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Everything posted by tasin365

  1. Create a video about your Gig. Then publish that on your gig
  2. actually fiverr choice badge totally depend on fiverr team. Fiverr team give you fiverr choice badge chake your activity.
  3. There is no fixed rate for create a website. Its totally depend on a Developer.But 5$ is very low cost for create a website.
  4. your gig impression is too good . keep it on and going up!
  5. tasin365


    Create more 5 GIG and stay active on fiverr, then buyer request showing. You try to chacke buyer request in the morning and evening
  6. Create a attractive gig image,do social media merketing and exchange your gig favorite.
  7. every seller have a dream to get top rated seller badge in one year then obviosly he/she is very talented and so lucky
  8. At Frist You have to crate a SEO friendly gig. Then share your gig social media to increase your gig . Maximum time keep your account active in fiverr.
  9. stay active and share your gig in social merket. your imprasion will increase.
  10. its very hard for me. i tried this test very hardly then i passed this exam. the will help you to grow your profile and take a good advantedge.
  11. good post .but i think if you do not know about the project how do this you never take the order
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