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Everything posted by maxtpf

  1. Well the funny thing is that the guy who copied the first one forgot that at the end there's the original logo of the creator. Hahaha what a genius. (I guess he doesn't even know how to cut a clip)
  2. "I am sorry that my previous responses did not meet your expectations. As an AI langua.. e ge ym te in ti ERROR 404... ... ... . .. ." Ain't never comin' back.
  3. This looks perfect. (I'm joking.)
  4. One solution might be to use the auto-reply feature Fiverr added. You can make a message where you also include to read the FAQ and the description, if they haven't yet.
  5. What I think is that back when we had Buyer requests there was too many spam messages, people just spamming to the buyer requests. I've got many briefs but never one that actually could fit my service. Either way overall I think it's better, at least you get a notification when a brief is available. With the buyer request some people stayed online all day just to copy and paste the same messages.
  6. I really don't get where people take these "tips" from, and the whole point of spamming them on the forum daily.
  7. If you write in English you might have a better chance to get an answer.
  8. Not sure what you're referring to, but personally I liked the old design a little more. Of course they have to keep updating and making the design fresh.
  9. maxtpf


    There's no real guide on how to get impressions, of course it's about the tags what category you've chosen and many other factors. Fiverr always rotates the gigs to give everyone a chance. Like I already said I would wait a little more, you said that you create the gig just 3 days ago. Some people think it does some people think it doesn't work. When you make some changes on your gig you might get some delay or more impressions, depending also on what type of changes you do. Honestly I would only do changes if they're really needed, not to trick the system. (If it even works..) Also have you ever read this post? It is very helpful.
  10. maxtpf


    Do you want people to see your gig or not? I don't get it. You shouldn't put images of your valuable work if you don't get impressions? What's the point? What if tomorrow the gig ranks and you get those tight 24 hours of visibility, since Fiverr always tries to give everyone a chance, and all they see is a template. Then don't come back saying people look at your page and won't order.
  11. maxtpf


    Whoever told you that being active was an effective way of getting visibility is wrong, and surely you can't lose sleep for that. You experienced it yourself. For the gig I would wait for at least a week, then decide and see what's wrong with your gig if there is something wrong. You said it is well optimized but you just pasted a free template, without even modifying it, in one of your image slots.
  12. Not the roast I was expecting..
  13. What do you mean "give up on this account"? You mean give up on Fiverr? Making multiple accounts would only make it worse.
  14. What do you mean, If you can get orders by just using Fiverr? Yes, that's the whole point of it.
  15. Your question is if the Fiverr tests have any effect on the ranking of your gig? Some people say it does, some people doesn't, we're not really sure. If you make the results of the tests visible the buyer will see it, so it will somehow have an effect on how the buyer sees you and your profile. And it might add some credibility.
  16. Hi, I saw you made some changes on your profile description and in one of your gigs. Now I don't specifically remember how your profile was. I see you removed the "per hour" information in one of your gigs, maybe work a little bit more on your gig images. You still have an extra slot for an image and a slot for a PDF, which in your case might be important.
  17. Hello @taronbd, you should have no problem. As long as you follow these rules: Quoted from a Customer support ticket I recently opened for the same reason.
  18. You should know the answer yourself, right? You have 4 gigs about SEO strategy and keyword research, I don't understand your question..
  19. @niloybddm Since you're already here, use the forum!
  20. This really gotta be a joke..
  21. It actually is against the rules @masud_digital. @inamrakhan You can post your gig link in the "My Fiverr Gig" section. There you can ask for help.
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