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About skillednur

  • Birthday 06/10/1991


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  1. Can I login to my fiverr account from multiple devices? Like 2 Mobile 1 laptop? 

  2. How many Gig Extra prices can new sellers add? Two or Three??
  3. How many days after publishing the gig shows in the search engine? My gig is active but can't find it!
  4. How many days after publishing the gig shows in the search engine?  My gig is active but can't find it!

    1. vickieito


      Hi @skillednur, Can you see your gig status here?


      It will tell you if your gig is active and if you appear in search results.

      Don't worry too much about whether YOU can find your gig in search - Fiverr's algorithm tailors search result to each buyer, so everyone will see something different. I can never find myself in search but my customers can, and that's what matters.

      Another way to check to see if buyers are seeing you are your impressions. If it's zero, no one is seeing you. Any impression above zero means that your gig is getting shown to buyers. 

  5. I am a new seller on Fiverr. I have published a gig there are some mistakes in it, Now I will decide to delete the gig and publish a new one, Will there be any problem in that case?? please check out my gig and suggest me. https://www.fiverr.com/skillednur/make-and-fix-facebook-business-page-and-linkedin-page
  6. How can I top up my account? https://www.fiverr.com/skillednur/ https://www.fiverr.com/skillednur/make-and-fix-facebook-business-page-and-linkedin-page
  7. checkout my Fiverr account, what can I do more to improve it? Link below ↓ https://www.fiverr.com/share/65r95A
  8. My gig is now showing on the 5th page, How can I get to the first page? suggest me how?
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