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Everything posted by charlsmcfarlane

  1. This has been requested so many times by so many people. It is so strange that this isn’t possible, even through support. I have an order that has been sitting there for almost a year and the client is not responding. I have already delivered 25% of the work (one hour out of four training sessions). This order is so old it predates milestones so that wouldn’t have been possible as a solution. My options are cancel the whole order and lose the money for the work I’ve already done or wait for the client to get back in touch (they haven’t been on the platform for almost a year, despite me and support trying to contact them). For all I know, they’ll never get back in touch. If I could just refund them 75% of the order I (and Fiverr) could get paid for my work and we could all just move on with our lives. Fiverr, please add this.
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