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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Like I said, Fiverr never disables account for no reason. If they have detected your activity i.e. fake reviews etc. then that might be the reason.
  2. Have you gotten any positive response by using this method?
  3. Kindly read this article and ignore Buyer Requests part as it's no more on Fiverr.
  4. Are you getting buyer's messages and orders by staying online? How can you advise this to others when you have made Zero Sales yet on Fiverr? Kindly stop advising anyone else because you have zero experience yet and Staying Online is Useless.
  5. Your comment has been Reported. Reason = Violation of Forum Rules
  6. At first, it will be a bot response but when you ask your question directly, their representative will start chatting with you. If they have said to wait 2-3 business days, then wait.
  7. We have no choice other than Payoneer, so we have to follow their rules.
  8. If you are still having issue, then contact Payoneer via Live Chat and discuss with them.
  9. Hi too We cannot help or guide you unless you let us know about your gig that what services were you offering? If you have sent a message to Fiverr Support again then you need to wait for their response. Avoid sending messages to them continuously.
  10. Are you getting orders via email marketing? No. Right? Do not advise this tip unless you have done it on your own!
  11. Why Fiverr Support will help you in this case? It's you who need to take an action. WordPress is actually a highly competitive niche and other sellers are performing better than you so you need to work on your gig optimization to make them more stand out i.e. gig images, tags, gig descriptions etc. You have not shown your portfolio via gig gallery? Present in a creative way.
  12. Elaborate that how is it gonna help in getting briefs by sharing gigs on social media? 😩 Try different prices to see the results.
  13. Read all the articles on Seller Plus: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017140717 https://www.fiverr.com/support/sections/13701504441617-Seller-Plus-benefits-and-features https://www.fiverr.com/content/seller-plus-tos
  14. Both "Reviews for This Seller" and "Review as Buyer" will be displayed on your profile.
  15. You cannot create a new account anymore because to create a 2nd account is actually violation of Terms of Services (TOS). So, move on.
  16. Here is the Translation (I've used Google Translator) Assalamu Alaikum, Hope everyone is well. I have opened a Fiverr account for the last 1 year and have published 7 gigs, but my gig click impressions are less and the gigs are on the fast page. I am not getting any order now I am thinking to change the gig image. Now, if I change the gig image, I have to edit it, then will my gig rank be lost? Seeking expert advice. Answer: Wa alaikum asalam. Well you are a "SEO Expert Or Social Media Marketing And Video Editor" then you should use your expertise for your own gigs too to get orders. Optimize your gigs further i.e. improve gig images and gig descriptions as well. Show your portfolio via gig images/video/PDFs etc.
  17. Hello too. Buyer will definitely ask for the samples because you have not added your portfolio in gigs gallery? How can you prove it to your buyer that you are really worthy for him?? For now, you can add your own watermark in the videos. But next time, portray some of your work in the gig gallery.
  18. If buyer has given you a review and you don't respond to that, then after 10 days, it will be automatically appeared on your profile.
  19. You claim yourself to be "Facebook ads, Google ads, facebook pixel and GTM Specialist", then I am sure that you can utilize your expertise for yourself too? Can't you? With poor gig images, you won't be able to perform better or get orders. You are advised to work on your gig images and gig descriptions. Question for you: Wondering that why have you introduced yourself in the gig description?
  20. Earlier, you were suggesting tips and now you are asking for our guidance? 😃 What a U-Turn you have taken! 😯 It would be better if you start reading topics on the same question (yours) in the Forum and read them.
  21. Whatever, we still stand corrected that Staying Online is Useless. You have not shown your portfolio in your gig images. (You need to show your previous work via gig images.) You have used the same gig descriptions in two or three of gigs. Why? (Work on it.) Shopify is a highly competitive niche as well. Other sellers are performing better than you. I am sure that Fiverr might have requested you to increase your gig prices. Do it if you have been requested to. Do some research first regarding your niche on Fiverr.
  22. Your last delivery was 25 days ago. So did you get any order by staying online since then? No. Right? That's the proof: Staying Online = Useless You can get more orders if you work on improving your gig images and gig descriptions. Your images are not attractive for buyers. And why have you used the same images for other gigs? Add your portfolio in a proper way.
  23. Why is there a difference? Fiverr App: If you see it clearly that those stats are of last 7 days (of your all gigs) Desktop version: The stats which you are showing are of Last 30 Days. Each gig is showing its stats. Change it into 7 days to see the different results. Afterwards, you can calculate the average impressions and clicks of your all gigs then they might be the same like Fiverr App (7 Days).
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