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Everything posted by arafatcoco

  1. This is how we will take access if buyers want to give access. As email is prohibited.
  2. Congratulations!!! For completing yours first order on fiverr.
  3. As much as you have time for spending behind fiverr. Their is no limitation.
  4. You can contact their support team. And you can try to appeal.
  5. First Of all you have to collect those groups, who will approve your post.
  6. You are welcome in Fiverr. Stay active on fiverr forum to know more about rules from others. It can be helpful for you as you are new.
  7. As they are taking too much time then you can knock their FB page. I hope they will response soon.
  8. I think always video call can help us to convince our client directly.
  9. what should I do on fiverr? I do nothing but active on forum to see others problems and questions.
  10. See your competitors gigs then compare with your gigs.
  11. You are welcome in this community. Expand your knowledge with FIverr forum and share your thoughts with everyone.
  12. I setup my prices after researching my competitors. My all prices are reasonable for my clients. Then also I'm not getting order. I have been spending my 10 to 15 hours behind fiverr. What should I do now? @Kesha
  13. After review your video they will notice you. If you don't get their response then knock their Facebook page. You will get answer rapidly.
  14. You will response always manually that will be more effective for your response time.
  15. I want to know how will i share my gmail to my clients to get access to start my order. As I know that gmail sharing is violation. What should I do now. @Lena
  16. My success is when I will be getting order every single day on Fiverr.
  17. It's really very helpful those who wants to work.
  18. Congratulations!!! For being top rated on fiverr. All the way best wishes for you.
  19. Glad to know this. And my best opinion is to make a video communication better to convince clients.
  20. My wish is to success on fiverr. So that I can give my best services for my clients.
  21. You can publish only 4 gigs as a new seller on fiverr. when you will be level 2 then you will get to publish 10 gigs.
  22. Until get the review from buyer, I can't say anything yet.
  23. Report about this account. Fiverr will ban this account.
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