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Everything posted by theratypist

  1. If you have a blog or social media following for your services outside of Fiverr you can redirect them to purchase your gig here...
  2. Buyer psychology. When a buyer comes and sees 3 packages laid out they will usually go for the middle one, as usually its usually the "bang for the buck" option. Of course these are not counting the buyers that already know what they are specifically looking for.... The extras only show up in the bottom if you have one package available. If you have 3 packages set up it only shows up when a buyer proceeds for an order. Of course the three packages are not ideal for all the types of services. So doing one package with extras is also okay.
  3. Hahahaha, I think they serve two different audiences but I am a fan of both for sure!
  4. The ocean is a desert with its life undergroundAnd a perfect disguise aboveUnder the cities lies a heart made of groundBut the humans will give no love .......................... You can do magic! You can have anything that you desireMagic, and you knowYou're the one who can put out the fire
  5. Hahaha wait is he a monk? 😆 Hahahaha I browse around that category when I want to amuse myself and I'm sure I've come across his page hahaha Fiverr featured him in their official page years ago.... haha! https://www.facebook.com/Fiverr/posts/if-youve-visited-fiverr-this-morning-you-will-have-seen-gabonne-on-the-front-pag/367137273318074/
  6. Did you put this in Grammarly and used the thesaurus function... And if yes, whyyyyy
  7. First of all you are nowhere near this, and second of all I don't know why you copy pasted and slightly modified what my good friend @smashradio wrote earlier.......... Lastly, why did your response get so many likes 🥴🤣
  8. Will, someone is asking how did you rank your gig @williambryan392 🤣
  9. The only people ruining the marketplace are the ones delivering poor work at whatever price point they were able to fool a buyer into purchasing 😄
  10. Ahh, yes the beauty of this forum 😆 Hahaha thanks for all the helpful comments you share though! Glad you've found the patience to do so haha...
  11. Yes, your rating is the average of all your ratings... So the more 5 stars you get in the future, it will improve your average rating. Also 4 stars is not the end of the world 🙂 But I can see how its an important metric here on Fiverr...
  12. You can try reaching out to Customer Support -- support@fiverr.com. The forum is filled with buyers and sellers so all we can do here is speculate at best. I am guessing his gig profile and gig got removed for whatever reason or he simply might have deactivated his account. I personally have not purchased a positive energy gig, but if you're still looking for other gigs like that I see there are still many available that you can try out. 🙂
  13. I see, this sounds like a difficult buyer 😅 I suggest you extend the delivery time to 2 weeks. Note that if you asked for an extension of 4 days, and the due date was lets say 18, but they approve the extension but only on the 20th, the due date would still be for 22. So just extend the delivery times as generously as possible for this case. You are in a time crunch with a buyer that is not actively doing their part in this order, be firm (yet still polite) as you reach out to them. You might need to factor in your pricing the time involved in doing back and forth with clients like these. Would it count as a revision to have you constantly change your pins? Might need to put more structure and explain it on your gig profile. I hope this helps. You can try contacting Customer Support as well support@fiverr.com🙂
  14. Damooch I saw this post at page 8 but I'm glad I did.... I wonder where you got your thoughts for this one 😆
  15. Simple question but answered very many times! 😄
  16. That's a scam and definitely not allowed here on Fiverr... Any outside communication is banned and that kind of arrangement wouldn't work anyway.
  17. I'm not familiar with how pinterest management services go so forgive me ahead if I miss anything out. Did this project start in a way that you were provided all the details as necessary and you can deliver it ahead by the 12 day mark? Or is this arrangement a do one part get feedback again and again for the other parts until the 12 days are complete? If for example, this was something clearcut like a "Write 500 words" kind of gig and you did exactly as what was instructed and covered by the gig then by all means just deliver the order. They will be able to request revisions when they come back.... But if I'm understanding this right, you need to do a back and forth with the client for approval on certain steps to be able to complete the order? Might be a good idea to put an extra week on delivery to accommodate things like these in the future (not that you would delay delivery for any other clients -- just referring to situations like these) .
  18. Hahaha, agree! Glad to see you here from time to time 🙂 I hope you have been well!
  19. I can't believe this is on page 7. Hahaha but this was insightful and good point. Thanks for sharing monsieur!
  20. There are a loooooot of sellers offering the same service you are. Unless a potential buyer has reason to choose you over other sellers with hundreds to thousands of reviews, it will be challenging to get a sale.
  21. First of all, its not allowed to communicate outside the platform. Second of all, why do work where you have to pay something yourself? Besides, you aren't able to do that kind of arrangement on Fiverr anyway. Do read the Fiverr terms of service before jeopardizing your profile on Fiverr even more.
  22. Hey there, welcome to the forum. You can try utilizing the "buyer request" section if you want sellers to make an offer to do the needed project at a certain budget. Here is a guide on how to utilize them https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360049196454-Post-and-manage-your-Buyer-Requests?segment=buyer If you need further assistance in selecting sellers that may be able to assist you on this you can contact Customer Support (support@fiverr.com).
  23. If you need a job for your family, it might be best to just be an employee at a business with an open position matching your skills. Fiverr is a challenging place to start in at these times. You will definitely not get a job here by begging for it in the forum. I know it sounds a bit harsh, but that is the truth.
  24. Have you tried using the video call function instead, perhaps you may find it more useful..
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