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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. That guy claims to also speak French, and Spanish, and Italian. Wanna bet he doesn't? Also, presentation is very important. This is a global marketplace. Images should be good. Videos should be good. Copy should be good. Everything should be good on a Pro gig - or it shouldn't be there. Regardless of vertical. Otherwise, it makes the "Pro" gigs look less appealing, makes the platform look less professional, etc.
  2. I have nothing against promoting people to Pro - as long as they are properly vetted, manually. I just posted a gig here that was promoted to Pro. The seller does have reviews. It doesn't look Pro at all.
  3. But it did mean something - in theory, their work and profile would have to be vetted by Fiverr for quality. I see terrible sellers with thousands of reviews all the time. That is what doesn't mean anything.
  4. In your case, the question is why you were not Pro before. This is not what we're worried about here...
  5. My issue is not with the pricing, but with the quality. If we have pro sellers with low quality gigs (bad copy, for example), that makes the entire Pro section look less Pro. This is bad.
  6. Interesting. Can definitely test him on that Spanish.
  7. He has a Pro gig. He has been made Pro.
  8. There are two things at play here. 1 - Some Pro sellers received an e-mail saying that Fiverr would bet heavily on Fiverr Pro, new stuff coming out, etc. No details on what those changes will be are known yet. 2 - Concurrently, several sellers (level 2 and trs, at least) have been converted by Fiverr into Pro sellers, without an application. They received an e-mail saying they are now Pro, and that e-mail also briefly touches on the idea that Fiverr is investing in the Pro platform.
  9. They aren't accepting them. They are automatically converting sellers that didn't even apply. Some of them with gigs with... questionable English, etc. The threshold seems to be selling price, mostly.
  10. Same here. I don't know if I should be worried either. But probably not? Definitely less worried now that I know @frank_d didn't receive one, at least.
  11. It can be. It can also have something to do with some very interesting numbers on the quarterly earning report - namely, that more than half the revenue Fiverr made came from orders over $200. This means it may make sense to focus on higher priced services more, and less on the low value gigs, and try to do an aggressive pivot to becoming a more professional platform, targeted directly at businesses.
  12. Still waiting for my e-mail... did everyone else receive it at the same time?
  13. Although we don't have data on that, and it's not mentioned in that e-mail. We just heard about a couple of individual cases (or even just the one, actually?) If I recall correctly, Fiverr invited some people back in the beginning of Pro, before they even opened the applications, to get the ball rolling.
  14. Didn't get the email yet. Quite curious about what it will look like.
  15. It's not mandatory, afaik. Visual Studios is two people, I can't put a single name on there, and it won't accept two names.
  16. Not a lot of love for board games around here, I see. I played twilight struggle with a friend the other day, and had a blast. We finished around 6 AM though, it's quite the long game.
  17. Fiverr already has the rising talent badge, which is just that.
  18. That guy is crazy, god damn. I've had people contact me asking to actually steal things all the time ("can you remove this watermark from a video..."). You just say no and move on. You do not engage like that. He's playing with fire there.
  19. If you don't know what you're doing, it will be obvious anyway. If you know what you're doing, it will be impossible to tell, since you won't just copy paste. So it's kind of a moot point. ChatGPT is a great tool, but the user must be skilled. If they're not, it's pointless.
  20. 1 - Where's the data that shows that applies to almost everyone? 2 - Fiverr offers PayPal as well 3 - Crypto would be interesting, but I don't see that happening, still lots of issues with that market
  21. I have no doubt by looking at you. Oh snap, this made me lol actually.
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