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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. See the image below: If you want to offer different services then you can do it with your only Fiverr Account (current one).. Avoid creating multiple account as it's actually a violation of Terms of Services!!
  2. Hello too You need to work on your gigs first. Gig images: They are not attractive Gig Description: Make it good enough to read Get Briefs: You can enable this feature via Gigs page. Just a question for you: Are you sure that you have chosen the right category and sub-category for your gig?
  3. The era of Buyer Request has been ended as Fiverr has gotten rid of it. Now, we have Get Briefs feature (replacement of Buyer Requests). P.S. Do not post anything else without reading it! 🙏
  4. Kindly read your statement again. You have clearly mentioned "Positive Feedback". So, it is better to not guide anyone like the way you are guiding! 🙄
  5. Are you able to see the Buyer Requests as a Seller in your Profile anymore? 🤔 I will encourage you to read the Terms of Services (TOS) again. It's forbidden to ask for a positive feedback from buyer and it will lead to account suspension so avoid suggesting this! 🙄 It's a Myth that Staying Active/Online on Fiverr helps with anything else! So avoid suggesting this too! 🤷‍♀️
  6. Did you read the question before posting this? 🤦‍♀️
  7. Set up What? Why are you spamming the Forum by creating useless topics? 🙄 Please Stop! 🙏
  8. Asking/Requesting for a positive review is actually not a good thing and you cannot force buyer for it. So do not recommend this as it might lead your account to get banned!
  9. Hi. I am sorry to hear this! But my question is that do you really have a second Fiverr account?
  10. Why to stay online always? Any reason? 🙄 What will happen if we stay active for long? Kindly let me know too 🤔 P.S. It's a Myth that staying active on Fiverr for 24hrs a day is good for gig rank or it helps in increase impressions / clicks etc.. 🙏
  11. Did you even read the question? 🤔 Invitation to "My Portfolio". See the image below:
  12. How does it help in ranking a gig to 1st page? Elaborate it please! 🙄 It's a myth that staying active on Fiverr for 18hrs or 24hrs a day is really good for gig ranking or increases impressions / clicks etc.. P.S. You have Zero Sales on Fiverr yet so kindly do not advise anyone else unless you have experienced on your own! 🙏
  13. Yes. It happens. Buyers can give negative private feedback. It's up to them. Told you that perform better and deliver quality work so that your gig can get a chance to promote again (promoted gig). However I stand corrected that it happened because of your negative feedback!
  14. Probably you have been given a negative private feedback from your buyers that resulted in disabling the Promoted Gig option. Try to deliver quality work and perform well even you have received full ratings! You might get back the Promoted Gig option if you perform well! Actually I can see that you got a 2 star feedback from one of your buyer 2 weeks ago. This is the main reason and also a negative private feedback from the same buyer. So perform better and deliver quality work!
  15. Hello too What about impressions and clicks? Are they increasing with the passage of time? If yes, then it means your gigs are visible to buyers (search results) You got an order and delivered 1 day ago then it means your gig is appearing on search results and buyers are able to see your gigs. Support Team is right about it. Don't worry about it. You will be able to see your gigs in search results soon but keep delivering quality work and improve your performance.
  16. So that account can get banned? 😬 Don't you know that requesting feedback from buyers is actually a violation of TOS? So do not advise this to anyone else!
  17. Why? Like a Robot? 🤔 Staying Online all the time is not gonna help you with anything! Why 24 hours active. Reason?
  18. Like a Robot? 🤦‍♀️ Staying active for 24 hours is not gonna help you with anything else!
  19. Well yes. It's gonna affect your stats. You can do the following: 1. Discuss with your buyer and sort out the issue in a decent way (don't be rude or harsh). or 2. Contact Customer Support and request them to cancel the order on their own. It won't affect your stats but it might affect your gig ranking in search results. No matter what you do, if your order gets cancelled then gig ranking will be affected somehow!
  20. There is a possibility that your buyer might have given you a negative private feedback when you received a 4 star review 1 week ago. So it has affected your gig ranking. Deliver quality work from now to onwards. Hopefully you will get your gig ranking back!
  21. Test it by setting different prices until you get the right job!
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