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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. I’m glad you convinced them to make a trial purchase. Hard lesson to learn, but at least you didn’t get in too deep.
  2. Please keep updates in the same thread. It’s against the Community Standards & Forum Rules - 2020 to create duplicate threads. In the case of changes in a situation, it’s doubly important, so that people can see what advice you’ve already been given and/or what steps you’ve already taken.
  3. Welcome to the Fiverr forums. You only have 24 minutes of read-time shown in your forum profile. Check out the Tips For Sellers category (with filters applied --> forum.fiverr.com/c/Fiverr-Tips/tips-for-sellers/l/top/all?order=views). You’ll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources as there are some false tips, even among the top threads.) It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly. “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)
  4. Please see (DES) point 1: Basics to Improve Your Gig. A helpful breakdown and guide
  5. Even if you use non-copyright or royalty-free, be sure you credit the creator (“background music by: Allen Walker”). It’s polite for one, and shows prospective clients you respect copyrights and such.
  6. If it stands ‘late’ for two days, it will cancel without your input and cause an automatic-one-star. https://sellers.fiverr.com/en/article/cancellations
  7. You might have to cancel anyway. You plain can’t do the order. What did they put in the requirement’s field?
  8. If you’re closing your account and leaving Fiverr, then that’s your prerogative. Short answer: business contracts are complected. Forming a partnership or an LLC is a necessity when it’s with someone you don’t know. Again: If this person can’t hold up their end of the deal, is it worth the risk ?
  9. IIRC, it’s also against the ToS to offer a service that extends beyond 30 day. How would you “split the profits”? How do they define ‘marketing’? There are far, far too many people that think ‘marketing’ is spamming a thing in front of as many eyes as possible.
  10. Welcome to the Fiverr forums. Short answer is ‘no’. Long-ish answer: if you’re willing to sacrifice your Fiverr account. In which case you must ask if it’s worth the risk. Best answer I can provide: There’s nothing stopping you from making your own website anyway. There are several sellers for whom Fiverr is the supplemental, and not the main. There are several threads on this topic, though the search function can be tricky. Let me see if I can find one or two.
  11. This is a good question, but I don’t know if anyone here on the forums has a definitive answer. Sellers don’t have access to this information anyway, thus it is an ‘uncontrollable’. Technically, all reviews are ‘uncontrollable’. It’s better to focus on the things you can control.
  12. Welcome to the Fiverr forums. You only have 6 minutes of read-time shown in your forum profile. Check out the Tips For Sellers category (forum.fiverr.com/c/Fiverr-Tips/tips-for-sellers/l/top/all?order=views). You’ll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources as there are some false tips, even among the top threads.) It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly. “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin) Specific to your gig, please see (DES) point 1: There are also a bunch of useful links in the (RRD) section.
  13. Please see the (PRF) section in the link I already provided. And re-read (CPM) point 2. Please keep updates in the same thread. It’s against the rules of the forum to create duplicate threads. In the case of gig improvements, it’s doubly important, so that people can see what advice you’ve already been given.
  14. Most of your images are good. The only one that I don’t like is the color clashing in this one: Please also see (DES) point 1 and (CPM) point 2: Basics to Improve Your Gig. A helpful breakdown and guide
  15. Yes, there might be a problem. It’s always best to get CS permission/approval when two people use the same IP.
  16. Please see (DES) point 1: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/195299-basics-to-improve-your-gig-a-helpful-breakdown-and-guide/ There are also a bunch of helpful links in the (RRD) section.
  17. Welcome to the Fiverr forum. There are many delays happening with Fiverr right now. Did you pass the test? If you did and this persists after a few days, you can try clearing your cookies/cache, or try a different browser. If that still doesn’t work, you may have to contact Customer Support and could take upwards of 10 days to resolve.
  18. This and the other thread you replied to are both fairly old. Maybe create your own thread in the ‘bug’ category, detailing your own experience? You are welcome to reference/link both threads in your own, much like the OP did to “I found this detailed and amazing forum thread”.
  19. Please see (IMG) point 2. Also, consider adding/building up the FAQ section. As for movies and series, I rather like mysteries and action/adventure.
  20. I did use to have the 3-package set-up, but that basically came down to the exact same rate per word, just a bigger word count. Another regular user on the forums told me to abolish that, so hearing this is a bit confusing. Should I go back to the same tactic? I ended up messaging the guy twice, opening a dispute, and sending a message to CS. 24 hours ago, he accepted the dispute to give me more time, but he still hasn’t said a single word to me or delivered the needed files. CS hasn’t responded yet either, buy I hope they will sometime in the next 23 hours. If only we could turn off gig multiples, or turn off the ability to attach files… I have now added an extra Gig requirement asking if people have put the GDoc link in instead of another file, just to drive the point home in case they didn’t read the gig description, FAQ, or first requirement. I am so sorry for this. I did not realise just how broken this particular aspect of this category is. I’ve already tried to go to my thread to update it with this new information, but apparently I no longer am permitted to modify the OP.
  21. Do any of those correlate with a particular gig? Maybe some categories are safer for Fiverr to let be released early.
  22. Your video will be primary in the thumbnail. If you mean in the gig itself, you might be able to fix this by removing the images, and re-uploading them.
  23. I have the same problem & after 12 hours it says “You chose to archive this conversation. If you wish to send “buyerNam” a message, please unarchive the conversation first” He is a seller, now I can start conversation? It’s considered rude to hijack someone else’s thread with your own questions. If you are also a seller, and you were asking for work, you were likely blocked. If you’re a buyer, then maybe that seller has decided it’s not in their best interest to work with you.
  24. Is your ticket still open? You can respond again and state that it still isn’t working.
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