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Everything posted by animie_video

  1. Dear Fiverr Community, I am writing to seek assistance regarding a recent review from one of my clients. The client accidentally clicked on a 4-star rating but intended to leave a higher rating as she is very satisfied with the quality of my work. She now wishes to update her review to accurately reflect her satisfaction. Could anyone please guide me on how I can assist the client in updating her review? Any detailed steps or procedures that I can tell her would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Wondering when we will get rid of such irrelevant comments spamming each post. Have you even read what he is asking about?
  3. I just tried to register myself on Fiverr business and here's what I received.
  4. Thank you @vickieito for clearing this, was really concerned over this thing.
  5. This has happened a lot of time, so just wondering if anyone here can assist me to understand. One of the client that I've been working with takes A LOT of time to respond/provide feedback on the assets that I send to him and never put the order on modification. Order is marked complete itself. Now when he'll come back after a week or so, I need to set up the offer again. My question is, will Fiverr consider this too as negative thing that client haven't placed the order of next milestone? Quite worried about this
  6. Hi @victorchen928 welcome to the Fiverr Community, hope you'll have a great time working on this platform and in the community. I am working on 2D Animations.
  7. You should master your existing Skill first, if you think you've learnt EVERYTHING & there's nothing left to be explored in Branding Designs, ask yourself what you LOVE to do the most? Do you enjoy logo creation or UI/UX? As learning new skill isn't of any worth if you're not PRO in your existing skill and your next skill will help only if you are passionate for that too.
  8. @vickieito I really appreciate that you wrote these things, they totally make sense and I hope they're helpful for the people to understand that what could be wrong. @williambryan392 I don't feel you were harsh, in fact most of the points you said are those I totally agree with, no one should be provided with the information that what they should do to make their profile accurate, everyone should try exploring it by their own as we did. My only point to mention all of you here is that I have heard few rumors too that Fiverr isn't allowing Pakistani freelancers to create sellers profiles anymore, so just wanted to be sure that there's nothing wrong with Fiverr or it's algorithms, it's just that the new sellers might be doing something wrong as @vickieito & @theratypist mentioned above
  9. The results are amazing @rabia_sabir Your conversion rate is definitely great, how you're able to convert this much? The knocks you always receive, do you always get your favorite clients from those? Just asking because that's not the case with my GIG, I usually get most of the requests to work for less price than the ones mentioned on my GIG
  10. Buyer requests are not in process these days for most of the sellers as Fiverr is trying to publish a new feature instead of that. Are you guys still receiving buyer requests?
  11. Woah, that's amazing. Where I can find this? My turnaround is usually same for clients from Fiverr and outside, where I could find this and how does this work?
  12. @vickieito @theratypist @williambryan392 @lloydsolutions Sorry for bothering you all but just thought you might have an idea of what's going on, I checked in the forum after quite few days but have heard the same issue from a friend of mine, few people on Facebook group who're new to Fiverr and then on here Forum as well. By any chance, any of you have an idea of why this is happening?
  13. Your picture is none of the category mentioned by Fiverr as it says "Show yourself clearly and face the front. This can be an original image of you, your company's logo, or an image that represents your service." @sanaali139 The above line is from Fiverr Support article, could be found here in detail: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4416325224977
  14. Agree with @donnovan86 Nothing on this Earth can stop the people who'll order irrelevant and then come in inbox to talk
  15. Woah, never knew that orders could be in revisions for 1 or 3 year 😄 I always try to complete the orders without revisions but if they get into revisions, I try mostly to complete them ASAP so it doesn't affect my stats
  16. In past 7 years, I have never heard or worked with someone like this, so seems like a scam. If you have a platform to work on, why go to HR company and then work? But if you could elaborate it, may be the screenshots, that would be great then to understand the actual matter.
  17. Have you recently completed an order? It's because client might have left a bad private feedback check this thread for some relevant answers:
  18. @anniejenkinsonthank you for your detailed response, now I get it that why it is necessary to communicate with great nerves and how clients can easily manipulate easily to lose our TRS badge. Thankfully, my 99/100 replies are written with cool-head, the one which is eft is also not aggressive but I can't say it's calm every time.
  19. @anniejenkinsonYou are so right, but if we see this from his perspective, you never know that how much torture client had client given him until he said that. I am not saying that this behavior is right, but Fiverr should understand that buyer could be wrong too sometimes. In any case, I am not sure why the TRS badge isn't going to be easy for him.
  20. As you said some buyers don't leave feedback, but it shouldn't be the case for every single customer. Feedbacks do some work for your ranking but as far as public feedbacks are concerned, it effects less than the private feedback as per what I have heard mostly. So do ask your client's politely, to leave feedback for you. Also, feedbacks help new clients to have trust on you so they are kinda important in one way or the other
  21. Honestly, it totally depends on individual client's choice but I am definitely going to second @smashradiothat MOST of the people come here to look for single freelancer and they prefer it. But this week, I got a client who wanted the same service which I was providing but after initial communication, he selected someone else and later told me that he selected the just because they were a team and would complete his task earlier. So go for what makes more sense to you. All the best
  22. @maira_ashwhat kind of ENTERTAINMENT we should have on Fiverr? 😄 Seems like you're getting no sales so platform is boring for you now
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