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Everything posted by charlsmcfarlane

  1. An unexpected and welcome surprise today! Well worth spending the time to create the video. I was thinking this might be a good opportunity to try Seller Plus. Does anyone have any suggestions as to which plan I should try?
  2. I'm sorry to say that, from my experience, it's just as useless as it was before.
  3. Please consolidate the order chat and timeline features into one feed in the app, the same way it is displayed on fiverr.com The way things are now, I need to switch between the timeline and chat tabs to refer to revision notes when writing a message. If these two screens were combined, I’d be able to see the revision request and notes immediately above my reply as I compose it.
  4. I recently had my browser crash many times when trying to upload several files that were a few hundred MB for a delivery. This meant that several of the clips that had correctly uploaded, needed to be uploaded again. This happened many times and the only way I could get it working was to compress the delivery files to make them go without crashing the Fiverr.com site. I assume that this was happening because Fiverr was having to hold the files in its memory or a buffer of some kind, ready to submit the delivery. It seemed to overload the page and I had to keep starting again. Anyway, it would be great to have something like a delivery outbox, in the order page, where one can upload the delivery files they they get finished, and then Fiverr can save them until the delivery is ready to be sent. This would effectively be like having a decent delivery draft system. Thanks
  5. When creating certain gigs you can define what software you use, which is good to do for search results. However, there are times when I offer the same service for multiple software packages. I’d love to be able to select multiple software options. If I could do this I could consolidate several different gigs into one single gig. For example, when looking at the attached screenshot, I offer this service for four different software packages so I would have to create a different gig for each one. Thanks
  6. It would be great to have the option to embed or add a link to something when adding to the portfolio instead of only having the option to upload the video. The 50MB maximum file size is not good. If I could just embed a Vimeo or YouTube video, for example, I could add a 4K project to my portfolio easily. As well as helping with the file sizes, it would also be significantly faster. Thanks
  7. Ever since joining Fiverr I have never used the Holiday/Vacation/Unavailable feature. From what I understand, turning it on removes you from the search and makes it so you can't have orders come in. Well, I don't mind answering the odd question when I'm away, even if my response rate is a little lower than usual. I'd love an option that, when enabled, simply extends all my gig's durations by the period I'm off for. For example, if I offer a voiceover with a 2 day turnaround and I go on holiday for 5 days, it extends all my gigs by 5 days, including the rush order options. Obviously having longer delivery times will negatively impact orders, impressions and clicks but surely it won't impact things as negatively as having your gigs removed entirely from search?
  8. I offer online training through Fiverr. I ask that clients buy a gig to secure the session time and then, about 30 minutes before, I open the order chat and create the fiverr zoom call ready for the session. Then sometimes, the scheduled time comes around and I'm there, waiting for the client, and they don't show up. So I message them to remind them about it, in both the order chat and the regular inbox. Often, at this point I get a message from them like, "hey, sorry I got held up. Be there in 5" – that kind of thing. This is fine. People get stuck in traffic. People have to change a diaper at the worst moment. People forget. It happens. Often, if they're on 5 minutes after the scheduled time, I'll even go over by 5 minutes so they still get the full time they paid for. My issue is with the others – sometimes someone just doesn't show up at all, doesn't message back and, in rare cases, never talks to me again. In this situation, should I mark the order as complete? After all, I have allocated that time and spent at least some of it waiting for them (normally about 15 minutes before I abandon the whole thing). The issue is, they haven't had a session, which they could argue, is what they paid for. However, I see it as they're paying for my time, which I made available at the agreed hour. In any other situation if one pays for a lesson and doesn't show up, the time is still chargeable. Is this the same? What would you do?
  9. It also doesn’t make much sense to measure this too, as sellers can just reply “hi” and then take ages to respond, this gives the appearance of a 1-hour response rate when it isn’t really.
  10. A couple of days ago I made a tiny change to my gig video. I literally just changed a single image, which I was planning to make my new thumbnail. I made the change before going to bed and woke up to messages telling me that I had to modify my gig. I was confused but I have had to make little tweaks before in the past, so I didn't think much of it. I checked it out and, for whatever reason the trust and safety team had flagged my gig video and description because I mention zoom. Now, I exclusively use Fiverr's own zoom integration and provide no links to get in touch outside of the platform. The only link I included was a link to the zoom website that allows a user to jump into a test call to verify they can get connected before our meeting. It's a useful way to verify everything's working without wasting time in our meeting. It's important to note that this link does not provide any way for them to contact me off-platform. Despite this, I removed this link as requested and resubmitted only to be asked to remove the link (which I had already removed). I then proceeded to reword all mentions of "zoom" to "Fiverr's Zoom integration", so as to be extremely clear that I was NOT soliciting communication off-platform. Anyway, I resubmitted it and my gig was then marked as "Denied". I don't know why it kept getting flagged even after I had made the changes. Maybe there was a bug in the system and the trust and safety rep wasn't getting the update. I don't know. So, I had never heard of a "Denied" gig before but I soon learned that this meant my gig had been removed and COULD NOT be restored. At this point I became very worried! I have 20 gigs on Fiverr and this particular gig probably makes up about 70% of my earnings historically. It was also Fiverr's Choice in its category and had over 100 five star reviews, and a couple at 4.7. Basically, losing this gig would be like going back in time 3 years and starting again. Now, here's the point of this post – Customer Support don't always get the best rap and I wanted to tell this story because I was genuinely looked after like I have never experienced on Fiverr before. I messaged them as soon as I could but I was very concerned that it was a futile endeavour. All the help pages I could find told me that Denied gigs cannot be restored. This is so engrained in the support process that there was no way to even ask for help on this. I had to actually report it as a different issue just so I could raise a ticket. I waited a few hours and then got a message that my enquiry had been forwarded onto the relevant team. Then, minutes later, my gig was alive again! All my reviews were there, the Fiverr's Choice badge had returned and my gig was ranked in about the same spot in search as it had been before. It had also been approved immediately without any other flags, so it was obviously clear to the person looking at it, that there was no issues with the content within my gig. This was a masterclass in simple, basic customer service. Within minutes of picking up my ticket, it was resolved and I breathed an enormous sigh of relief. As a note for any sellers too, I did notice that it flagged my gig title, which had never been an issue before. I have a training certification, which was in my title. Considering the new "Certified" thing Fiverr just announced/released, I think it was taking issue with my title mentioning that I hold a certification. It only gave me a very vague "this title does not match our guidelines" message (or words to that effect) but once I removed mention of the certification that flag disappeared. Just one to be aware of if any of you have certifications that you mention in your gig. I'm not mad this happened. Mistakes happen, technical glitches happen. It was the resolution that I want to celebrate. – Thank you Fiverr Support!
  11. Thanks. It’s nice to see fiverr continuously improving!
  12. I love the Fiverr calls feature and use it tons with my buyers (and prospect buyers, of course). I'd love to have a way to schedule calls with them ahead of time though, rather than pressing the "start call" button. Sometimes I can't talk now but don't want to have to come back to the inbox ten minutes before I've scheduled to talk to them, so I can create the call and check it's working etc. I've noticed if you create the call and then come back maybe an hour later, it says 'link invalid' or something and I have to recreate the call so I can't just press the button and use it when I return. Something exactly like the paid consultations feature (which I also love) but for non-paid consultations. It's a small gripe but a real one. Thanks
  13. I'm not sure how much this will help people, unless they're changing more about the selection process behind the scenes. I passed 20K years ago and have had perfect (or near perfect) stats every month, been Fiverr's choice on several gigs for months, tons of orders, great ratings and I'm still level 2. 🤷‍♂️
  14. Most sellers that would seem to be ready for Top Rated status aren't held back by the revenue limit. I think it's the unclear selection method that most people find a bit hard to understand, and a little frustrating. I've never heard complaints about people having to earn the required amount first. It's more common that it's the other way around i.e. people have near perfect stats and earned the required $20K years ago and every month comes and goes without any word on the review process. It would be great to have some insight into the selection process or perhaps even some indication that a seller's account has been looked at and perhaps the reason they haven't been selected this time around. If anything, I wonder if lowering the 20K limit is going in the wrong direction. Hitting the 20K limit is, for me, a distant memory. It was something to work towards but now, with TRS selection so ambiguous, hitting that goal doesn't really seem to mean much. By lowering it, are you just increasing the number of people scratching their heads as to why they're not being selected? I am pleased with how this has been handled following the seller outcry when it was announced. Fiverr's willingness to listen hasn't gone unnoticed. It's nice to see some small tweaks to the process on this too. A platform's willingness to listen and make changes, even if they still proceed with the plan, is a good sign of their commitment to their community. I can't see it announced here (perhaps it's not turned on for everyone yet), but you can reply in threads in the inbox now – excellent addition and something I requested a few weeks ago! Regarding everything else, bravo! Some great updates.
  15. Update: Someone from support was able to reinstate my gig. I am so relieved!
  16. I woke up to a message telling me that I needed to update my gig and, did exactly what was asked of me and each time I resubmitted the gig they told me that I needed to make the change I had already made. My gig has now been denied and it is the most successful gig I have on Fiverr. Probably accounting for 60 or 70% of my work in the last 3 years. I don’t know whether this was a platform issue, where they weren’t seeing the changes I was making or if they were rejecting my gig for other reasons and not telling me, but regardless, this is absolutely and unquestionably a mistake (or misunderstanding) To be specific, they were taking issue with the fact that I reference zoom in my gig. At no point did I share any zoom contact details and I only use the Fiverr zoom integration, which is provided by and within the platform. The second time I got rejected, to be as clear as possible, I reworded it to specifically mention the Fiverr zoom integration so there could be absolutely no doubt that I was not telling buyers to communicate off-platform. I need the Fiverr team to review this as a matter of urgency as this will make a significant impact on my freelance work. I don’t understand why such a successful gig can be so quickly deleted? I would greatly appreciate any advice that can be offered by the community or Fiverr team.
  17. I tried tons of times to reply to buyer requests and never had any luck. As you said, it seems like either spam or just a race to the bottom in terms of price. Unfortunately, I don’t think the new system is any better. I’ve had a single order from the new system and they were not a good buyer. The thing I really don’t like is when someone writes “flexible” but they actually do have a budget.
  18. While it’s not ideal that this was your first review, there’s a silver lining, I think. Sometimes when someone has very few reviews and they’re all 5 stars, it might seem to a potential buyer that the reviews could be fake. Obviously fiverr does a lot to ensure that fake reviews aren’t on the platform but a new buyer might not know that. The odd imperfect or even negative review shows that the reviews you’re receiving are real and that you’re not perfect (who is?) Obviously, you need mainly positive reviews, but I don’t think this is the end of the world. Once you have 300 reviews, no one will doubt the authenticity of them, because of the sheer number. I know this doesn’t help you get your next order but, when it comes, hopefully you’ll do great and get 5 stars. Then you’ll be well on your way. As one final note, 4.7 stars is not a bad score, in my opinion. I have a gig with a 4.3 average, due to a low number of orders and a single negative review. That gig still gets impressions, clicks and the occasional order.
  19. That’s a fair point. I joined in 2020, so I don’t think the way cancellations affect metrics has changed. I was basing it on number of orders rather than a dollar amount. I’d say I’m on the higher end, when it comes to pricing.
  20. Fiverr mainly measures cancellation rate over 60 days but, with the upcoming cancelled order reviews coming up, I’m curious where my overall cancellation rate sits and whether people think it’s good or not. Obviously my aim would be to have zero cancellations for all time, but I think that’s a big ask. Across nearly 600 orders since I started on Fiverr, the percentage of those orders that have been cancelled is 4.4% I’m actually quite pleased with this, especially as a portion of these were cancelled as part of Fiverr’s suggested process for offering a partial refund. But…what does everyone think and how does this compare to other people’s cancellation rate?
  21. I understand the sentiment, as a large proportion of my work is motion graphics that include source files. I guess I have two ways I’d play devil’s advocate here. 1. If the source files are part of the delivery you need to deliver them and make them accessible, otherwise you haven’t delivered what you promised and the client cannot verify that they’re correct. 2. This whole process can’t work without an element of trust. Most of my orders contain source files and this has never been an issue. If you’re this worried about this, it might be the calibre of clients that’s the issue. it might be time to raise your prices and try and elevate your service beyond the kind of buyers that you’re concerned about. Or… maybe invest in seller plus so you can speak to clients before they can order and you can build that trust ahead of time.
  22. Thanks for your reply. That’s good to know.
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