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  1. Hello, Vickie,

    Smash said you might have posted a screenshot of what Fiverr asks the buyer when they request a revision. However, I cannot find it. Can you point me to which topic it was on?

    1. vickieito


      HI @vickiespencer, I think it was this topic here:


    2. vickiespencer


      Thank you. I also wanted to say you do not look old enough to have a 13-year-old son.

    3. vickiespencer


      Thank you. I have seen that before, and I did not place value on it as I never do the other things. However, a few weeks back, I started to attach my delivery documents one at a time because I was receiving revision requests because the red lines did not appear on the track changes copies I sent to the buyers. However, the red lines did appear when I attached the docs one at a time. Now, I wonder what those sellers chose when they said they were not ready to complete the order, as I saw a slowdown in orders after that.

      PS. I had to copy and past the above because it was not saving. Then two posts appeared. 🤔


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