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Posts posted by maitasun

  1. 16 minutes ago, shuvo_va said:

    I am sure. It showing still now on my seller profile. There is not option to cancel this popup.

    Did you read UK's post about installing any extensions? 👇

    2 hours ago, uk1000 said:

    Did you install any recent extensions with Fiverr in the name? Maybe that could be it (so it could be running the free version of the Fiverr Mate browser extension)  - if you're using Chrome go to the "manage extensions" menu and check.


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  2. 34 minutes ago, shuvo_va said:

    I'm confusing. This notification also showing in my Fiverr profile as well as Forum profile. The notification is not avoidable. Should I register this Fiverr Mate?

    Are you sure you're logged to Fiverr and not to a fake site?

    This is what I see:


    2. As a seller:


    3. Forum:



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  3. 4 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

    But, AI's so....sexy. It's such a cool tool that will make our lives easier. We simply adapt.

    Yeah, I guess we'll simply adapt to writing boring wills just to make our magnificent and smart AI happy in the hope that it will look at us with loving eyes and keep our rating safe, even if we annoy our buyers.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    We can see a little more data, but we can't see our scores in all six areas (only 2-3 key areas). For the others, we don't know how those key areas are rated by the AI (i.e., strong negative impact, negative impact, room for growth, positive impact, or strong positive impact). And even further, we don't know how AI breaks down each of those ratings.

    I insist Fiverr is throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. There's no consistency whatsoever.

    Just as an example: The gig I posted above showing "room for growth" in the communication area, and "positive impact" in the order cancellation area, used to show "strong positive impact" in the order cancellation area and nothing else. So there, "used to show": past tense of the verb "not anymore". 

    It's admirable to see how Fiverr pulls things out of its hat. Pure magic, and we all love magic. Don't we? 🥰

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  5. 55 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    The 2-3 Key Areas that Fiverr shows for each gig seems to be the lowest-scored Key Areas (based on the 6 used by Fiverr). I have zero order cancellations,

    Sorry to disagree. I also have zero order cancellations and, yet, all my gigs show "positive impact" in that area, even if the gig has a SC of 10. Fiverr is just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks...

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  6. 11 minutes ago, newsmike said:

    But that's all within acceptable parameters.  😆 At least Google had the honesty to say, "we're pausing our AI" till we learn how to make it work.  Fiverr won't do that, they are all in no matter the damage, because admitting otherwise would not 'appear trustworthy."

    The problem here is how much more that stu... adorable AI wants me to communicate with my buyers. Until they get sick and tired of me and kick my 🍑 for pestering them??? 😡

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  7. 23 minutes ago, newsmike said:

    They are manipulating the metrics for marketing purposes, and putting the worst AI on the planet in charge of it. Google, X and others have interesting experiments with artificial intelligence running, but Fiverr is the only platform I'm aware of that is developing "artificial stupidity."

    Two different "me"s... I guess Fiverr's almighty AI found my long-lost twin I didn't know about. 🥳 🎊🎉

    Gig A:


    Gig B



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  8. 1 minute ago, Alex.M said:

    I've heard this in the past but how do you actually do this...  I'd be annoyed if I would receive messages as a buyer with something like '' hey please don't forget to respond to your private feedback thing ' or whatever it's called ... I don't really find it professional to send such follow-ups to my buyers

    Fiverr just wants us to do its dirty work. And if we play along, we could even get a bad private review from our buyers for pestering them.

    So, forcing us to do it, is a win-win situation for Fiverr: AI gets fed (or not) and our ratings go down as planned by Fiverr's 'geniuses'...


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  9. 4 minutes ago, texvox said:

    Somewhat related - my Seller Plus SM also told me via email that not having enough positive private reviews can cause you to fall out of favor with the algo even if you don't have negative private reviews.

    And Fiverr calls it science... 🙄

    At this point, I don't know which face would be the most appropriate one, a 🤦‍♀️ or a 🤡😑


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  10. People keep forgetting that buyers can leave private feedback without having to leave a public review. That on the one hand.

    On the other hand (and here I'll play along with Fiverr)... Fiverr says it's being more transparent. Ok, include your poorly written and subjective private feedback in our rating calculation and breakdown. Buuuuuuuut... Do you know what transparency would really mean, especially if you were playing fair? Letting us know how none-perfect private feedback translates into a 4.9, 4.8, 4.7, or whatever, and how many perfect feedbacks are needed to counter each of the not-so-perfect ones.

    How else would anyone know what to do to improve whatever is not perfect? It makes no sense to have customer satisfaction metrics with a "strong negative/negative impact" showing on the gigs if the seller doesn't have the tools to counter and make it better. Parameters must be objective, never subjective—especially if you're using them for calculation.

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  11. 26 minutes ago, zeus777 said:

    Jokes aside, whatever is going on with Fiverr I ain't that surprised anymore, but I wonder where in the heck is this all headed, adding all of these ( meanigless...?) new stuff??

    To Fiverr becoming a meksell-freelance platform. That's where this is heading.

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  12. 51 minutes ago, Kesha said:

    For this, I would recommend reaching out to Customer Support to get help in this situation. 

    @KeshaSo are you saying that after more than a month I can message my buyer letting her know she can contact CS to get her rating corrected and I won't get a warning???

    This was her message just seconds after rating me, and my reply telling her not to do anything because I could get a warning. This is how I knew I got hit with the "value for money", even before I had time to read the review. 



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