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Everything posted by vibronx

  1. Why would you report someone just because they asked for a higher price? It’s a right of the seller to ask whatever they wants, and it’s your right to find someone else if you don’t find a good rate from a seller. sellers can’t package everything they can do into only 3 packages. what they do is common packages for common requirements. Was your requirement common enough to fall into a package that the seller offered? If so you may think of reporting. If you think this platform is that terrible, and sellers are that terrible, and it wastes your time., why would you waste more of your time posting on the forum and stuff? you could move on to another platform where you have good prices. This is what I find, people come here expecting to get their work done for the cheapest possible. (I mean most of the buyers) that’s how Fiverr became famous. Like, get your work done for $5. but now things are different here. so when buyers don’t get the price they’re expecting they get mad. but what they don’t realize is that they’re already getting a massive discount compared to other freelance platforms. Because it is against Fiverr’s TOS to do bait-and-switch marketing, as stated in @imagination7413’s post. As someone who has bought a lot on Fiverr, this is something that I have found that sellers do a lot, and it’s incredibly annoying. I agree with the OP on that. That being said, the problem can be mitigated by not contacting sellers who offer services at prices that are too good to be true. They often turn out to be exactly that.
  2. Yes, that is why I always grow my beard out when I have a lot of orders in queue! It is an important step to keep the momentum going!
  3. It is certainly the most polite thing to do if they do not give you their name. And many won’t. I don’t give out my name to sellers/buyers anymore as some have tried to harass me on social media. Also, read this. It’s helpful to know what not to call your buyer:
  4. If your buyer does not give out their real name, they probably don’t want you to have it, and you should respect that. It is safest to just call them by their username.
  5. I don’t really see a fact. I see a generic claim. Once again I am not able to understand what it is you are talking about. How are you “granted access” to the “best buyers”? By bringing them to Fiverr on your own? Fiverr then rewards you somehow? I think @kendal1747 is saying that the people you bring from outside will help you level up, which will then bring better buyers - meaning the level will bring you buyers. That is how I read it, anyway. I think most buyers care much less about levels than us sellers do. Maybe TRS or Pro can help sway a buyer as they look shiny and different, but I think the offering is much more important than a level. I will add that you can get access to those same, higher quality buyers no matter your level through positioning. However, I do not advertise or promote outside of Fiverr. In my opinion, we have all the tools necessary to market our gigs effectively within the Fiverr platform itself. We are given millions of potential buyers within the platform and a thumbnail/video, pricing, titles, gig images, PDFs, and gig descriptions to attract them. That is more than enough for me to attract buyers successfully. Also, as @frank_d said, we will be getting the option to advertise off the platform soon through Fiverr, and I am looking forward to seeing what that brings. Lastly, thank you so much for creating this thread, Frank. It has been a very interesting read!
  6. As @vickiespencer said - some buyers feel more comfortable leaving their true opinion in a private review. Though, as a buyer who always leaves reviews and often buys a lot at a time, I find it a bit annoying to get notifications about leaving private feedback. I still do it anyway as I know it helps sellers, but I don’t like being asked to give feedback twice.
  7. You already completed at least one job, so just do the same thing that got you the first job.
  8. When you’re missing your bro @captainwarlord… 😢
  9. Very important and true words! This is one of the reasons why staying online 24/7 can never work. We are limited as humans. Work cannot be everything in our lives. Thanks for sharing. Also, congratulations on all your amazing success! $100,000 in a year is just mind-blowingly awesome!
  10. Thank you so much, @maitasun! 🙂
  11. It would be interesting to hear from someone, but I suspect that most people who ask for tips on the forum are not able to comprehend the advice they are given - either because of language barriers, unwillingness to accept and apply criticism, because it is too much work, or because they simply do not have the necessary skills to apply them. Also, I suspect that some of the sellers requesting tips are not really looking for advice but are just posting random threads because they have heard that posting on the forum will bring them sales (which is not true, by the way). Many say “thank you for your valuable tips” when you point out that their gigs are breaking ToS, something that should require immediate action, but if you look at their profiles weeks later, they still have the very same gigs up. Again, I think many simply do not comprehend what we are telling them. Of course, this does not apply to everyone. Some genuinely do want help. In fact, I have seen a few people I have helped on the forum gain sales after applying my tips. Personally, since I started reading the forum, I have stopped offering “Unlimited Revisions” after hearing all the horror stories. I never had any issues, but at least now, I never have to worry. It was also useful for me as a new seller at the time to hear that not all buyers are necessarily good people. Sometimes they are out to trick you or hurt you.
  12. Oh no. …Can I skip the “count calories” part? Can I wait until April to do this? I’m sorry, I’m addicted to chocolate and poking my cat’s toe beans. I like the squishy feel. Sorry, I use an umbrella. …am I invited? 😉 Jokes aside, congrats!! 🍾 Thank you, @zeus777! Of course, you are invited, but I am afraid all the food is gone by now. 😉 Thank you, @lilychinadancer! I sure hope I will like it! 🙂 Thank you so much, @vickiespencer! I think it is about time Fiverr gives that badge to you too! Thank you so much, @english_voice! I think you deserve to get it too. Hopefully, Fiverr will realize that soon as well. Thank you! I am afraid I cannot help you more than I already did by creating a list of tips in the first post of the thread. Thank you so much, everyone! 🙂
  13. Thank you, @ahmwritingco! Hmm… I don’t know. I might have too many autographs to write now… Nah, of course, I will be there. I doubt I will ever get anything right, though. 😅 Thank you both - you can see some of my tips by reading the first post. There is a whole list of them. You can also check my response to @devsakwib. Thank you so much! 🙂
  14. Yikes, that has got to be a challenge! I wish you good luck! Thank you so much for the post and your well-wishes. You are definitely right that we should do what makes us happy. I wish you a successful 2021! Thank you so much for the kind words, @wordsfire. It is really nice of you! 🙂 Thank you so much, @enunciator! Thank you so much, all of you! 🙂 And it was my pleasure, @craxyprints. I hope they can help at least a little bit.
  15. Thank you! You seem to be mightily successful, judging from the number of reviews on your profile, so I am sure you will get there! 👍 Thank you, @donnovan86! And, of course, you are absolutely right about the blocking! I was being anxious about being too trigger-happy for nothing! Better safe than sorry. It was my third time being nominated. The only change I really made recently was to raise my prices by $5 last month as I couldn’t keep up with the demand. I also started responding to every review recently, but I am not sure if that has any effect. Thank you, @lloydsolutions! Thank you, @frank_d! Indeed! The first step for me will be to improve my gigs inspired by @marinapomorac, who I think has done an awesome job with her videos, images, PDFs, and descriptions. Thank you so much, @alphagev! Thank you for your contributions to the forum as well! 👍
  16. Thank you so much, @greystorm2! Meditation is great! Cold showers can make you more focused, but I gotta say that I do mostly take hot showers during Winter! I am not all mad! Also, it is snowing for the first time this year here now. It feels a bit magical. ❄️ Thank you so much! I cannot really add much to what I posted above, but I think some of the things that helped me be chosen was the fact that I have never delivered an order late (only extended delivery two times when I was sick - more than 18 months ago now). Also, I have only ever canceled 1 order out of 432 and have never gotten a negative review. Though, I think that has more to do with my category not being overly subjective - and a bit of luck too. On that note, I find it helpful to always investigate my buyers before agreeing to an order. Are they often dissatisfied? What are their reviews like? Moreover, I check what they write in their reviews of other sellers. Do they most often emphasize speed, quality, communication, or something else in their reviews? If I see their reviews mostly focus on one thing, then I will also give that one thing a bit of extra attention (Of course, your work should always be top-quality in all regards, but it never hurts to be aware of a buyer’s expectations). Thank you so much, @olyasr! I am very happy to hear that! 🙂 It is a pleasure to have you be a part of the forum!
  17. Thank you so much, @williambryan392! I am sure you will get there too - your posts are top-quality, so I am sure your clients are very satisfied as well!
  18. I was sleeping in today when I was woken up by the recognizable Fiverr email notification from my phone. “What is it now? It is Saturday morning…” I mumbled to myself before stumbling out of bed to check my phone. The words “Congratulations! You’re a Top Rated Seller!” were blasted over the screen as I unlocked it. I gasped. “What? That can’t be true…” I checked my profile. Sure enough. The badge was there. I ran to my girlfriend to show her, but she is doing a group project for her class on Zoom, so now I am here making a bragging thread. I have been selling on Fiverr since mid-May 2018, having started on here as a buyer in December 2016. For the first 12-15 months of selling, I was more concentrated on other projects and still in school, so I probably used “Out of Office” mode twenty times. I became a Level 2 seller on August 15, 2019, and it is only during 2020 that I have really started to earn a lot here. I got nominated for Top Rated Seller for the first time in November, so I got the badge on my third try. In fact, I never thought I was going to get the badge. Fiverr had never chosen me for anything. Never a Rising Talent badge and never a Fiverr’s Choice badge before the beginning of this month. I thought they would never choose me due to the fact that I have blocked 161 people on Fiverr (yes, I have counted - more than 100 of them happened during one month, though, where I was being targeted by spammers). I think it is customary to give tips during a self-congratulatory post, so I will just say that the thing that has helped me the most is to study marketing techniques, read the forum and listen to the successful people here, do your own research, and think before you speak. However, I will also copy a list of tips I gave in another thread: Study effective marketing techniques - “Principles of Marketing” by Phillip Kotler and Gary Armstrong is a good place to startLearn effective business communication - “Excellence in Business Communication” by John V. Thill is a good place to start.Read Fiverr’s Terms of Service and the Community Standards carefully.Use common sense.Think before you speak.Follow this Bible verse (you don’t have to be Christian - it is just generally good advice): “Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.”Trust your gut. Do not work with a buyer if something seems fishy. And, if something seems too good to be true, it most likely is.Know your boundaries and put your foot down when you need to.Continue reading and learning every day.Work hard.Never cut corners.Lift weights, do cardio.Eat healthy and count your calories.Meditate.Take cold showers.Do not get addicted to anything.Never misrepresent yourself. Make sure you can actually complete your offering to a professional standard and be honest about what you can do.Make sure to take breaks. Taking your weekends or at least Sunday off is healthy. Spend time doing things you enjoy and spend time with your family and friends.Study your competitors. Make sure your gigs stand out and adjust them if needed. Never rest on your laurels.Learn to accept and apply criticism.Use sunscreen.I am just overjoyed! Gonna be some partying tonight!
  19. They become disheartened because they start selling without having done a lick of research beforehand.
  20. vibronx

    Where are you from?

    I am from Denmark. Probably the only one here. 😢
  21. When a buyer asks you to lower your price for a translation gig because a text has “words that appear repeatedly” …
  22. Have you seen anyone who has actually made any sales (or more than a few) suggest that? I can see how it can work if you are a super good illustrator, posting some fan art that is relevant to a subreddit, and including a watermark, but otherwise, I do not think that is where you are going to find most of your target customers. Besides, most Redditors (not all, but many) are very young (teenagers) and have very little money to spend.
  23. Who has won clients from Reddit? As far as I know, Reddit frowns upon overt advertisements.
  24. I can tell you why you are not getting orders: You have several spelling mistakes in the headline of this forum post, and you have capitalization errors, grammar errors, and missing spaces in your gig descriptions. How can a buyer trust you to do data entry work if you make simple mistakes like this in very short texts? You write that you are “A Trusted Seller on Fiverr.” You haven’t gotten any orders yet, so how can you be a trusted seller on Fiverr? You proclaim to have “100% Positive rating.” You have zero reviews as you have no orders, so that is simply false. How can a buyer trust you if you lie so openly? “100% satisfaction or money back” - This basically means that you are willing to cancel any order for any reason whatsoever. You will be opening yourself up to scammers. You end your gig description by writing what you expect from your clients, one of the things being: “Always leave feedback after i deliver the work.” You cannot control whether your buyer leaves you a review or not. Receiving a review is a privilege, not a right. In fact, asking for reviews can result in a warning or a suspension, so I suggest you remove this from your gig. Your thumbnails are exactly the same, and they cut off (at least on my monitor). They are also very messy to look at. You should fix this.
  25. What’s that, my bro? You don’t like being called a bro? But why, bro? You are the coolest bros of bros, my bro. There’s no better bro than you, my bro. Bro fist! 😍
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