you don’t need to know it. If the buyer doesn’t want it revealed, it’s none of anyone’s business. If the service the buyer is purchasing requires the seller to know the gender, you could put that question in your requirements. Under any other circumstances, skip it.

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Hi, I’m new here, even my first entry in any forum. I need to know, is there any option to know what is the gender (Male/Female) of my client/buyer is, if he/she doesn’t have any informative photo on their profile? If not, then can this features be added to the profile view? I think it’s very important to know the gender before sending text or offer to them.

Thnks for your valuable time

Sagor Sur

I think it’s very important to know the gender before sending text or offer to them.

As long as their money is green, I am good to go. Everything else is the same. Almost every message I send looks like his:

Hi, Thanks for the order.


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No it isnt.

In international business (and most countries) it is not necessary to know.

Don’t say things like sir, madam, dear etc. Instead, use their username, a name they add at the end of their messages or just dont use one eg. Hi, thanks for your order

Thank you for sharing this information. It is realy necessary for all the new comer.

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I think it’s very important to know the gender before sending text or offer to them.

As long as their money is green, I am good to go. Everything else is the same. Almost every message I send looks like his:

Hi, Thanks for the order.


As long as their money is green, I am good

I personally also accept gold. I have the PayPal upgrade that lets clients send me actual gold bars. I wish. 🙂

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Well, it certainly is common usage. However, I would still uphold that it is improper, even if I oft make the mistake.

The word they can be used both for two or more people, as well as being a gender neutral pronoun.

That is both common usage and proper English.

It’s also ridiculous to think that you must always refer to someone by gender. There is no need whatsoever. Referring to people by their gender is a linguistic convenience for when you actually know their gender. The assumption of gender is a common irritation across the internet and increasingly in person to person communication.

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The word they can be used both for two or more people, as well as being a gender neutral pronoun.

That is both common usage and proper English.

It’s also ridiculous to think that you must always refer to someone by gender. There is no need whatsoever. Referring to people by their gender is a linguistic convenience for when you actually know their gender. The assumption of gender is a common irritation across the internet and increasingly in person to person communication.

OK, maybe I don’t agree with the great Google lords, and that’s fine. Then again, I learned from a Mennonite grammar book, which may explain some of it. The language they taught was rather archaic.

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Well, it certainly is common usage. However, I would still uphold that it is improper, even if I oft make the mistake.

Well, it certainly is common usage. However, I would still uphold that it is improper, even if I oft make the mistake.

The word they can be used both for two or more people, as well as being a gender neutral pronoun.

That is both common usage and proper English.

My BA degree was in English lit and I once asked about “they.” I chose a favorite professor who had her doctoral degree and loved teaching the English language. She wasn’t even a native speaker herself but had studied linguistics, the history, and the etymology of the language for fifty-five years. I loved the answer she gave me. At that time, there probably weren’t any dictionaries that even legitimized it although it was in common use.

My prof said that she never used “right” and “wrong,” especially when she taught younger or new students of English. She used the words “standard” and “non-standard.” She said that the most important thing when using any language was to be able to convey meaning well to others without excessive confusion. She didn’t believe in shaming students for non-standard English and it had helped her to teach students who came from illiterate poor families in the U.S.A. (There are plenty of native speakers who don’t use English the way most teachers want them to.) Those students had learned to embrace communication first and being “proper” only after that. Some of them went on to become English teachers because of one teacher’s passion.

Using “they” or “them” to refer to someone whose gender you don’t know can sometimes save the other person from embarrassment. It might save you from embarrassment. In many places today people can take their time to even figure out how they feel about gender identity at all. The small kindness of avoiding gender-specific words is probably worth the use of a non-standard word when it works well. I think standard English should be used for formal papers and non-fiction textbooks. In fiction and in everyday communication, sometimes non-standard serves us just fine, as long as we are really communicating effectively.

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Well, it certainly is common usage. However, I would still uphold that it is improper, even if I oft make the mistake.

The word they can be used both for two or more people, as well as being a gender neutral pronoun.

That is both common usage and proper English.

My BA degree was in English lit and I once asked about “they.” I chose a favorite professor who had her doctoral degree and loved teaching the English language. She wasn’t even a native speaker herself but had studied linguistics, the history, and the etymology of the language for fifty-five years. I loved the answer she gave me. At that time, there probably weren’t any dictionaries that even legitimized it although it was in common use.

My prof said that she never used “right” and “wrong,” especially when she taught younger or new students of English. She used the words “standard” and “non-standard.” She said that the most important thing when using any language was to be able to convey meaning well to others without excessive confusion. She didn’t believe in shaming students for non-standard English and it had helped her to teach students who came from illiterate poor families in the U.S.A. (There are plenty of native speakers who don’t use English the way most teachers want them to.) Those students had learned to embrace communication first and being “proper” only after that. Some of them went on to become English teachers because of one teacher’s passion.

Using “they” or “them” to refer to someone whose gender you don’t know can sometimes save the other person from embarrassment. It might save you from embarrassment. In many places today people can take their time to even figure out how they feel about gender identity at all. The small kindness of avoiding gender-specific words is probably worth the use of a non-standard word when it works well. I think standard English should be used for formal papers and non-fiction textbooks. In fiction and in everyday communication, sometimes non-standard serves us just fine, as long as we are really communicating effectively.

Yes I agree with you 100%. Language is not static, and is always growing, changing, etc.

I was just irritated by the idea that “they” might not be so useful as a gender neutral pronoun. That’s the only reason I brought Webster into the mix.

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OK, maybe I don’t agree with the great Google lords, and that’s fine. Then again, I learned from a Mennonite grammar book, which may explain some of it. The language they taught was rather archaic.

The language they taught was rather archaic.

“They” as a gender neutral pronoun has been in use since the 14th century.


Singular they

Singular they is the use in English of the pronoun they or its inflected or derivative forms, them, their, theirs, and themselves (or themself), as an epicene (gender-neutral) singular pronoun. It typically occurs with an antecedent of indeterminate gender, as in sentences such as: The singular they had emerged by the 14th century. Though it is commonly employed in everyday English, it has been the target of criticism since the late 19th century. Its use in formal English has increased with the t...

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Guest offlinehelpers

Seriously, You need?? 😁 It’s simple. Through the sentences, you may know.

Through the sentences, you may know.

Depends on the sentences I suppose.

Bottom line - nobody needs to know their buyer’s gender.

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You do understand “they” is inherently plural?

You do understand “they” is inherently plural?

I don’t think so but to be sure I asked a professor. They told me that it was quite correct to use “they” when referring to someone of unknown gender. Them being a professor, I trust what they say when it comes to speaking English good.

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Guest tanvirnw


I think just use their username or the Nick name that will the buyer also use end of the message.

And, instead of ‘He/She’ it should be ‘You’.


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