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Posts posted by michmikaia

  1. 1 hour ago, yashaswiroy said:

    what should i do, when even after asking client to leave a review they aren't doing it what do to in that case do i ask them again? 
    or what should i do in the case?


    That's enough. If clients want to leave review, they will leave it. It's totally up to them.


    30 minutes ago, mdbiplob360 said:

    You shouldn't take any action. It is against Fiverr's terms and conditions to request a review. For that, you can receive a warning. 


    50 minutes ago, mahedee_hasan said:

    You shouldn't do anything . asking for a review on Fiverr is against Fiverr's terms and conditions. you might get a warning for that.

    Asking for review is not against Fiverr's term. But Asking for a specific rating is against Fiverr's term.

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  2. 11 hours ago, bijoykundubapon said:

    If I take a fiverr-course, is there will be any extra things that will be very good to continue my fiverr journey ?

    As @shuvo_vasaid, the extra thing you will get are knowledge and displaying badge on your profile. But if do not show and practice what you've learned, there is no change on your Fiverr journey. So everything is up to you.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

    -- What changed after increasing my gig prices?

    1. Now, I have "almost" stopped receiving Telegram scam messages or hi/hello spam. Almost all the inquiries I receive are from serious buyers.
    2. I am not sure if others will agree with me, but $5 clients are pain in the assss. They always pay less and demand more.

    I increased my gig price a month ago. But I still get the telegram and Whatsapp scam messages. And I totally agree with you on your 2nd point.

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  4. 27 minutes ago, k_risha said:

    I am new to Fiverr and I was just working on my first gig and was told that I violated a fiverr guideline, but I don't know which or what I did wrong.  I have read the guidelines and don't see where I went wrong...Can someone help me figure this out....I really don't understand

    What service do you want to offer?

    You said on the title that your Fiverr account was not approved. On Fiverr, you cannot create a gig until your seller account is approved.

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  5. Just now, afoxcute said:

    Thanks for your information. I have one question. Are you fiverr staff or nomal seller as like me?

    We are seller like you. But I have mentionned a Fiverr staff above. He will read this post when he is on the Forum.

    • Like 15
  6. Just now, afoxcute said:

    No, fiverr sent my money to wrong payee id. and the payoneer staff said to relink. only relink.

    Of course, I am contacting with payoneer team too.  But there is clear evidence the fiverr send my money to wrong payee id.

    so fiverr should solve this issue. 

    You cannot blame Fiverr freely like that.

    The evidence from Fiverr is that, you withdrew your funds and it was successful. When it's successful, it means that you should receive the fund on the Payoneer (Payee ID) you set. Not in a wrong account. In this case Fiverr cannot reverse the transaction. And what Payoneer staff said on your screenshot is that Payee ID is different. The only person who can change the Payoneer (or Payee ID) account on Fiverr is you.

    We are not the Fiverr staff nor Payoneer staff, but only you and supports can deal with that with the historic of your activity on Fiverr and Payoneer. We are just here to understand the situation and telling you what we know.

    • Like 15
  7. 5 minutes ago, afoxcute said:

    This 64d959b14757fca99cf30e63 payeed id is created after I relink the payoneer in fiverr when one payoneer staff said to relink after 1 week of this critical withdraw issue.


    Here it is.

    You have to deal it with Payoneer then instead of Fiverr because Payoneer team told you to change something. 

    Again, Fiverr can do nothing for that. They sent your funds to the ID you linked with.

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  8. 39 minutes ago, afoxcute said:

    It means the fiverr team send my money to other wrong address. This is clear.

    All issue is in the fiverr side. Here are some screenshot of the payoneer support' contact.

    For sure, Fiverr will never send your fund to a wrong Payoneer account. Fiverr use the Payonner account you set. And I confirm what @donnovan86said. We do not know what did you do after your first withdraw if you change something or.

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  9. 24 minutes ago, afoxcute said:

    And the fiverr use the payee id to send the money when the seller request to withdraw. Fiverr don't use the payoneer account email.

    Wait. I am confused.

    So everytime you withdraw funds to Payoneer, Fiverr asks you to add your Payee ID? If that's the case, it's the first time I heard that. 


    Fiverr don't use the payoneer account email.

    Of course yes. When you add your Payout method to withdraw fund, Fiverr will link your Payoneer account email.

    • Like 17
  10. 15 hours ago, afoxcute said:

    I have asked the screenshot of that transaction to fiverr if they sent correctly, but they denied.  now they don't respond anything now.



    I understand your frustration about it. Unfortunately, only CS can solve your problem right now as many people here are sellers, like you.

    @Yoav.M Is there anything you can do to help @afoxcuteabout this issue?

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  11. Have you ever encountered any issues when you withdraw funds from Fiverr to Payoneer or is this the first time you did it?

    Looking at the answers from both Payoneer and Fiverr support, everything is OK. But are you sure that you linked the right Payoneer account on Fiverr?

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  12. 4 hours ago, zamanca said:

     How can I find a target buyer?

    You should know first how does Fiverr work and you will get the right answer of your question. There are a lot of gigs about bookkeeping and accounting here. And many people get orders. So you should show on your profile and gigs that you offer something that buyers needs. Your skills and experiences should be attractive and you offer something special.

    • Like 10
  13. 58 minutes ago, syedalhajuddin said:

    Please guide me what should I do now?

    Just go ahead for the next order. You cannot force buyers to leave review. Fiverr reminds also buyers to leave review. But it's totally up to them.

    • Like 11
  14. 8 hours ago, tabibmalik said:

    I have 2 identical gigs but both of them has different pricing and offers, they also have the same thumbnail, is it ok?

    I am not sure that it's allowed here on Fiverr. It's a kind of cheating.

    Have a look at this old post


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