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About kaiyummba

  • Birthday 07/20/1987


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  1. I highly appreciate your recommendation. I was just wondering if there's a quick fix other than being patient 😜 . Having a trending topic on the forum also had a positive impact on my impression 😊
  2. If you can't help don't, just don't demean people. Level 1 and level 2 sellers know the trade that's why they don't seek help often but new sellers are learning that's why they ask questions. I suppose that's the use of the platform.
  3. Hi. I'm a new seller from Bangladesh. I'm not getting impression due to turmoil in our country which led to inactivity. How do I rank my gig again.
  4. Eid Mubarak to everyone from Bangladesh
  5. What should be the ideal impression to click ratio? My gig has been generating impressions but there's little activity in generating click. What should I do? In last 7 days, let's say I have around 1k impressions but only 5 clicks.
  6. Thanks it's a great help. Could you please let us know if we could be fla gged for sharing our gigs considering it might be marked as spa m. Thanks
  7. How do you guys share your gig in social sites, i.e, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. to increase your visibility. Many of the groups deletes the post as spam.
  8. How many daily impression is enough to get job in the long run?
  9. Can you change gig title url?
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