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Posts posted by michmikaia

  1. 15 minutes ago, alnoorgraphics_ said:

    can we give him our Fiverr portfolio link/ website portfolio link?

    Hi there.

    You can ask buyers to look at your portfolio on Fiverr. As you are a graphic designer, I would suggest you to create a portfolio as a pdf. Then you can share it to buyers if they ask for portfolio. 

    • Like 11
  2. 12 hours ago, webdevfe said:

    Thanks for checking. However, I should have also added that in my search I filtered: Seller details > Seller lives in > United States and the search returns: 10 services available. I'm not there. I do indicate that I'm in U.S. and speak English.

    I tried even searching your entire gig title, but it does not appear in search. I don't know if you get any impression or clicks in this gig. 

    My suggestion for you is to update your gig. Then you will see if you start to get impression and click. When you update your gigs, try to include your keyword on your gig title.

    • Like 7
  3. 51 minutes ago, webdevfe said:

    The terms I searched for as a buy: "google apps script automation".

    After researching your keywords, there are +2000 gigs about gapps script automation. Remember that Fiverr can show 960 gigs on that keywords when you search it. I saw, you got 2 reviews on that gig and your last delivery was 5 months. One way for your gig to be appeared on search is to get more sales which will increase your performance. Then you will see your gig on the search. 

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  4. On 9/20/2023 at 1:42 PM, ashrafulrcr said:

    Visite The Profile And Get Idea : 

    On 9/9/2023 at 1:17 AM, ashrafulrcr said:

    are you complete your profile skill test and othere informaton?

    Are you serious? You want new sellers to get inspired by you, where your last delivery was 5 years ago and you have only made 5 sales during that time? What exactly do you want to show to him from your profile?

    On 9/9/2023 at 1:10 AM, keatis999 said:

    Clicks are coming impressions are coming but no order or message Why? Where is my problem? I don't understand.
    Please, can anyone help me?

    As for you, you should get order by your own because you are digital marketer. And you said that you have skills about it. How do people want your services if they see that you are unable to grow your own business?

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  5. On 9/17/2023 at 3:16 AM, shakhawatsaad said:

    Hi, I just got 9.5 in Fiverr English test can anyone please tell me how can I get orders?

    Can anyone please tell me what's missing in my gigs.


    9.5 score in 5min. Then, your profile description and gig description should be error-free. You have been on Fiverr for more than a year and you have not got yet any single order. I would suggest you to look at the forum and learn from succesfull sellers.

    Starting from this one.


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  6. 9 hours ago, dripvip said:

    Hey experts , 

    My Fiverr gig isn’t really getting as much impressions anymore then it used to get. Also no more clicks and I followed all the tutorials how to actually get buyers but I actually have not had one since I started Fiverr like 2 weeks ago. I mean I changed it and hopefully made it more interesting. But can anyone help me out and tell me how I could improve it ? Here’s a link https://www.fiverr.com/s/Xl3rr5! I would be really happy for responses of how to improve it and get more impressions - if possible more clicks!


    Hi there.

    I saw you've just joined Fiverr recently. Something I have noticed on your profile is that you have 2 duplicate gigs about graphic design. Please, remove one of these gigs. Having duplicate gigs on Fiverr is not allowed. Also your gig title is too vague. Add some keywords, something you are really good at and buyers need on your title and description. All in all, as you start your Fiverr journey, you still have time to improve everything. And to not forget to read Fiverr TOS.

    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  7. On 9/17/2023 at 8:22 PM, ahsanshabbir240 said:

    I got First warning 3 months before. 

    Warning for the fake order. I didn't part of this. I request to fiverr nothing fixed. 

    My gigs never ranked after it even getting 0 impressions most of gigs. 

    My account can recover or fiverr have through it in dustbin to never rank it?

    You are still lucky because you get some orders. The reason why your impression is down to 0 was most likely due to the 1 star and 1.7 stars you got 4 and 5 months ago. These buyers left a negative private reviews and that affect your performance.

    For the future projects you'll get, always keep buyer satisfy to the service you provide. Then your gig will be back again on search.

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