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Everything posted by harithdeshan

  1. I tried it. The CS agent replied like I'm the buyer, I had to again describe all the details. I'll keep that inquiry active. That's what I said. I told them about Fiverr documentation and TOS as well. Still, the client sent me an agreement from hellosign. That agreement is not really suitable for this small order I have...
  2. Hi, I am having a very uncomfortable and unusual experience with a client now. 😒🙄 The buyer suggested about 20%-40% lower value than I proposed for a design job under storyboard designing. I'll not go in to exact figures due to obvious reasons of under valuing this client/ this order/ this incident. The thing was only a graphic design job for an animation project (30 second - 60 second). My task could be to draw the storyboards according to the provided script from the company. Please note that the client did not mention about signing an NDA before agreeing to place the order. After, the client said, they cannot send the script without the NDA signed. Also, mentioned about forgetting it prior to placing the order. These are some strong statement that I am not familiar: If I agree to this, I'll not be able to provide my services to other competing clients to this company, correct? This $60,000 is simply like a fine if receiving party (That's me) break this agreement, is it not? I don't see this much value in the project that I am currently involved with. I don't find this as realistic under the order value I currently have and now I am considering to get this order canceled with mutual understanding. Could you guys help me on this? I am in a real pickle... 😑
  3. Slow down there. Do you know what an SKU is? Did you know that proof of ownership is a hard thing to implement in the digital domain? Non Fungible Tokens are simply an application of decentralized technology. I'm not referring to the Bored, or Happy Apes, or Punks! This is real serious technology, to be honest. Also, the art NFT thing will blow over and people will get to know the real use cases like digital certifications, and proof of ownership. Conclusion: Don't be quick to judge because you'll have to use NFT or a decentralized ticketing system in near future. 😁 That's how I feel about this new trend thing! Cheers!!!
  4. Thank you, friend. You're one of the good ones 😊🙏
  5. This helped me, thanks for the kind words. About the features: One had Fiverr's Choice for a gig the same as mine. Another one has a Cash Advance feature. Another one has the Portfolio feature. That portfolio thing is so cool 😥 I'm naturally optimistic, this kinda drama to get answers, 😅 But it hurt me a bit as well. I'd like to evaluate myself and adjust accordingly. I am so focused to be a better version of myself, on a daily basis. Nope, jealousy is not promoted by my text or my mind, I'm a Buddhist person. I'm not sure about my English though, it's weird; maybe you got a different angle of it. Generally, I kinda know them like the back of my hand. They are pretty normal, not super pros or too bad. You're doing it since 2013?????? Who am I kidding, right? 😅 🙏 I'll try harder I guess.
  6. Hi folks! I'm a tiny freelancer, I've been working on Fiverr since 2018. I've got so many friends who started after me. I helped them however I can. It is always my pleasure to introduce freelancing for dummies 😁 But, I have to be honest now. Some people like brothers, sisters-in-law and friends are having so many features from Fiverr. Each of those has something I never had... I feel jealous now. Also, kind of sad. I play by the rules, I provide genuine services. I cannot see unique things when I compare my other guys with myself. Fiverr is taking care of those people I mentioned. Unfortunately, they are not happy with my 99% customer satisfaction rates or top-notch services. Where did I go wrong, darn it!
  7. If I say yes, it would be a fat lie. I'm a Sri Lankan, we need foreigners and oversea investments as well. Due to the current situation; things are not well for us. So, feel free to visit, but you might feel some discomfort here, and there. Cheers! OMG! That some explosives, right? And I totally agree. Corruption starts with power and wealth.
  8. Hey, I'm an enthusiast. I like to work collaboratively with buyers and sellers. Specially in big projects.
  9. This is a major problem. Some clients do not realize this. The disadvantage is, both the buyer and seller lose excessive time if all things are not mentioned once.
  10. After seeing the whole conversation, I feel more down... 😐 When the topic was aiming to point at the moon, we try to see trees and terrains. Not passing any blames, just clarifying the fuel would be the second problem because now patients are dying in their bed due to medical shortages. It's very bad to Sri Lanka... 🙁
  11. Nice idea sir. Me and my brother used to do that a few months ago back in Covid-19 crisis. But it's Economical crisis now, we have miles long queues on fuel stations due to shortages. It's a disaster to be honest. If I did not have my online freelancing career, I'll be in so much trouble. I feel so bad for my nation... 😥 A huge shout out to internet & marketplaces like Fiverr. 😇
  12. This is a tricky one. Still confused!
  13. How am I going to invite any of my friends to see a forum post? Why can't we put links anywhere in the first place?
  14. Come on dude, use an addon. Also know as extensions. I use something called Dark Reader on Chrome Browser. It gives me so much control on how to dark my stuff. I use this type of addons all the time and everywhere! Even in Fiverr Website! ☺️
  15. I had high hopes for this. It's great, but I expected too much I guess 🤣
  16. Right on point! A lot of buyers always genuinely appreciating my customer services, they might have forgotten about my above average design(s), service(s) 🤣 Well I always forced me to see that as a positive thing, now it's legit after seeing it so clearer. Cheers!
  17. Can we use Fiverr Business as a freelance team that work on Fiverr?

  18. I am a level one (soon a level two one) who is looking for Sri Lankan Fiverr users to collaborate. I would be more than happy to talk about casual or even business work.

    My intention is to make some noise as a crowd, we need that.

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