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Everything posted by andywarburton

  1. Say I was to buy a campervan and go travelling all around Europe using 5G as my data source. Will my account be ok or am I going to get hit with the Fiverr ban hammer for "location inconsistencies" ? Is there any way to formally let Fiverr know I'm roaming?
  2. Hey folks. Almost every day in this forum I see posts like "Fiverr did X and then my sales dropped". It's easy to assume that because one thing happened it caused the other, but that is not always the case. For example, when Fiverr introduced the success score your sales dropped. The two *could* be related or it could be that your niche got flooded with new sellers or one of your competitors dropped their prices, or some other sellers got promoted to a higher rank, or a competitor changed their gig iamges, or you got a bad private review. If you assume the cause, it stops you from looking for alternatives and potentially finding the real cause of your sales drop. Which might just be something you can fix! Correlation does not imply causation on Wikipedia for those who want to read more.
  3. Eugh... colour theory is largely pseudoscience. Yes, colour can influence behavior but it's a lot more nuanced than "green is good, red is bad" primarily because it's largely cultural. Take the colour black for example... in the western world it's associated with death, whereas in parts of asia white is the colour of death. Red is another one - in the western world it means "stop, urgent" etc but people in China percieve the colour completely differently.
  4. The scammers target the new buyers in the expectation they will perhaps think this kind of stuff is normal. 've been around for a couple of years and have TRS and aside from the rare chancer who tries to get something for free, I get very few scam messages. (PS, in the App you can block people you don't want to waste your time on).
  5. This is very true, by day I work at a large international company alongside colleagues from all over the world. Culture can really trip people over when they aren't used to dealing with people outside of their own bubble. There is a great book called "The Culture Map" by Erin Meyer that I strongly reccomend people to read if they are dealing with international colleagues or clients.
  6. Yup, I'm a TRS and seem to get the same generic responses I got before, only now I get them faster!
  7. Don't forget you can reply to reviews to give your side of the story. I had a similar situation and pushed back in my reply. I have since had customers message me saying that they loved my "no nonsense" approach and subsequently ordered based on my reply.
  8. You can't do anything to change the review, but you can respond to the review and leave your side of the story. I recently got a relatively negative review and posted my response on there explaining the situation. I've even had customers since then comment on it during our initial conversations and praise my handling of the situation.
  9. If you don't have an active order, you can block people on Fiverr via the app (but for some reason not via the website!)
  10. Get used to it, this happens all the time. I have completed 336 orders and have 178 reviews that means just under 50% of my customers don't bother to leave reviews.
  11. First rule of Fiverr: don't do any work until you have an order. It's a pretty common scam for people to ask for free samples or for you to complete a "test" before they give you a job - it's just a way to get you to do work for free.
  12. I wish there was a way to flag Fiverr with “I’m travelling”. I would love to go and travel while doing my Fiverr gigs but I just know that would get me flagged in the same way!
  13. This is not enough to trigger location inconsistencies. What might cause it is if you are using a VPN.
  14. Fiverr isn't going to tell you how they make their secret sauce and nobody here knows for sure. Sorry.
  15. Yesterday I had a "buyer" message me, ask a bunch of questions and then ask if I would do the work for free because he is a "poor student" (this was relating to his website selling luxury interior design products btw!)
  16. If you have an Android phone there are apps that allow you to use the built in camera as a webcam - you just need a way to hold it up during calls (a cheap tripod will do!).
  17. Just as an idea, writers if you use a tool like Google Docs for your writing, you should be able to show the document history to the client that shows it was written over a period of time. AI text wouldn’t have that because it would be copy and pasted.
  18. 90% of first messages I get look like this. I think a lot of buyers just fire out the bare minimum quick message to see who responds fastest.
  19. From time to time I will open the app and see this. Each and every time it gives me a heart attack! It goes away if I quit and re-open the app (this is on an iPhone 15 Pro Max, latest app version and latest OS). Thanks Andy
  20. Unfortunatly services like Fiverr are engaged in a constant war of attrition with scammers and when we, the innocenet users get blocked or banned we are the collatoral damage that happens in this fight. Big companies do not provide reasoning for blocking because it allows potential scammers an opportunity to find ways around their protection algorithms. Imagine if they said "we ban people from this IP address block automatically due to historically large amounts of spam coming from here" then spammers would stop using that IP block and move on to another. Same with email providers, countries of origin etc.
  21. In my niche I provide conversion optimisation reports. Because they are written reports, they don't really fit into the "portfolio" functionality and I'm wondering if I could find a way to use it to my advantage. I was thinking perhaps that I could highlight some key reviews and positive results along with the customers brand name rather than just dumping in a relatively boring text document. Would that be acceptable within the T&C's?
  22. could be all sorts of things. Could be seasonal (it's easter weekend in most of the northern hemisphere). Could be that a better seller has popped up in your category (or someone has improved their gig images). Could be that you got a negative private review and your position has been dropped.
  23. I feel your pain, at the start of March I had a run of nightmare customers who just made my life hell. I wrapped up all my active orders and put myself on vacation mode for three weeks to get away from it all. I'm lucky that Fiverr is just a nice to have side-hustle for me that helps put some money in my pocket to fund my hobbies so I can always just take a break (I took a 12 month break last year!). I think the issue is that no matter what Fiverr does, this relationship will always have a negative power imbalance because we as sellers are beholdent to the platform and the buyers for our income. It's not like we can just go on strike and refuse to work because there are millions of people willing to take it up in our place.
  24. You don't need to. It won't benefit you in the slightest. What you DO need to do is respond quickly when clients contact you. To do that, install the mobile app and make sure you have notifications turned on.
  25. Also don't allow buyers to request revisions on projects that don't include revisions! For my service I offer a sort of "consulting" service. I deliver, you get the consulting, there is no revising my consultation. I frequently get people using revisions to ask follow up questions (which I'm fine with), instead of just using the chat which is super frustrating because in order to "deliver the revision" I have to type up my response in a doc, export it as a PDF and upload it to Fiverr which is a ridiculous waste of my time and energy.
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