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Posts posted by maitasun

  1. 3 hours ago, louisestalla said:

    March 2023:

    • Mobile App was logged-out and upon logging back in I received "Your account has been temporarily suspended" notification.
    • Sent a What's App and Email to my Customer Success Manager asking what is going on. 
    • CSM informs me she will review and get back to me ASAP. 
    • Automated notification from Fiverr Customer Support that my account has been permanently suspended. No reason given. 


    3 hours ago, louisestalla said:

    Clearly the impact on me, my wife and our family has been huge.


    3 hours ago, louisestalla said:

    Needless to say - I do not know what Fiverr term I was in breach of. I have thoroughly reviewed them and cannot tell that I did anything wrong.


    3 hours ago, louisestalla said:

    I have finally reached a position emotionally where I can write this post without driving myself crazy, but I thought it was a story worth sharing.


    3 hours ago, louisestalla said:

    I wish you all the best!


    40 minutes ago, louisestalla said:

    - Please see e-mail thread showing Fiverr CSM set up multiple meetings with me and different members of Fiverr staff. I do not have a picture inside the office as I was attending a business meeting, but I have all meetings detailed and the specific invite. 

    - There is no format error. It is a picture taken from my iPhone back when the account was live.  I have attached another one I have from March 2022 showing $170,000 back then. 

    So, you say "[you're] posting this about [your] business partner who's (sic) account has since been banned.", nonetheless you speak in the first person. Let's get this straight. 👇


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  2. 1 hour ago, pmpprofessional said:

    Hi, I hired an illustrator for my children's picture book but found that the sample she shared to me has car related images straight downloaded from internet. with 5 mins research I found those images from internet and sent to her. I asked her to create new ones as I dont want to use those. She said she will fix it, but I am losing confidence in her. Any suggestions about what should I do? I dont want my first book to be ruined by those free images. I did not sign up for that. Also, that is a violation of terms of conditions on Fiverr as far as I know. I did not pay $$$$ for this kind of work.

    Hi @pmpprofessional

    Just cancel the order and search for a good and honest illustrator. It will save you time and headaches.

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  3. On 5/16/2023 at 11:22 AM, imagination7413 said:

    Why are you asking people to bookmark your gig?

    On 5/16/2023 at 4:54 PM, vickiespencer said:

    Why? Asking others to favorite or bookmark your gigs has nothing to do with your success on Fiverr.

    People think Fiverr is Facebook or Instagram. They live through likes and love... 🙄

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  4. 4 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    I looked at your profile. You had one delivery 25 days ago, and you are NOT a TRS! 

    Vickie, if you check, you'll find he wasn't speaking about himself but citing the thread's title. But, you know, not everyone knows how to quote properly. 😉

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  5. 15 hours ago, dianeofmusgrave said:

    My gigs are gone again.


    15 hours ago, dianeofmusgrave said:

    I was plagiarized and reported it yesterday. 


    13 hours ago, dianeofmusgrave said:

    and the reported plagiarism are the only things that I can think of.

    Hi, @dianeofmusgrave. Yes, having been plagiarised might be the reason why your gig disappeared. It happened to me not long ago. 

    From time to time, I check to see if there are any sellers plagiarising any of my gigs and there was when I found that not only had one of my gig descriptions been stolen, but my gig had also disappeared. I didn't notice until then.

    I reported the seller for plagiarism, letting CS know about my gig not showing up on search and kindly asking them to please look into it. The next day, everything was solved! The seller's gig was taken down (hopefully, with the seller getting a warning) and mine was back on search!

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  6. 29 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

    Fringe related: One aspect that I don't think has been brought up (because it doesn't really affect us directly), is the Homework thing. (Kids are a study in contradiction. They're smarter than most adults give them credit for, mostly because they can sometimes do really dumb stuff.) One advantage kids have is that they learn fast. More than just kids, though, students will learn things that they need to learn (if and when they want to learn it), and they will learn ways to get out of doing the thing that helps them learn or prove that they've learned (when they don't want to learn, or have trouble learning). Again, convenience. 

    I know for a fact that students are already using ChatGPT to do their homework, and not just high schoolers. College students too! Lab reports, essays... you name it. Just imagine what kind of professionals they will become... Sad, very sad...

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  7. 1 minute ago, catwriter said:

    True. And there's nothing that Fiverr can do to force buyers to hire writers instead of using ChatGPT.

    As for sellers who cheat, they just have another way to cheat, and hopefully Fiverr will keep cleaning house and removing cheaters.


    In the same way that Fiverr has cleaned and removed cheaters who offer translation services and use Google Translate, or any other machine-translation software, passing it off as being manual translations? In that same way?

    I'm sick and tired of seeing how buyers are being scammed by these "translators" and, yet, there you see them—they even have the Fiverr's Choice badge on their gigs...

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  8. 2 hours ago, melanielm said:

    "Because if I if I need to have like 10 writers that will write 10 articles a week, now I can have why I engine that will write thousands of articles in an hour and also generate large volumes of content weekly." (Quote from the transcript that obviously contradicts the above claim.)

    And not only that...

    @editors_picks, I don't want to be disrespectful, so please don't take my words the wrong way.

    Right now, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of sellers on Fiverr claiming to be "expert writers" offering English writing services. They cannot even spell Fiverr correctly, let alone put two sentences together. All they do is plagarise and spin content they find throughout the internet.

    The same is true for the logo category. Thousands of sellers claiming to be "expert designers"...

    In my world, that's called fraud.

    How is letting sellers, especially the above-mentioned, use AI any different from what they already do?

    We see scammers all day long on the forum, one after the other. Do you really think these people will state anywhere: 'Hey, I no longer spin or plagarise internet content. Now I copy-paste for you AI content!' when they don't mind stealing from the internet, be it content, logos or whatever, and passing it off as their own?

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  9. On 2/17/2023 at 2:16 AM, networkmaster11 said:

    I am level two seller on fiverr. 3 Months ago everything was fine. I competed 103 orders on my profile and all having 5 stars rating. Suddenly my ranked gig disappear from the search bar and promoted gig option was also disabled. Now all gigs are active but does not showing on on any search bar

    I checked your profile and saw you got a 1.3* review two months ago. Most likely, a poor private review as well.

    The above, along with the number of cancellations you might have had during this period, is what took all your gigs out of search. It will take some months for your gigs to be searchable.


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  10. 5 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    I hope so ...there are so many ways to "drive web traffic" to a gig, so it makes me wonder why they chose to use that verbiage. It makes me think that they are including other methods, not just Google ads.

    I don't have a cheating mind, so I don't know which others would be. 😬🙈😂

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  11. 6 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    I also want clarification on what would cause Fiverr to shut you down for "sending web traffic to your Gigs." This wasn't clear on the updated Community Standards.


    2 minutes ago, theratypist said:

    I think they mean Google ads platform as that has always been in the TOS.

    I also think they're referring to Google ads. From Fiverr's ToS 👇


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