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Posts posted by michmikaia

  1. 5 minutes ago, chuoichien1102 said:

    This time I came back, I found that everything didn't seem to be as smooth as the first tim

    Hi there and welcome back.

    There are a lot of change. Especially this year, like Success score, the AI and many things ... As you said, don't give back. Also, I suggest you to update your gigs so that it can be visible on search again after the long break.

    Good Luck.

    • Like 12
  2. On 8/29/2024 at 4:08 PM, jpdejean said:

    Hello Fiverr users 🙂

    I have a question, so far I have seen my zoom button on my messenger when talking with business account buyers, but not with regular buyers. When replying to briefs asking for a call, if the zoom option is not available, I just skip the client, or, if the conversation is leading both client and me to a good place, I try to politely explain that we cannot have a zoom call before placing an order or, just try to change subject, something that I´m not very comfortable with. 

    Today I had a brief that is potentially good, but the client wants to have a chat before placing an order, wich is fine for me, due to the type of service and investment, I agree that a 10 min call just to know each others faces is a good thing. The buyer does not have a business account, and I´d like to make this call. Reading the forum and Fiverr´s guides, I found this: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011062838-Video-calls-Zoom-calls that shows: 

    Zoom video call eligibility 

      Video call access
    Order page 
    • All sellers can initiate Zoom calls.


    • Leveled sellers with an average selling price of $50 or above. 
    • All sellers can initiate a call with Fiverr Pro and Fiverr select buyers. 


    I am not 100% sure if I understand this correctly, or what exactly does leveled sellers means, so before bothering CS with this question, maybe you guys can help me understand it.

    I´m level 2 seller and my average sale price is x10 times what is mentioned. Should I have this zoom button on my inbox messenger? Maybe its a bug? I am interpretating this wrong? 

    Thank you! 


    I had that a issue 2 months ago I guess. That's why I use paid consulation at the same time in case. But now, I have it in my inbox. I didn't contact the CS. I don't know if there is a link between performance, activities with access to Fiverr zoom call in the inbox because there was a time I didn't have any single order for more than a month.

    • Like 4
  3. 8 hours ago, cynthia_rubio said:

    Hello,   Any updates on the Zoom link?     I'm a new Seller and have 2 calls scheduled with Buyers but no ability to get the Zoom link via my Inbox.  

    For new seller, access of Fiverr zoom call is only through an order.

    • Like 4
  4. 10 hours ago, nathalie_s1 said:

    Hey, I am still a new freelancer


    Social media might increase your gig impression but rarely do you get orders; as the others said.

    You are new here, then it's better to learn from experienced sellers first and study the forum.

    On 8/29/2024 at 8:44 AM, iamabuzarmehdi said:

    I've been facing an issue for the last two months where I haven't received any orders.

    Your last delivery was 3 days ago, and you have 1 order in queue. So why did you say that you haven't received any orders?


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  5. 5 minutes ago, vest_best said:

    I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concern regarding the recent strike and restrictions placed on my Fiverr account for allegedly engaging in the practice of buying fake reviews. I want to assure you that this accusation is unfounded, as all the reviews I have received are the genuine result of the work I have completed for my clients. The reviews left by my buyers have been given voluntarily, without any solicitation or request on my part.

    I take great pride in the quality of work I deliver, and my reputation on Fiverr is of utmost importance to me. This situation has had a significant impact on my business, and I respectfully request a thorough review of the evidence that led to this action. I am confident that a detailed examination will reveal that all my reviews are legitimate and based on the actual services I have provided.

    I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter as quickly as possible, as the restrictions on my account are affecting my ability to serve my clients and maintain my business on Fiverr. If there is any additional information or documentation I can provide to support my case, please let me know, and I will be more than happy to provide it.

    I am writing to express my deep concern and seek clarification regarding the recent suspension of my account. I have always strived to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in all my interactions on your platform, and I am genuinely perplexed by this action.

    To the best of my knowledge, I have not violated any of the platform's Terms of Service. I have consistently delivered work that aligns with the specifications and expectations of my buyers, ensuring their complete satisfaction. At no point have I engaged in any activities that could be construed as coercing or forcing buyers to leave a review. All feedback left by my clients has been voluntary and a reflection of their genuine satisfaction with the quality of work I provide.

    Over the years, I have worked diligently to build a strong reputation and a trustworthy network of clients. My account is not just a source of income but also a testament to the hard work and dedication I have invested in this platform. Losing it would have a significant and lasting impact on my professional journey, and I am deeply concerned about the potential ramifications.

    I kindly request a thorough review of my account's activities and a detailed explanation of the reasons behind this suspension. If there has been any misunderstanding or error, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to address and resolve it promptly. My goal has always been to contribute positively to the platform and to maintain the trust of both my clients and the platform itself.

    Hi there.

    Have you already contacted the Customer Support about your issue?

    • Like 5
  6. 21 minutes ago, mohsinnaseem452 said:

    I have attached the rating calculation and according to my calculation my profile should be 5 stars but don't know how they are rounding the number

    This is my calculation 👇


    As far as I know, they will display it as 4.9 if the total rating is below 4.96 (I am not sure). 

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  7. 36 minutes ago, zeeshandurrani said:


    You mean 2019 right? You created your account in 2013.

    36 minutes ago, zeeshandurrani said:

    one gig which is paused

    What happen if you activate that paused gig?

    36 minutes ago, zeeshandurrani said:

    Should i create a new account

    Creating new account is not a solution because having multiple accounts is against Fiverr TOS.

    36 minutes ago, zeeshandurrani said:

    I have sent 3 messages on support no reply

    What you can do is to wait the answer of Customer support. And when you contact the CS, one ticket for one issue is enough. If you open many tickets, it will take time to them to respond you.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, filipdevaere said:

    Gig? I thought it was for creating an account. 

    That's the screenshot from the topic we thought it was a scam. The pop up for verification appears before publishing the gig.

    7 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

    A scammer could easily send an email after 10 days, claiming there's an issue with the previous verification and that the seller needs to verify again (promising a refund this time) -- otherwise the gigs will be deleted after x hours. It wouldn't be difficult for the scammer to clone the UI of the original verification page.

    Now, the seller is almost guaranteed to fall for the scam, thinking, "Fiverr does charge for verification". If it can charge "one time" -- it can also charge "two times".

    You made a point here. And as you said let's see.

    Anyway, newcomers are still vulnerable and fall into scammer's trap easily.

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