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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. I have been in the same boat like you!! Whenever I am feeling low, I always say prayers! And also think that what should I do next to overcome my fears or what should I do to improve my skills to earn better! But most importantly, I try to stay calm and positive!! Sometimes talking to best friend helps me a lot as she always encourages me to do this and that. We always decide to do some outing/lunch at restaurant so that we can feel better!
  2. As a Seller to Get Repeat Clients: Deliver Quality Work Fast Turnaround Excellent in Communication Skills Be Honest (Like if you are able to do/complete the job then let your buyers know that it is do-able for you.. If not, then tell them directly that it's not my expertise or unable to do it, Sorry etc..) but don't be rude or harsh..
  3. Hello too Why are you lying that you are not getting orders? Your last delivery was 22 hours ago! 🙄 If your gigs are de-ranked then there are 2 reasons: You got 4.7 rating 2 weeks ago You might have been given negative private feedback from your buyers even you have received good feedback You can do the following: Just work on your gigs.. Deliver quality work so that you can get positive private feedback from your buyers Work with Get Briefs feature if you can
  4. Just wondering that have you implemented these tips for yourself? Since August 2022, you have 3 feedback? 🤔 Better to not advise others like this way if you have not done for yourself too.. Well you can work with Get Briefs feature then. You have actually competitive niche so it would be better if you work on your gigs..
  5. There is a possibility that you might be given negative private feedback from your buyers even they gave you full ratings. Try to deliver quality work and also you need to work on your gigs!
  6. No. You cannot.. Kindly check this article. Read Approved URLs section: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies Other than those Approved URLs, you cannot use/add portfolio/template links
  7. Wait for next 24 hours then try again. But do not attempt again and again. Add the code at the first attempt
  8. Hi too Play with different prices until you get the right job
  9. You can decline for now and then contact Customer Support immediately and request them to cancel the order on their own. If your case is strong, they will cancel it..
  10. As a Seller? If as a Seller, then you can contact Customer Support Team and request them to cancel the order on their own if you don't want it to affect your metrics..
  11. Well you need to set the price and test it for few days that is the price good for getting the right briefs or not? If not, then change the price and test it. It's a very tricky feature! Honestly, I have never worked with Get Briefs as it's not necessary for me (I usually get direct/organic orders) but when I tested the feature, I got few briefs at different prices but they were not according to my skills.
  12. Nowadays, Payoneer is verifying accounts and requesting for additional information. Have you submitted the requested information to them? Verification process is till 26th January 2023 I guess! So you need to check your Payoneer account and see the status of your account. I have contacted Payoneer Live Chat regarding transferring and withdrawal of funds but they said all accounts are under-review including mine (though I have submitted the requirements) so we need to wait until the documents gets approved! P.S. You can contact Payoneer Live Chat regarding your issue!
  13. Which payment method are you using?
  14. For me, None.. Organic/Direct Orders are Better. However, Briefs seems better than Buyer Requests though it's a tricky feature!
  15. Hi too Buyer Requests have been discontinued. Fiverr has launched Get Briefs feature instead of Buyer Requests. To enable the Get Briefs, you need to Go to > My Business > Gigs > See the top right part, there will be an option of "Set Briefs" > Enable it and Set the Price of your own choice (See the image). Fiverr will notify you if it matches the job.
  16. Means that the gig image was not original (not your own design/work) as you used Canva? If its not, then Fiverr did right! You have to used your own work for gig images else it will be copyrights violation! P S. Your title is confusing! You said gig price editing while in description, its gig image and gig description etc?
  17. Well if you are contacting Customer Support via mail then the response will be slow. I know you are suffering a lot but still stay calm. I wish you all the best in the future! Some sellers know about chargebacks and some not.. Good Luck! ✌
  18. Well I think that its a part of Seller Plus Program.. Kindly check this article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/6533842204177-Keyword-research
  19. You are gonna violate the TOS, hence you will lose your Fiverr account. So don't do it. You can put the user/message in Spam. However, encourage the buyer to discuss everything regarding project/task via Fiverr Inbox only. But it would be much better if you read TOS (Terms of Services) first before taking any step! Link to Terms of Services: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service
  20. Hello too I think "killer" is an inappropriate word to use in the title. That might be the reason! Contact Customer Support regarding it!
  21. Did you try to contact Payoneer Team via Live Chat? Plus check the Funding Sources in your Payoneer Account that Fiverr is added there or not? Is your Payoneer account (new) verified means all documents have been submitted and approved?
  22. Please check this article. Approved URLs: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421218-Gig-Policies You are allowed to use those links (approved URLs) only for portfolio purpose
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