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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. Have you read this thread yet? Level 1 Hell - Pass the test - New Sellers
  2. 4.a, from the link I provided? At this point, the only other suggestion I can make is maybe asking CS to escalated the matter.
  3. Have you gotten an email from Fiverr about the chargeback?
  4. Oof. Your Buyer might get banned for that. They should have contacted Customer Support. . fiverr.com/support/articles/360010978618-Chargebacks-and-seller-protection
  5. No clue. The feature was introduced as a temporary measure. Maybe Fiverr has decided it’s no longer needed or no longer useful. Or maybe you no longer qualify? This is a question for Fiverr Customer Support, I think.
  6. Welcome to the Fiverr forums. You only have 18 minutes of read-time shown in your forum profile. Check out the Tips For Sellers category (Fiverr Tips - Fiverr Community Forum). You’ll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources as there are some false tips, even among the top threads.) It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly. “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)
  7. . Are you a new seller? This is how you get more orders: . How to get any orders at all ... and get more once you have a few . Before you ask about HOW TO GET ORDERS or No Orders: READ THIS (MORE ORDERS, Tips, Buyers, First Order, Impressions, Sales)
  8. Based on what you’ve seen, would you say it’s more of a Pyramid scheme - Wikipedia or a Ponzi scheme - Wikipedia ? Based on what you’ve described, I’d guess pyramid, but ‘investment’ implies Ponzie.
  9. Welcome to the Fiverr forums. Translation provided by Google. Try typing it in Notepad, then copy/paste it into your description box. (It’s a good idea in general to type your text in an outside doc, due to unreliable saves on Fiverr.)
  10. Maybe this: fiverr.com/support/sections/360002983457-Creating-a-Fiverr-Business-Account?segment=business
  11. Okay, since this thread got resurrected anyway, I’m adding the best classic. (Literally the number 1 of many charts.)
  12. If you go with the flag, I think it’d be “Inappropriate Gig”.
  13. I agree with the above opinions on the (probably intentional) vagueness of that example. While the ToS does state: It also states: HOWEVER (source: Integrity and Authenticity - Fiverr's Community Standards): I guess what I’m getting at, is your example is working through a loophole. They promise nothing specific, and thus are skirting the rules. So: report them. Fiverr relies on it’s community to report gigs. They’re busy enough with reports that seeking out more isn’t something they likely do. Personally I’m glad the wait-time for response from CS is down. For a few months in 2020 they were taking weeks to get to peoples tickets.
  14. [benedictrm] wrote: I already answered that above. So long as you can prove that you were there first and that the other person traded off your work, you are (technically) set. But again, all that is piss in the wind until there is enough money on the table to make https://forum.fiverr.com/t/when-to-copyright-my-music-when-giving-it-to-sellers/625610/7suing worthwhile. So if I timestamp my work by posting it on the internet then I am technically set. Also people will most probably not make any money from my stuff so no need to sue. If they make a lot of money then I can technically sue. The problem I was worried about is if they make some money then if I have a official copyright then I won’t have to pay the legal fees. SO practically there is very low probability of this happening so its no use worrying about it. So what you are suggesting is “Trust the Song, let the Song lead.” (I don’t know how to do quotes). So you are saying I put the song out there and see what happens. The issue I have with that is that if the song is good then there is more chance that others will try to do something unethical with the song. So If I don’t worry and focus on writing a good song and put it out there then unethical people will be more motivated to do something unethical. if its not a good song I have nothing to worry about. My problem is that I am planning to write a lot of songs and beats and fiverr is the best place I found for hired work. I am on a tight budget cause I have to do a lot of songs. So I have to work with people who seem questionable since they are low price gigs. My other problem is that I don’t want to bulk copyright a bunch of songs and beats. I want to do one or two songs at a time and see how the songs do and how I can improve them. And then apply all my new knowledge to write another song. If I do a lot of songs at a time then all the songs might have the same flaws. We can talk about what unethical things can cause me problems if that helps. I think I should give a little more background on how I collaborate. One way is, I write the song all by myself and in most cases I even sing the songand then I give to a singer in fiverr to copy my singing, basically do a cover I will obviously have an informal copywright by timestamping itI am worried the singer will give the song to someone else in the industry whoI don’t know how will misuse my song. There are many ways they can misuse by song, that can be a long discussion to have here. I write the Beat for a hip-hop song and give it to a rapper to write the lyricand rap for the song. in this case the rapper has 50% of the copyrightone worry is the rapper will claim the beat as his ownhe may give it to someone else in the industry who I don’t know how will misuse the beatThanks [benedictrm] for all the very helpful advice. If you can add something based on my new discussion, that will be helpful. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, and don’t count your songs before they’re written. Time/schedule, scope, budget/money, risk, resources, quality. If you have a small budget, you’ll have to sacrifice something else to make up for it. 732×599 33.6 KBsource: Project management triangle - Wikipedia
  15. Welcome to the Fiverr forums. Please see: fiverr.com/support/articles/360050217393-Using-your-local-currency-on-Fiverr Is your answer in there? I’m honestly not quite sure what you’re asking. (Off-topic: I glanced at your gig, and would recommend using horizontal images, or modifying so that you have two vertical side-by side.)
  16. This is you 9th thread in the ‘Improve My Gig’ Category. Please keep updates in the same thread. It’s against the Community Standards & Forum Rules - 2020 to create duplicate threads. In the case of changes in a situation, it’s doubly important, so that people can see what advice you’ve already been given and/or what steps you’ve already taken.
  17. They talk a lot. They meet face-to-face. They stake their real name and real reputation on the line. Exactly. Because it’s not worth their reputation. They made a cost/benefit analysis and said ‘no more’. Okay, now I have to ask, why Fiverr? Why not Voice123, or BandMix, or allcasting, or another site that focuses more on vocal talent or musical skills?
  18. Mostly. You can own the copyright, and (for example) still give the seller permission to display it in their personal portfolio. Here’s a few threads that discuss this (mostly from a Seller perspective, though, except the last one): . You Don’t Understand Commercial Usage . Commercial rights - how does it work? . Transfer of copyright is too vague . How to get the most out of your (voice over) buyer request ⭐ In theory, yes. The problem with this is that Fiverr is a global marketplace, and not a US company. If you pick a seller who is in a country with different ownership laws, suing will cost more than you’d win in compensation, if you won at all. I’ll admit, I’m not familiar with Soudcloud’s Terms and Conditions, so I can’t really answer that one for you. I think Mr. Ben has a good point. Due to the global marketplace and the anonymity provided by the internet, it’s sometimes a case of ‘I don’t care, this is a disposable account, I’ll never be physically found’. More like ‘suing would cost more than it’s worth’. The expenses of legal action across borders alone would be high, I suspect. I don’t know for sure, though. Unless you mean suing Fiverr? That’s a whole different can of worms. I’m just going to share this thread. Different category, but it’s a good example: . DO NOT buy CC0 bundle videos on Fiverr without LICENCE check Depends on the Seller. If you’re confident that they won’t steal it, you don’t need to copyright it. (Though, again, see Mr. Ben’s point about ‘publishing’ = copyrighted.) I’m sorry, but I cannot give you a set ‘yes’ or ‘no’ because there’s too many factors I don’t know.
  19. Welcome to the Fiverr forums. Interesting question. We don’t get many Buyers here, and this question is a unique one that has a variety of possible answers depending on different circumstances. First, the basic definition of what a ‘copyright’ is: en.wikipedia.org Copyright Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time. The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself. A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United Some jurisdictions ... The way you’ve phrased your question isn’t so much ‘do I need to’ as ‘is it safe’. I hate to say it, but only those concerned with upholding the law will care if the music is copyrighted or not. Those who don’t care, won’t care. That said, it’s your responsibility to perform due diligence and find the sellers who will respect your work and honor their contract. Do you know the difference between distribution rights, commercial rights, commercial usage, broadcasting rights, and copyrights?
  20. . fiverr.com/support/articles/360010978618-Chargebacks-and-seller-protection
  21. It might be your currency settings, if you’re not in USD.
  22. Pineapple on pizza?YesNo0voters 1024×971 108 KB
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