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  1. Thank you very much for the contribution. I have read quickly and it is very useful material to understand the current dynamics on the platform. I will read it in more detail to understand better. Again, thank you very much.
  2. What do you mean by 'gig marketing'?
  3. I understand. Thank you very much.
  4. I have a considerable time on Fiverr, about 3 years and are a level two seller. However, since the brief system was implemented and the buyer requests system was removed I have seen a negative impact on my profile. My profile does not receive many briefs, in total it may only be 1 a month and it is for my oldest gig. My new web development gig has not received any briefs so far. Do you have any advice on what to improve to receive more briefs?
  5. I am a level two seller on the platform, but for some time now my impressions have dropped considerably. I recently opened a new gig, it's for frontend development services. I would like you to see it and give me feedback on that gig, also on my profile if possible. Profile: https://www.fiverr.com/araujo_ Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/s/NrAg2G
  6. araujo


    From my experience, I feel that this is not a question that has a precise and unique answer. There are many factors at play. Fiverr shows you in the search results based on how optimized your gig is, this includes its title, description and photos. In fact, I have found that even if you have a well optimized gig, Fiverr shows you in the search results and prioritizes you during specific time periods. Ideally, you can get some order in that time where you are shown frequently, get a good review and your impressions will become more stable. This is all anecdotal from my experience and what I have seen within the platform.
  7. I'm starting a web development gig, I'm a frontend developer. However, I have more than 3 years on Fiverr as a copywriter. In this new niche that I am exploring I have a lot to learn, one of the first doubts that arises from this world of working as a web developer on Fiverr is whether it is more convenient to offer services related to a CMS like WordPress or offer web development services using specialized development tools? What is your opinion and advice? Thank you very much for your advice.
  8. Thank you very much for your advice. I have a considerable time on the platform, about 3 years, but your tips described in the post are very useful no matter the level of experience.
  9. Hello, I hope you are well. I am having a similar problem, my gigs are a bit stagnant in the number of impressions and clicks.
  10. Greetings. I have had my first 4 sales and my evaluations have been very good so far, after that, I started to appear in a very good position in the search. Then, I made a small modification in the description of my gig and the impressions began to fall drastically. A week ago I averaged about 70-80 impressions per day and now, I already have three days where I’ve only had one or two. Please, someone to explain to me what happened.
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