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Everything posted by williambryan392

  1. My first SSM really wasn't great. He'd been at Fiverr a couple of months when I was assigned to him after getting on the program. In February I told him my goals for the year on Fiverr were to make TRS and have a 5 figure revenue month. He told me not to aim so high, it wasn't going to happen, and to consider doing other things apart from Fiverr (which I already do). He left after 6 months at Fiverr. My new success manager has been brilliant by comparrison. I've hit one of these goals, and getting close to the second. It really is luck of the draw re SSMs. If you're not getting value then you should definitely change. I'm sure it also sends a flag to Fiverr re that SSM if sellers are requesting a change.
  2. Reply quicker. It's that simple.
  3. Maybe it's time for you to review your competition, pricing and gig optimization. You've had success before, but markets and competition changes. Also, there are always ups and down in freelancing, that's the way it goes. Maybe check this out:
  4. Can't see the orange box, no matter, I'm a long way from hero status anyway!
  5. Jeez, impressive, mine are some rookie numbers! How do you see where users line up? I think I can guess who's in the top 5 or 10!
  6. If you're serious about improving your earnings then you need to treat fiverr like a business. Research your competition and buyers. Offer value that they want. Check this out:
  7. As much as I'm enjoying it, there comes a point when arguing with internet strangers just isn't worth it. This might be one of those times @wordsfire @kendal1747 🤷‍♂️
  8. Excited to see what it's like, but doesn't sound like it will cater for nomad workers / travellers. I find it a bit surprising given Fiverr had an open position for a Chief Digital Nomad a few years ago and have a press push soon to talk about those that travel and work on Fiverr.
  9. Oh nice! I remember someone here said that they lived there a while ago, I wasn't sure who it was, will hit you up for sure! ditto Yep I've got an addictive personality, I do things that are both good and bad for me to excess.
  10. Please don't spend less time here! The forum would be such a poorer place if you did. Ah, I wasn't aware of that change, but I was away from the forum I think when the migration/new forum happened. I figured the mods / your involvment was the same as before. This is a great point. CS get a hard time, but 99% of my interactions have been perfect. I imagine the CS requests are a lot like the forum and that would get painful so I also sympathise. I think that's the best way to be with fiverr, or anything you do on the side, it's important to enjoy it!
  11. I'm in the same boat, 3 months for me, in Tbilisi, Georgia at the moment, may I ask what your new city is? Think I may be heading to Gran Canaria next month. Again, I'm exactly the same!
  12. I've been wondering about this myself the last few days. I decided to stay away from the forum a while ago for various reasons, and came back fairly recently. I now find myself here most days. It's a pleasant distraction, and I guess like all social media a little addictive. Guess I'm kinda hooked! So I'm wondering, do you limit your time here? Do you have rules so you remain productive? I know there are some plugins that limit time on certain sites, I probably need it for here and reddit, any recommendations? Or do you treat it like I do, as somewhere to kill time (and sometimes learn) and perhaps spend a bit too much time? For those of you not making sales, and not taking positive action by learning and more importantly implementing what you've learned, what do you get out of it?
  13. There is no connection between being active on fiverr and getting orders. To get orders you need to offer value to buyers. Take a look at the below if you're serious about being successful on fiverr:
  14. For what it's worth, sometimes sh1t happens, you can't cater or plan for everything. If this is a one off / rarity then you don't necessarily need to take action because of it.
  15. Yep. Either way, I think this week could be interesting!!
  16. You're such a tease @frank_d!!! 😂
  17. Exciting times! I'm guessing not, but I hope that I won't have any issues given that I work away from the UK a lot.
  18. Yes, massive agree to this. I'm terrible with languages so I'm always impressed when anyone runs a business in their non native language.
  19. I am clearly being dim then because I can't find it myself. You can ignore me Mike!
  20. Welcome @tsuyo_67! There's a section for Fiverr tips, and lots of good content dotted around. Suggest you take a look at the below:
  21. I can't see it on mine either, and went to check where it was on your profile @newmike in case I was being dim, and I can't see it on yours either!
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