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Posts posted by maitasun

  1. 21 minutes ago, newsmike said:

    But since you won't know if you are speaking to a potential buyer or an AI test it is a good test of how one actually responds, no? 

    It would be, yes!

    Although, in this particular case, I wasn't responding to an AI but to @donnovan86. 😂 Because Fiverr has no mercy with sellers. 😉

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  2. 11 minutes ago, moonstaredits said:

    As soon as I said the "magic words", they just went "oh ok thanks"

    I don't even get a sad little thank you. They just go MIA. 😂 That's not fair. 😭

    One of the last ones to message me wrote "... If you want to call me I can be reached by phone at xxxx." Needless to say never again to hear from her after my reply: "As for calling you, all communications must be kept within Fiverr. Doing otherwise is a violation of Fiverr's TOS."

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  3. 1 minute ago, newsmike said:

    What about my sneaky AI chat bot idea posted just above?

    I sometimes think Fiverr is implementing it already. From time to time, I get weird messages that really make no sense from "buyers" who don't seem to be ordering from anyone, but suddenly start messaging. And after you say the magic words like "that violates Fiverr's ToS", go dormant... As if those messages were a bait.

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  4. 18 minutes ago, moonstaredits said:

    Or at least they should be able to take a test before being eligible for making a gig in the category...

    Tests don't work. Fiverr tried this already and it was a fiasco. Tests were flawed and outdated, among other things.

    Even today's English test that Fiverr requires you to pass if you want to activate a writing or proofreading gig is flawed. And, worse, the answers can be found on the internet. So, here on the forum you get to see sellers, whose English is as bad as it can be, offering English content writing and English proofing gigs because they got to pass Fiverr's test.

    That's the ugly truth, and I guess we'll have to live with it.

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  5. 18 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

    I am sure the ability to read and understand is one issue. However, since the government of Bangladesh sponsors education for these freelancers, they should ensure there are instructions on TOS.

    Vickie, 90% of Fiverr's TOS is common sense, which means anyone should know even without reading.

    It's common sense not to steal from others. It's common sense not to cheat. It's common sense not to try to game the system. It's common sense not to be unethical. It's common sense not to scam people. It's pure common sense, nothing else.

    But even if there were people who never knew about those common-sense things, there's Fiverr's TOS and the forum to explain them what they mean in case they don't understand what they read—if they bother to read by any chance.

    The problem lies in them not listening to any of us, only to their people and the so-called gurus they find throughout the internet. And that will continue to happen because they're deaf to whatever advice we give them.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, newsmike said:

    I notice they are begging forgiveness, yet none has offered to return the funds they stole to the buyers they scammed. They just want the forgiveness without any consequences. Empty gesture as every crook cries in the police station after they are caught.

    What makes me feel little sympathy for any of them is the fact that none of the sellers who we tell and advise not to do what they're doing, because they'll get in trouble, take us seriously. They just laugh at us and even get angry, as we have seen many times. They only acknowledge their wrong doing after getting a warning or restricted or banned, but always justifying themselves for being misguided. Never because of their own faults, as if they were robots with no reasoning or discernment...

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  7. 13 minutes ago, bengaldesigner said:

    Ah, yes. I wanted to make the original post easy to understand for everyone. I think I succeeded. So I am done.😊

    I'm not sure you succeeded. I'm still trying to understand.

    So, what exactly happened? Were you all selling and buying reviews, and trading them with each other? Or was it something else? If so, could you please tell us?

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  8. 3 minutes ago, newsmike said:

    But why would anyone buy from them at $125, when they can get a pro starting at that price point.

    Because they don't mind quality, only quantity. For $125 they may get 4, 5 or 6 times more than what they would otherwise get.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, newsmike said:

    But this supposes that there would be a one time bump from $5 to $10. Once Fiverr frees itself from the unfortunate branding of "FIVErr", the bumps should be regular and progressive...to $15, $20, and so on. This is how they get to become the High quality, PRO/Fiverr Business site they seem to want. One cannot become a high end provider of quality freelancers, and at the same time a sweatshop of stolen content and copyright violations. 

    You'll still not be able to get rid of the cheaters, who are the real problem and give Fiverr the awful reputation it has. They will continue to exist, make business and deliver crap.

    • Like 16
  10. 9 minutes ago, markp said:

    1. people selling crap as you put it will have a harder time justifying it if the base price doubles or trebles. people accept it now and move on for that very reason. its 5$.

    2. these will eventually disappear if the sellers selling  5$  junk disappear.

    Not really, and I'll give you an example:

    If Fiverr sets its minimum to $10, a cheater, who right now is offering to translate 700 words for $5 in 1 day, will just double the word count and delivery time (1400 words for $10 with a 2-day delivery time) and adjust the rest of the packages as required.

    A neverending story: the cheater will continue dumping the price and cheap buyers will continue to buy from him/her.

    • Like 17
  11. 9 minutes ago, newsmike said:

    Just look at all the threads we discuss elsewhere where Fiverr is considered a joke because of the lowball price point. 

    It's not about the price point. It's about the low-quality services provided. You may start at $5 and still serve your customers with high-quality products. It's a matter of adjusting what is being offered for $5.

    The problem here is:

    1. Cheaters from all over the world, not just third-world countries, dumping the price serving crap and fooling buyers.
    2. Cheap buyers that don't mind quality and prefer to hire cheaters for cheap prices, even though they know they're being cheated by those types of sellers. 
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  12. 27 minutes ago, sanny7079 said:

    Okay, so you're saying that it has no effect on how much of an order is late.

    No, @uk1000 was just explaining you how the order completion will affect you. It has nothing to do with the late delivery, which also impacts your account.

    So, if your late delivery, no matter how late and assuming it is because you didn't deliver the order on time, is cancelled, your stats will be hit with both On-time delivery and Order Completion Rate. Why? Simple. Because your account has already been affected with the 50-day late delivery and then it will again be affected if that order gets cancelled. Two penalisations at two different moments in time.

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  13. 41 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

    I am a proofreader and copy editor. I, too, want to apply for an editing award. Where did you apply to get yours? 🤔

    According to his profile, he has a Proofreading & Editing Award from The Daily Observer, 2021 (From Google: The Daily Observer is a daily newspaper in Bangladesh).

    Anyway, he also states in his profile description that he's "... a writer of English Grammar, and with over 10 years of editing and writing experience (...) *****My Unique Quality: I am an ERROR POLICE, which makes me stand out, so let me improve your project!"

    • Like 10
  14. On 12/21/2022 at 1:29 PM, uk1000 said:

    I get a lower number of results when I search for "voice over" (about 26,315). It could be because there are active gigs in the voice over category that don't get returned with that search, eg. ones called "I will record your podcast intro..." rather than having voice over  in the title/description.

    That could explain the difference between the number of results that @catwriter Andy and @moikchapget and the one I see. But yet, not even near to @newsmike's 10,065... 🤔 

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  15. 4 minutes ago, moikchap said:

    All I did to get my numbers was select the Music & Audio category from the bar at the top, then select the Voice Over sub-category. It should be similarly unfiltered. Since my last post, that same filter now shows 32011. A drop of 13 in about an hour.

     I did it much simpler. I just typed voice over on the search bar. I'm too lazy, I guess... 🙈😂

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  16. 27 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    Here's a tip: don't plagiarize. For example, don't copy your profile description from an American freelancer on another platform.

    Here's another tip: don't claim to be one person in one gig and a team in another. It makes you look suspicious. And with tens of thousands of graphic designers and social media managers on this platform, it's easy to pick someone else.

    Ohhhhhh, we're listing tips. Nice!! 😃

    Here's mine: Don't steal logos from the internet and pass them off as yours. 🙄😠

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