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Posts posted by michmikaia

  1. 1 hour ago, areezhussain1 said:

    Please look at this there is not report option



    So, contact customer support about it.

    Next time, hide the username. Here in the forum, it's not allowed to call out member with their username. Forum Rules #3

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  2. 12 minutes ago, areezhussain1 said:

    So this person messaged me directly by placing the order and said he wanted to make a video for his freelancing course. I said okay send me details he gave me a drive and now he's saying someone said you needed order and fake reviews now send me 4300rs else he will report and cancel order. I have evidience on my email. I need help and I can't report this person



    Why can't you report the person? You can contact customer support and provide all evidence you have.

    • Like 3
  3. 4 hours ago, dimitarargirov said:


    recently I made my first gig - guest posting/link building on my own website. The problem is even cannot find my gig with any search option, and the gig is active! Any idea, what can be the problem?

    What keyword did you use in search?

    I see only a gig on your profile. And if I search your title I find it.

    • Like 9
  4. 16 hours ago, muhammadusmanaf said:

    If fiver account is 2 to 3 years old and have done orders before but now profile is not ranked and not getting orders so in this case what should i do how can i rank my gigs rank well again to get more and more orders?? 


    Hi there. Your last delivery was a year ago, which means that your performance is bad. That's why your gig does not appear in the search.

    I would suggest that you update your gigs first so that Fiverr knows your gigs are live again. Then, it might appear on the search again. And try to turn all inquiries you get into an order.

    • Like 6
  5. Hi there.

    These are absolutely a spam. And you can report it as spam. Communicate out of Fiverr platform is also against Fiverr ToS. So be carefull. As you are new here, you will receive a lot of spam at the beginning.

    Another thing, you cannot call out Fiverr members by their username here on the Forum. Forum Rules #3. 

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  6. Just now, hrk_designerz said:

    I don't know. She's saying that she can't share the PDF file of the requirements as the loading don't stop even the file is just 10mb of size


    That's not true. They can upload pdf file even more than 10mb. Just tell your buyer to send the file on Fiverr. And tell them also that sharing personal information is against Fiverr ToS.

    • Like 4
  7. 31 minutes ago, hrk_designerz said:

    Hello, everyone!

    Is it permissible to exchange email addresses when buyers are unable to share their requirements on Fiverr and they ask for email address?


    Short answer is No. My question is why can't they share their requirements on Fiverr?image.png.43880f45a43dbfdbd626e4b63ac2b7ec.png

    31 minutes ago, hrk_designerz said:

    If it's not permitted, what should we do then?


    Ask your buyer to send the requirements on Fiverr. 

    • Like 6
  8. 4 hours ago, shuvo_va said:

    Currently I am getting to know from some seller posts that their Fiverr profile has been hacked, their money has been withdrawn, gigs lost racking   or denied gigs. It's really scary. But happy to know that Fiverr support team has given solution to sellers.

    I want to know what I should do and what I should not do to protect my Fiverr Account from hackers.


    You should be careful. Do not open a link that seems suspicious. You can also increase the security on your computer and browser.

    • Like 10
  9. 1 minute ago, mauro74 said:

    Yes, but the button "Request Found" doesn 't appear

    How can i solve the problem? The seller continue to send wrong project (a word file without any text...)
    Is not right that i have to pay a disonest seller...


    You will get a refund after cancelling the order.

    • Like 7
  10. 18 hours ago, nowshin_juhy said:


    I am nowshin. I am expert in graphics design. I am working on fiver from 2022. I try my best for getting order. But got no result. please check my gig and suggest me how i improve my gig.


    Hi. I am not a great graphic designer. So I will not comment on your gallery pictures. These pictures seem OK to me. But regarding your description, using "we" and "us" might be confusing for buyers who see your gigs. Well, I would suggest you to improve your gig description. 

    Another thing; the "unlimited revision" attracts more spammers than real buyers.

    • Like 6
  11. Getting orders not really depends on numbers of impressions and clicks. If buyers are conviced about what they see on your gigs, profile and portfolio, they see that you have the right skills for their project; then, they will order from you. Many buyers also share details in chat before ordering so that they will know that you really understand their projects, and to see your communication skills.

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  12. 48 minutes ago, gkosmo2370a said:

    Trying to get a freelancer for help on here, but can't find the project that I posted.

    Can someone tell me how to find it????


    What I suggest to you is to find the services you want by searching gigs. If you find a gig and Freelancer that you think, they can do the job, then you can tell the details to them.

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