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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. Do NOT undersell yourself. That will not help at all. Desperation attracts scammers. Expand your gig description. Add two more samples by saving them as PDFs. Add some FAQs about what kind of things you will and will NOT do. Get rid of the 'cheap' tag. DO NOT OFFER UNLIMITED REVISIONS. Maybe make a second gig for just line-art comics without color. Maybe a third gig if you're good at 'inking' other people's drawings.
  2. I'm not in VO, but I would guess the only way to pull it off would be to include the price of renting time in a booth into your prices wherever you set up shop online. That said, on most freelancing platforms nearly every sector is hyper-competitive. You're not just competing with people who also have voice talent, but also have their own setups, and can thus afford to charge lower rates. I'm not saying it can't be done, but you'll need to be pretty amazing to be more attractive to potential Buyers. (There are other platforms that might suit you better.)
  3. Not quite. You need to make better samples, first. Stock material isn't 'unique' nor is it 'custom' as you claim in your gig. Quick question: How long have you been studying animation?
  4. If in doubt: don't. I suspect it would depend on the country of a vehicle. And what the change is. And why. For example, if someone wants to change it to something like ABC-1234, then they're probably doing it for censoring purposes, without it being a distracting black smudge, or fuzzy smudge, or pixelated smudge. For another example, if the buyer said something like 'this is my dream car, and "Z0000M" is the personalized plate I'd put on it', as that's just for fun. The fact that you're here asking this, though, implies that something about this seems off to you. Again: If in doubt: don't.
  5. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/74184-if-your-impressions-are-dropping-please-read-this-archived/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/73962-impressions-arent-all-that-important-heres-why/ --- I glanced at your profile. While a few of the animations are passable, most were a bit too stiff, or too fast, or the components didn't fit together. There are fewer buyers on Fiverr, and many who remain are looking for higher quality.
  6. I did inquire about it, within the first month I was promoted (also without warning) back in Aug of '22. I never got a reply. Maybe this is petulant, but: If they actually wanted me there, I would have been invited. (Yes, I'm still upset about loosing the club. Yes, that is bleeding over into other areas, I'm aware. That's why I've been mostly staying away from the forums. You all don't deserve to face my continued grumpiness.)
  7. Don't know, and (at this time) don't care. We already know that Fiverr (as a publicly-traded business) doesn't care about many things, even if some specific staff assigned to the forums do care, and an iffy news and announcements history. Even so, those staff didn't care enough to alert before execution, not the forum at large, not within the clubs, not to the Regulars, and not (to my knowledge) to volunteer m0ds. Who is the right staff member? If this actually exists, I've never seen it. (Screenshot via wayback machine. From another thread that no longer exists.) I've done my time. If Fiverr (as a business) doesn't care, why should I? Why make a new club if it's at risk of just being deleted again?
  8. I'm still upset about it. I could try to recreate it, but I'm still considering quitting, so what would be the point? Already I've barely spent any time on the forums in the last month. "If you build your business on [social media], you are building your business on rented land." Welp, same goes for creating clubs in the Fiverr forum, and someone made an executive decision to bulldoze en mass without bothering with an eviction notice. Fiverr's platform, Fiverr's rules.
  9. Depends completely on what they write when they contact me. If they only say 'hi' and nothing else, chances are high that it's spam (though not guaranteed). @vickiespencer shared a fantastic 'polite greetings while also being anti-spam' Quick Response a long while ago. I'll see it I can find it later. If the first contact is pretty clearly an actual inquiry, it'll usually have some information in it about what the potential buyer is looking for. Remember, they're not an actual Buyer until there's an order placed. This is important psychologically, as you will get spam, and you must identify those quickly so that you're not wasting your time on them, when you could be converting actual Buyers or even doing life stuff. Anyway, if a potential client provides information, it is (in my experience) almost never complete, so after a polite "Thank you for reaching out to me," I'll ask a follow-up question to get more information. Important: bring up cost early, especially if there are any signs that: a) they didn't actually read your gig page, b) something is beyond the scope of your packages because it's quantitative (you offer 10, they want 20), or c) something is beyond the scope of your packages because it's not something you can do and you would have to outsource that portion. Most people to not have either the knowledge about or the skill for what they are seeking. It's a part of your job as a Seller to help the potential Buyer make an informed decision, including if you are not the right Seller for them because of their budget. By bringing up cost early, you are helping yourself, because if they can't afford your fees they need to move on. Again, this is so you can focus on other things rather than someone who will never become a Buyer, just like with identifying spam quickly. Do not compromise your prices.
  10. Well said. It's rather like a business's vision statement and/or mission statement. "This is what we do, and why we do it." Also, Sellers: leave the emoji out of it. Unless your target market and buyer persona are the types to actually like 'em, don't. It's unprofessional. Especially since most are unicode, and different devices and browsers will display them differently.
  11. That's a Help Center page on what to do when you get the first order, not how to get the first order.
  12. Okay, yeah, after a closer look: definitely a fake. It's been a LONG time since I had to verify my ID, so I couldn't remember the exact processes.
  13. That one... might actually be the true ID verification process. What's the domain on that? This is the Fiverr Help Center page on the process (official): https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/13127850435345-Verify-your-identity If you have doubts, contact Fiverr directly though the actual Fiverr site (footer > Support: Help & Support > footer again > Contact Us button). Customer Support may take some time to get back to you, just to be forewarned. DON'T open multiple tickets.
  14. It's up to the Buyer if they want to permit you to display the order: Source: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010509437-Live-Portfolio
  15. Section 8.1 in the ToS, second point.
  16. Yes, they're all scam attempts. Fiverr had no barrier to entry, so scam accounts can be made with no limits.
  17. As for how I'm feeling... Well... (In a rushed, venting voice/tone:) I very nearly quit my day-job last Tues, because my boss reprimanded me rather harshly because I forgot the instructions he gave concerning one of our A/R that was giving us trouble. The weekend just before that some of my family visited, one of whom I hadn't seen since before the 2020 lockdown and the other only once since then and only for a very quick two days, and while the visit went great, we ended up at our decided point of interest for their trip right before it closed, so didn't get to see it because they closed the gate early, and I was the one to do most of the many hours of driving over the span of three days. And there was the week before the visit, which was stressful due to preparing for the sudden visit, because I'd gotten less than a week's notice that they were coming. So, how am I? Stressed. Recovering. As for summer plans, none yet. Though next week (still spring, so doesn't count) thinking of going to the NC Pickle Festival, weather pending.
  18. Report and block. It's not a setting, but by reporting it, Fiverr can better identify these types of scams and prevent them from reaching Sellers in the first place. dealing with spam and scams is a part of being in business, and as a freelancer it's a part of your job to identify and deal with them. (Also, please read the rules. Both the Fiverr ToS and the forum rules.)
  19. Thought of another But I didn't write it down So I lost the thought
  20. It's already listed in the forum rules that they count as plagiarism, so if you see forum posts that are AI generated without the source cited, absolutely feel free to report them.
  21. It was short and fun My family is crazy 😁 Sad to see them go
  22. I'm not sure this counts, because it's more 'outdated' than 'pointless', but I use to work in a film-processing lab. 35mm hasn't quite gone extinct, but all my knowledge of that industry is pretty much pointless now except in historical and trivia context. I suppose it isn't completely useless, should someone bring me beta work set in the time-period before digital cameras, but the odds of that are rather slim.
  23. Have you followed none of the links that have been provided to you? The very first one took you directly to the Fiverr Help Center. All you had to do was type 'withdraw' into that search bar, and you would have gotten this: Not listening to people does not reflect well on you as a potential Seller, and in fact dives many people away.
  24. Had family visit Couldn't come on the forums It's been a long week
  25. Read. Research. Take advice from people who are already where you want to be, and ignore the people who have no track record.
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