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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. My policy on gig extras is: if you don't know what it is, don't offer it. If you want to be able to offer it, research it, don't assume. I'm guessing when you say this... ...you mean not-on-Fiverr. Otherwise it contradicts your Fiverr profile and what you say here:
  2. I see it more like a TAS (tool-assisted speedrun). Fun to watch, interesting to see conceptualization of what is possible given in-game limitations, amusing in how completely broken a run can be, and while there are human minds behind the creation of a TAS, the run itself is not human, and thus a separate category. I have no problem with showcases, or even competitions, but an AI contest should be judged by what the human contributes, the steps the human took, the human skill, and that requires documentation. Edit: another point of similarity, speedrunners don't own the game, they just licence the software. That runners can (with varying levels of permission, from full support to complete shutdowns) stream runs and letsplays is rather interesting, considering the legalities, and that game companies would be fully within their legal rights to DMCA all game content.
  3. Which ones? Fiverr has several pages of advice in the Help Center, so it's hard to guess which methods you're referencing.
  4. You should look into improving your skills and your samples. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4410883326481-Gig-image-guidelines-Making-the-most-of-your-Gig-image
  5. Qutoe: "3. How does the response rate work? The response rate tracks the percentage of first responses sent within 24 hours over the last 60 days." Source: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010452637-Response-rate-and-response-time-FAQs
  6. Yes, there are actual Buyers who post in the "Tips for Buyers" category. There are also Sellers-who-are-also-Buyers (SwaaBs?) who contribute, and have a valuable perspective, as they've seen both sides of the process. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/206502-buyer-seller-or-both-in-2020
  7. Fiverr states: "Gig positions are not permanent and can rotate daily." Source: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs
  8. Put simply, there are two groups of 'they'. There are some Fiverr staff that visit the forums, but they have regular work days/hours. There are also a handful of volunteers who help, but have limited ability to help. It's not so much about 'letting' as 'not cleaned up yet'. There is also a LOT of prioritizing and triage. While posts like that one are annoying, the forums do get targeted by spam and scams, which take priority.
  9. Clarification, please: are you a Buyer or a Seller? https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560178-Working-with-Milestones
  10. Rule 8 does allow for said conditions. A simple "I put your post into ChatGPT and this is what it gave me" at the head of the post disclaims that it's not official, not the poster's own words, and cites where the content came from.
  11. Without a citation, yes, it violates rule 8. There's a very simple solution, though: cite it. Just state, at the beginning of the post, (This post uses ChatGPT to help me be more clear.), on every post you make that uses AI. https://community.fiverr.com/forum_rules/
  12. ... I think that the new creators ought to read the rules first. The "I agree to these terms" box on signup is a business contract, not a suggestion. Fiverr already is flexible, especially since they embraced the advent of AI, even while litigation was in turmoil. They could just as easily said 'no' and completely terminated any and all AI services on the platform.
  13. That is probably proprietary information. If Fiverr's ever said, I'm not aware of it.
  14. What you can do is put two languages in ONE gig. I've only ever seen this used in translation gigs, though.
  15. ... @mariashtelle1 might over qualify to answer this question. Love her work, so no surprise.
  16. If you want to avoid future accusations, cite your sources. Where did you research? Links to the Fiverr Help Center let people verify that the information you post isn't made up, and helps educate.
  17. Welcome to the forums. I would suggest starting here: https://community.fiverr.com/forum_rules/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278683-new-to-the-forum-welcome-here-are-5-tips-for-efficient-forum-use-–-how-to-make-the-forum-work-better-for-yourself-and-for-everyone/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  18. You can find his answer here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/304949-i-made-it-for-all-newbies-read-and-learn/
  19. Here's what Fiverr says on the topic of gig videos: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451657-Adding-a-Video-to-Your-Gig
  20. Please see: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010490438-The-How-Tos-Of-Advertising-Off-The-Fiverr-Platform While there are general lists, it's entirely possible that none will be good for what you offer. Knowing who your target market is, and where they are, is part of your job as a freelancer.
  21. In theory, yes, if your friend isn't also on Fiverr and never joins. "Your Fiverr profile can be associated with only one account from each Fiverr withdrawal method. A Payment Service Provider withdrawal account can be associated with only one Fiverr profile." Source: https://www.fiverr.com/content/payments-terms-and-conditions In practice, it's best to have your own. While it's good to have people around you that you can trust with this kind of thing, it's your responsibility to manage your our money. If there is a reason you cannot have your own account, such as being underage, then it's best to leave the money in your Fiverr balance until you can withdraw yourself.
  22. Good. Far, far too many fall for the scam. What @filipdevaere predict is, sadly, the most common outcome we see on the forums. So, it's nice to finally see an exception to confirmation bias.
  23. It's against the Fiverr ToS to deliver an incomplete order. Just extended the delivery time again. The Seller's concern is unfounded.
  24. Short-links are not permitted, so you should take that out of your gig description. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies As for your gig, your target market isn't going to be on social media.
  25. ... I just said: Opening multiple threads for the same topic is not permitted. In the case of changes in a situation, it’s doubly important, so that people can see what advice you’ve already been given and/or what steps you’ve already taken. Failure to follow the rules can result in further warnings, a suspension, or a ban. In theory, yes. In practice, spam is considered annoying. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010490438-The-How-Tos-Of-Advertising-Off-The-Fiverr-Platform
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