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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. How come you are a new seller? Your profile was created in October 2021 so you are not a new seller. Now you can see that staying online did not help you with anything! Anyhow, turn on the Get Briefs feature and set the price.. Make your gigs unique in such a way that it attracts your buyers P.S. You claim yourself as a Digital Marketing Expert so don't you know the tips and tricks on how to get orders?
  2. You cannot stay active 24x7. And why do you want to stay active on Fiverr all the time?? Are you a Robot? 😬🤔 However, you can use Fiverr App to keep an eye on messages (buyers) and notifications etc. BUT Staying Active all the time on Fiverr is not gonna help you with anything else!
  3. There is another possibility that your buyers might have given you a negative private feedback which led your gigs to moved to the last pages.
  4. Well try the link below as a Buyer: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/buying-on-fiverr/my-orders/current-orders/cancel-an-order/create-ticket Explain each and everything about your case here!
  5. My Portfolio option has been given to the selected sellers only by Fiverr Team. I have this option but not utilizing it at the moment. You cannot do anything regarding it. It's up to Fiverr's Team!
  6. In Spam folder, messages are not automatically marked as spam. They are usually moved there.. however it's still required to reply to the messages in Spam folder.. Automatically marked spam and Manually Marked Spam are totally different! Anyhow. Let's see what does the OP (vector588) says that he has messages in Spam folder or not!
  7. Another option for you is to contact Customer Support and request them to cancel the order on their own. Also, show them the proof that seller is not responding neither he/she is delivering work!
  8. Check your status on Fiverr App. You might be offline there?
  9. No worries. We are here to help and guide you! 😊 Post a Tweet then. Like Tag FiverrSupport in your Tweet (your own timeline) and then provide them your Ticket ID. That will work! See the image please. Try like that in your own Timeline
  10. Hello too. It would be better if you discuss your case with Customer Support. Contact them and give them your Fiverr Order ID so that they can investigate properly!
  11. No. Actually you took it wrong. I meant address bar of your Web Browser (Not Fiverr's Search Bar). I am able to find the buyer's profile based on the name given by you!
  12. Hi You need to create gigs based on your skills! Without gigs, you won't be able to earn anything!
  13. Well you are searching/looking for a buyer's profile in a wrong way. You need to type in address bar i.e. www.fiverr.com/username (type the username) and press enter. You will get it then.. Best way to contact Customer Support is after sending a Ticket to Support.. Go to your Twitter account, tag FiverrSupport and give them your Ticket ID. That way, they will respond you faster! Good Luck!
  14. It does actually! You can unspam the message, reply to it and then mark it spam again! But at least reply to the spam messages!
  15. Click on "Send a Reminder" button via Order Page. Else drop messages to your buyer via Chat option (Order Page) regarding requirements. Has the countdown started? If not, then ask buyer for requirements. If countdown has started, then other option is to contact Customer Support, present your case and request them to contact buyer on their own and remind buyer about requirements. Good Luck!
  16. Check your Spam folder. You might have missed messages there to whom you have not replied! Or you might have replied to some of your buyers late!
  17. Buyer Requests are long gone now. Instead of Buyer Requests, you need to enable Get Briefs feature and set the price. Then Fiverr will send a notification that you have got a matched job..
  18. Check your settings on both Desktop and App that where you have enabled AWAY status. Change it to Online.. (both Desktop and App).. Also check your Availabilty settings too..
  19. I just checked your profile. Why have you created two gigs with the same title: I will ecommerce online store and wordpress website with woocommerce May we know the reason? Is there any difference between those two gigs? Turn on the Get Briefs Feature and Set the price. Need to work on your grammar/vocabulary (I know English is not your native language but still you need to improve it) You have not portrayed your designs in gig images. Instead, you have explained your gig in the form of gig images which is totally wrong. Show your portfolio via Gig Images.. If you have knowledge on SEO then you can do better how to make your gigs better!
  20. Staying online is not gonna help in getting orders! 😐
  21. Hello too Well Buyer Requests are long gone now so you cannot send any proposals to buyer. Instead, you will have to enable the Get Briefs feature and set the price, then Fiverr will send a notification if there is a right job for you.. If you have less rating then you need to work on your gigs, polish them further If you receive any order, then try to deliver a quality work so that you can get better feedback Try to deliver your project on time
  22. Whether it hampers gig impressions or not, you still need to do updates requested by Fiverr. So better to do it. Your gig has been moved to a new category so it might already have been hampered your impressions (I guess)..
  23. Hello Like the notification states that Update your Meta Data and Pricing (Packages) as soon as possible! Your gig has been moved to the relevant category where it requires these updates! So you need to update them!
  24. Glad to know that you both are recovered and true that it's a terrible situation everywhere (COVID) even in Pakistan too ☹️
  25. Hello.. I have been meaning to ask that how are you feeling now and your Mrs. too.. I hope you both are doing well! Wish you both a speedy recovery! 😊
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