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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Well continue working with your existing account (current) because you cannot create a second account which is actually a violation of Terms of Services. So you are recommended to use your old account and optimize it further.
  2. Then get an experience first before suggesting tips to others. If you have been not working on Fiverr since 2 years then do you think that you are in position to guide people? Do not guide next time unless you have any experience 🤦🏻‍♀️🙏
  3. Have you implemented these tips for your own gigs? I don't think so because since July 2020, you have received 3 reviews and your last delivery was 2 years ago 😕😕 So, Kindly avoid guiding anyone else as you are not in position to do it. Work on your gigs first so that you can get orders 🙏
  4. Kindly check this article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/sections/13701504441617-Seller-Plus-benefits-and-features Click on each benefit to see the details..
  5. If your gigs are ranking but not getting orders then it means something is wrong with your gigs. You are getting impressions but very few clicks so it means your gigs are not attractive for buyers. I can see it clearly that why is it happening. It's because you have not added your portfolio in your gig gallery. Kindly improve your gig gallery. Also, use your Digital Marketing expertise to get orders. You can do this much for yourself too. Right?
  6. Did you really do an assignment project for that buyer on Fiverr? If yes, then you have violated the Terms of Services because academic related services such as assignments are not allowed on Fiverr. That's why your account got disabled. If that buyer is still on Fiverr, then don't worry. Sooner or later, that buyer will definitely be banned on Fiverr. P.S. You should have read the Terms of Services carefully before proceeding to work on Fiverr.
  7. Click on the notification and it will lead you to do the page where action is required. Whatever Fiverr asks/requests you to do, you must do it. Don't ignore it.
  8. How did you deliver the order as I cannot see your Last Delivery on your profile? Did you do everything via Inbox messages (without order)?
  9. Hi too As per your profile description, you have done 50+ projects. Then why am I unable to see your work in your gig gallery? So add your portfolio in gig gallery first so that buyers can get an idea what type of work you can do or what not.. Plus what is the status on your clicks or impressions?
  10. Before promoting your gigs, why don't you focus on improving your gig gallery first? If you improve it and make it attractive for buyers then you won't have to do any promotion. Unique portfolio might help you in getting orders. About Social Media Marketing's Benefit: It's not gonna help you that much except it will help in increase your clicks or impressions but very less chances of getting orders. So you are advised to do gig optimization first.
  11. Hi too You cannot send a message to other sellers using the Fiverr platform (not Forum but the main platform).. Else you will get a warning.. Avoid it Your gig description is not enough to describe your services. Kindly explain your services briefly. For this purpose, you can check other sellers that how are they offering their services (means do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche) Your gig gallery is not good enough. Use some of your work there if have any.. Also, you can read this topic (ignore Buyer Request part)
  12. Read this thread: Ignore Buyer Requests part
  13. How many are you getting impressions and clicks? These should be good enough to get orders. All matters is that you are getting orders or not. If not, then it means your gigs are still not attractive for buyers.
  14. You can read this topic. Ignore Buyer Requests part as it's no more on Fiverr
  15. As a beginner, you can create 7 gigs. Kindly read this article: https://www.fiverr.com/levels
  16. Few Suggestions: Reduce the prices if possible (Reason is that you are a beginner yet that's why. Once you start getting orders, you can then increase the prices) According to your profile description, you have 4 yeas of experience in your field then where is your portfolio (gig gallery) Work on your gig gallery i.e. add some of your work in an unique way. Remove text from the images as the gig description is enough to describe your services. Add relevant skills in Skills section i.e. WordPress etc. No need to add your Fiverr's profile link on images. P.S. WordPress is a highly competitive niche on Fiverr these days so you are recommended to do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche first and observe how WordPress sellers are selling their services (just observe them.. avoid copying them)
  17. You are taking everyone's advices in a wrong way. They meant to say that your English is not perfect so you need to change the English language settings from Native to Basic. Try to understand the suggestions/tips given by experienced sellers in a positive way. They know better than you that's why they are trying to help you by pointing out your mistakes. Secondly, you asked for the tips so you need to accept the negative reviews too. Be Calm! Suggestions for you: You can try to reduce the prices and also try to improve your gig gallery if possible. No need to use too much text on the images as the gig description is enough to describe your services.
  18. For Getting Advices: Try "Improve My Gig" category and For Gig Promotion: Try "My Fiverr Gigs". Please stop misguiding if you know nothing. They can share their links in specific category (Forum's). Just guide them properly. If you don't know the answer then don't respond to it. Also, how will the members guide her without checking her gigs? Does not make sense to me 😑
  19. Why are you suggesting him your tips when you are in the same boat like him? Kindly avoid doing it. See your own topic: 😕 P.S. Staying Online is Useless
  20. Kindly read this thread but ignore Buyer Requests part as we don't have it anymore
  21. Don't you know the answer of your own question? It's totally strange that you claim yourself to be a "SEO Professional, Digital Marketer, Facebook Promoter" and you are asking this question? 😕 Why don't you tell us so that we can learn about it too 😑 Kindly focus on your gigs so that you can get orders!
  22. Unfortunately, this year I cannot take leaves from freelancing because of my mother's surgery (left fractured arm). I cannot leave her alone and go on a vacation (northern areas) as she would need me and my support. She cannot travel and go to hilly areas as bumpy roads or rocks will hurt her arm. So no vacation this year 😢
  23. No. That will get banned too because it's a violation of TOS to create a second account. Move On!
  24. There is a possibility that he got a different warning at first and that got sorted out? Just wanted to know. If it's the same warning (first) then he should move on (let go of Fiverr).. And true about 3 warnings leads to account suspension.
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