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About vovkaslovesnyy

  • Birthday 02/03/1987


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  1. This is a scam. Never share your card details! Fiverr never requests it. I recommend blocking your bank card right away to avoid further losses (scammers can use your credentials to buy something).
  2. This is partially true until you have to deal with a religious document, a birth certificate, or a game in any language. This year, I am overloaded with work, which rarely happened before (even though the overall demand for services in Russian should be low due to obvious reasons). Usually, the beginning of the year and summer are quiet, but not in 2024.
  3. Just re-deliver everything once again. There's no way to withdraw it.
  4. What I see is that videos and images for non-visual gigs are back (at least for now). I hope it stays like that since their removal was something beyond understanding. (I don't see it on my main computer, but it can be seen on my laptop for now). They are not hidden somewhere deep in the gig anymore.
  5. @Kesha, there's one tiny display issue. Türkiye becomes a combination of emojis and numbers.
  6. If you take into account that all your messages are monitored by AI (which is not that advanced), you can change the situation. I was able to change it from Negative Impact to Positive Impact on my low-performing gigs (they have 3-5 orders per year) by doing the following: 1. Whenever you have a new request, thank your customer for contacting you, and provide them with all the details. 2. Even if it was a custom offer, as soon as you receive the order, you need to thank your customer for placing the order, write your delivery time, and add something else. The more your write, the higher AI ranks you. 3. If it takes more than 2-3 days, send messages on the order page to inform your buyer about the current state of things. 4. When you deliver your project, write a long message, and politely ask for feedback. If you have no communication on the order page, your score will be negatively affected. To be honest, when I rarely place orders on Fiverr, I barely get "Thanks..." In the majority of cases, I have no communication with the seller until the moment of delivery, which is also like, "Here's your file..."
  7. I am not sure about this part, but as I remember the idea behind this was to show the amount of money spent by a person leaving you an average or bad review. It's like "I have 1 order with 3 stars, but the customer paid only $20 and was too demanding. But I also have a lot of customers spending hundreds and leaving good reviews." It's not that bad. For example, when this value-for-money thing was launched, I had to remove all gigs below $40 to avoid dealing with those customers. They tend to leave less than 5 and demand a lot of things.
  8. TL;DR: I am praising Fiverr for changing my life 😁 10 years ago, in June 2014, I was looking for a website to cartoonize one of my photos (I don't remember the exact reason for it, but I needed a cartoon version of myself). At that time, I had no idea about Fiverr. When I found it, it looked something like this 😅 (good old non-AI days). I was able to get what I wanted, and this cartoon version of me was used on my website and even became a decoration in one of my rooms. Then, I decided to offer my translation services on the platform. It was more like, "Well, I can get a couple of bucks when I have some free time." By 2016, I was able to leave my main job and totally shift my attention to freelancing. I decided to offer additional services, and, as we say in Russian, "it took off." In 2021, when I had to deal with a total retinal detachment, I received a notification telling me that I was chosen to become a TRS (I was literally sitting in my car near Minsk and thinking about the meaning of life while seeing the world with one eye). I have to say, it was one of the most difficult moments in my life (when you know that there are high chances that you will be 50% blind). However, that single notification changed my mood, and three years later, I enjoy 90% of my initial vision. It was that moment in my life when I really needed that notification. In 2022, I had to move to another country, and I will always remember all those good things that Chris Banaszek did for me. He was my success manager at that time, and he helped with all the legal and technical issues to restore my account in no time. After that, we worked with Chiara, and currently, my manager is Samantha (Fiverr needs to protect her at all costs!), who always saves me from another heart attack. Today, I am starting a new decade on Fiverr and hope to share a similar post in 2034 (when I'll be 47 😒). I hope that many of us will be still here criticizing another new feature on the platform 😁. I made this post to thank all the people working under the hood of the platform for what they do, especially Chris, Chiara, Samantha, and Ran. Your work changes lives, and this is the most important thing for me.
  9. I've just verified myself, and the issue is with the app. DO NOT VERIFY YOURSELF IN THE APP. When you open the verification page (it will be shown in Fiverr App), click three dots as recommended above, "Open in Browser", then three dots again, "Open in Chrome." (I use Android). It took me 1 minute and a couple of new gray hair 🤣 But I couldn't fall asleep without passing verification or ruining my account 😁
  10. Samsung and all devices from its ecosystem 😁 In addition, Apple is quite useless in my home country and my current place of residence (not to mention the price of $3,800 for 15 Pro Max).
  11. Basically, if you just use your SIM card in the roaming mode, you will appear in your home country. For example, when I use my Turkish SIM in Thailand or Spain, my IP and all other information are Turkish (Google also sees me in Turkey). There may be exclusions, but it works like this in general. In addition, those location inconsistencies are mostly caused by people using several accounts from one address or device both intentionally, or unintentionally. For example, if you use someone's device, and this person has (or had) an account on Fiverr, there are high chances of getting punished. The same goes for public Wi-Fi networks and hotels with shared addresses, so I prefer to avoid them. One more thing, CS has already confirmed that just traveling and using different connections shouldn't be a reason to flag your account.
  12. They can switch to a 10-point system while leaving old reviews as is 😁 This is how I (and the platform) feel about it:
  13. I like these changes (especially getting rid of those emojis 😁). Two years seem fair enough. Since @Kesha's thread is closed for replies, there's one more interesting thing: So, we are basically back to an updated version of the previous rating system, and private reviews will not affect our public rating.
  14. That would explain why a couple of things happened this month 😅
  15. I think it's somehow connected with the addition of an hourly rate. I was asked to set one up recently. They are someway partnered with LinkedIn now, so they want to connect platforms in all possible ways (featured reviews, links, rates, and so on). I have an account there, but it's followed by my classmates, workers of a hotel complex, where I live, and a couple of people from South Asia 😅 I highly doubt they can help me grow my business (who knows?).
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