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Posts posted by michmikaia

  1. 1 hour ago, zaidurrahaman93 said:

    How do I add a Paynoeer payment method to Fiverr? only PayPal and credit card options are showing here . 

    If it's for buying services on Fiverr, you can only add Paypal or credit/Debit card. But if it's for withdrawal, go to your selling profile business/earning then go to manage payout method. Then, you can add your payoneer.

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  2. 1 hour ago, jamalbeest said:

    A year ago, I was thriving on Fiverr, but then, inexplicably, the orders dried up seven months ago. If you've got any pearls of wisdom to share or a helping hand to extend, I'd greatly appreciate it. My livelihood depends on it, and I'm eager to get back in the game!

    Your last delivery was just 3h ago. So why do you say that your last order was 7 months ago? And you even deliver something at least per week.


    1 hour ago, vibronx said:

    And if other people rob stores without being caught, you would also do it?

    You know somebody might be tempted to report your gigs if you don't change the images, right?

    I totally agree with you on that. And there are a lot, especially newbies, who think that if many people do something wrong then it's allowed. 🤔

    • Like 13
  3. 4 hours ago, amzvideopro said:

    You have to be very active on fiver, share your gigs on social media platforms and stick to fiver with hard work and persistence then your gig will rank and you will get many benefits to become a successful freelancer.

    I would suggest you to focus more on your business instead of giving such a wrong advice.

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  4. 7 hours ago, ibraheem2322 said:

    Getting your gig to rank on the first page of popular freelancing platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, or Freelancer can significantly boost your visibility and chances of securing more clients. Here are some essential tips to help improve your gig's ranking:

    1. Optimize Your Gig Title: Craft a clear and descriptive gig title that includes relevant keywords related to your service. Make it engaging and specific to what you offer.

    2. Keyword Research: Identify the keywords and phrases potential clients might use when searching for services like yours. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your gig description and tags.

    3. High-Quality Images and Videos: Use high-resolution images and videos that showcase your work and professionalism. Visual content can grab the attention of potential buyers.

    4. Compelling Gig Description: Write a detailed and engaging gig description that highlights your skills, experience, and what sets you apart from the competition. Be sure to address the client's pain points and how you can solve them.

    5. Clear Pricing Structure: Offer transparent pricing with different packages or options, if applicable. Make sure your rates are competitive within your niche.

    6. Include Relevant Tags: Use relevant tags that describe your services accurately. Tags help the platform categorize and recommend your gig to potential clients.

    7. Deliver Outstanding Work: Consistently provide high-quality services and exceed client expectations. Positive reviews and ratings are crucial for gig ranking.

    8. Respond Promptly: Be responsive to messages and inquiries from potential clients. Timely communication signals professionalism.

    9. Promote Your Gig: Share your gig on social media, your personal website, or in relevant online communities. This can help drive initial traffic to your gig.

    10. Update Your Gig Regularly: Keep your gig fresh by updating it with new work samples, reviews, or information about your services. Platforms often reward active sellers.

    11. Offer Discounts and Promotions: Periodically offer special promotions or discounts to attract more clients. This can boost your gig's visibility.

    12. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your gig is mobile-friendly, as many users access freelancing platforms from their smartphones and tablets.

    13. Consistency Matters: Consistency in delivering quality work, maintaining good client relationships, and staying active on the platform can lead to long-term success and better ranking.

    14. Study Your Competitors: Analyze what top-ranking sellers in your niche are doing. Take inspiration from their gig listings, but remember to maintain your unique selling proposition.

    15. Understand the Platform's Algorithm: Keep up to date with any changes or updates in the platform's algorithm that may affect gig rankings. Adapt your strategy accordingly.

    Your post has been reported. You violated Forum rules #8

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  5. 42 minutes ago, listing_point said:


    Here are some Benefits of being active on Fiverr:😅

    1. Increased visibility: Fiverr's algorithm favors active sellers.
    2. More orders: Active sellers are more likely to receive orders.
    3. Better reviews: Active sellers are more likely to receive positive reviews.
    4. Higher earnings: Active sellers typically earn more money.

    By being active on Fiverr, you can increase your visibility, receive more orders, earn better reviews, and make more money.🤑$


    How many orders did you get then for staying active?

    10 hours ago, ahmedbinsowrob said:

    What are the benefits of being fiverr active?


    There are no advantages of being active on Fiverr. It's a waste of time.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, zanabbusiness said:


    I want to access my old account on fiverr but there is problem in logging in my account, when I add email ID of that account there is no reply from fiverr team .


    What happened to that old account? I think, there is no need of fiverr team to sign in Fiverr. You just put your email and password.

    Can you explain?


    • Like 7
  7. 51 minutes ago, mpb0707 said:

    Thanks for your response! Sorry to hear that the same situation happened to you. I hope that your account is still in good standing.

    Maybe I can try to contact support via email and see if they will at least let me know which buyer they think I am working with to "boost my reviews". 


    I have seen someone who claimed about the same issue recently. This person get the same warning. And after seeing his profile, he got repeated review quite with the same buyer and with the same review. Kind of copy paste review. I notice also something quite similar on your review. And I think that's the reason why Fiverr pretended it as a review manipulation.

    Apart from talking to the CS and explain to them the real situation, I would suggest you if possible to gather all the tasks from one buyer as one offer or create a milestone offers. Just to avoid this kind of issue in the future.

    • Like 7
  8. 6 hours ago, devahamedenamul said:

    Can I use an auto refresher or anything else that can help me active online?

    There is no need of staying online if you have nothing to do. You are new seller. I would suggest you study the forum, keep the advice from succesfull seller instead of using something against Fiverr ToS. By the meantime, read Fiverr ToS.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, pro_arman510 said:

    Yes mam,, 

    This is very important for a new seller profile,



    If it's only needed for a gig to get approved as @shuvo_va said then yes. If not, it's like a profile decoration. Buyers can notice how good you are in your niche by talking with you. 


    • Like 5
  10. 33 minutes ago, abdaccountants said:

    How to promote my gigs to win the first client? I am new to fiverr so please give me good responses.

    You are not new. You have been here since Sept 2020. Getting order in your niche is very challenging. So you should be better than the others to win your first order.

    30 minutes ago, maiariful42 said:

    Continue to be active on Fiverr


    • Like 3
  11. 2 hours ago, md2237 said:

    For My Graduation project, study, and other problems like there was a major accident. Now my question is, is it okay to work with this existing account? Or, I should delete this and create a new one?

    I would suggest you to continue with this one. Many new sellers who want to join Fiverr have trouble in having their account approved. Especially in your niche. My second suggestion is, update your gig so that Fiverr knows that your gig is live. Then Fiverr will put your gig on the marketplace again.

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  12. 2 hours ago, nikola_p said:

    Hi there peeps! I used to work a lot on fiverr, usually making gaming montages and doing overall video editing, started all of this in 2019. Fast forward to January 2023, I got knee surgery, and after about a month in early February got a really bad COVID case, making me very sick and unable to work. I even stopped replying to potential customers it got so bad. 

    SO, right now my response rate is around 60%, with an average response time of 1 week. I know, that's really bad. This all means that my gig with over 300-5 star reviews doesn't reach anyone and it's at page 4-5 on average. Any way I can fix all of this, because I should be at the top page most definitely. Here is the gig in question: https://www.fiverr.com/nikola_p/edit-your-call-of-duty-pubg-fortnite-csgo-montage

    Any chance some of you can just message me a simple hello just to get my response rate back up, because right now I have no way of getting any messages, because no one is viewing my gig. It would mean the world to me. Or some tips on how to improve would be greatly appreciated.

    In addition to @sripra9007's comment, I think, it's better to update your gig in order for Fiverr to know that your gig is live again.

    • Like 3
  13. 42 minutes ago, amerul_islam said:

    stay active on fiverr

    Wrong. It does not even help you getting any single order. Work on your business first before guiding the others


    But last 15-20 day can't rank my gig and decrease my impression. 
    What can i do for solve this?

    Sometimes impression increases and sometimes decreases. It depends on your performance. So, as long as your gig is searchable, that's OK

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